contact ve7dxe is a work-in-progress project intended to fulfil a need for a consolidated, more robust swap and shop site for use by licenced Canadian amateur radio operators.  With this in mind, we’re always looking to improve the site. So, if you have ideas that you’d like to see implemented use the Contact Form to send a note and I’ll do my best to include your suggestions in future releases. Also, if you run across a ‘bug’ or other minor ‘nit’ I’d like to hear from you. 73 – VE7DXE (Don)

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Transmission Lines and Antenna Systems

Advanced Antenna Design Quiz

This challenging 20-question quiz delves into advanced antenna design, targeting seasoned ham radio enthusiasts eager to test or expand their knowledge.

1 / 20

In a phased array, what is the primary method to achieve a directional pattern?


2 / 20

Which antenna is known for having both horizontal and vertical radiation patterns?


3 / 20

How does the gain of a two-element Yagi compare to a dipole?


4 / 20

What happens to the radiation resistance of a short dipole as it's made shorter?


5 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a primary component of a quad antenna?


6 / 20

What is the main benefit of using a log-periodic antenna?


7 / 20

What type of antenna uses a long wire with a series of loading coils or capacitors?


8 / 20

Which antenna has a radiation pattern shaped like a figure-eight?


9 / 20

Which of the following best describes a collinear antenna design?


10 / 20

What is the primary advantage of a stacked antenna configuration?


11 / 20

Which type of antenna is most sensitive to the height above ground?

12 / 20

What determines the resonant frequency of a loop antenna?


13 / 20

What antenna configuration uses a driven element with a parasitic element to achieve directionality?

14 / 20

How is the feed point impedance of an end-fed half-wave (EFHW) antenna typically characterized?

15 / 20

For a quarter-wave vertical antenna, what is the ideal number of radials?

16 / 20

Which of the following antenna types exhibits the highest gain?

17 / 20

What is the primary radiation pattern of a vertical antenna over perfectly conducting ground?

18 / 20

What is the primary purpose of using a balun with a dipole antenna?

19 / 20

In a Yagi-Uda antenna, which element is the longest?

20 / 20

What is the primary advantage of a Beverage antenna?

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The average score is 45%
