Help with Advanced Amateur Radio course Questions

Help with Advanced Amateur Radio course Questions

There are currently 276 students enrolled in the Advanced Amateur Radio Course on at various stages of completion with some having completed the course and gone-on to complete the accompanying exam and receive their Advanced Amateur Radio operating licence. Others are working their way through the course material, and many others have enrolled in the course and plan to start soon?

I’m glad that so many hams have taken the opportunity to take the course to advance their amateur radio knowledge and move forward with their hobby activities.

Students currently studying the course material may want to use the Forum to exchange course ‘notes’ and discuss answers and or problems with specific questions. Unfortunately, I simply do not have the time to answer questions related to course content or assist students ‘stumped’ on a particular set of questions.

Hamshack Connect Forum

Please do contact me if you find an error in the course material and I will do my best to correct it. Please use the Forum for all other questions, etc.

Best 73


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