Seller and Buyer Reviews

Seller and Buyer Reviews

Hoping everyone had a great Canada Day and you had a chance to participate in the Canada Day Contest.

And just FYI, don’t forget that has a place for buyers to submit a Seller Review. Head over to the Hamshack Connect Forum to post a Seller review. Users can also post information about attempted Scams and other info pertaining to or ham radio in general.

The Forum has been operational for several months and was intended to provide a resource for buyers to check seller feedback prior to purchasing an item, as well as a repository for the other subjects.

Hopefully the Forum will see some activity and serve as a useful resource on the site 😉

73 Don VE7DXE



Southwest Tech Solutions
Netty Electronics
Taylor Raine Communications - ham radio sales
Innovative Circuits, Electronics Repair
Fletcher Electronics
Fleetwood Digital Products
MD Electronic Services
Radio Test Equipment Repair and Calibration - VE6WMR