ham radio canada

ham radio equipment for sale
Try Canada’s most advanced source for used amateur radio communications and electronics equipment. Use the powerful Search tools to instantly find ham radio HF transceivers, mobile radios, amplifiers, antennas, antenna tuners, receivers, vintage ham radio gear and much more. View all ham radio buy and sell listings.
Ham Radio Courses
Hamshack.ca has launched a new QSL (Question Specific Learning) Ham Radio Courses section. The The Basic and Advanced Amateur Radio Courses have been developed using hamshack's innovative QSL learning methodology, designed to make the learning process more straightforward, turning complex amateur radio concepts into accessible and comprehensible material for students. QSL moves beyond repetitive memorization, focusing on the 'why' behind answers to deepen understanding and improve retention of course content.
find a ham radio club near you
Amateur radio clubs play a crucial role in promoting and advancing the hobby of amateur radio, as well as providing essential services to the public during emergencies. The Club Repository is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about amateur radio clubs and the communications and logistical support provided by these groups during public service events and emergencies.
browse ham radio products and services
Discover a wide-range of products and services for amateur radio hobbyists listed in the Hamshack.ca Vendor Directory. The Directory connects users with vendors who support the amateur radio hobby through the provision of communications and electronics related goods and services. The Vendor Directory is a great way for vendors to reach a targeted niche group of hundreds of new customers every day. Contact VE7DXE if you want to be listed in the Vendor Directory.