Yaesu ft-1000d

Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
Yaesu ft-1000d
$900total price

One of the best radio ever made. FT-1000d Radio, Hand mic, and DVS-2 Digital voice recording unit . The D suffix means that the following options were included from factory: BPF-1, TCXO-1, XF-C, XF-D and XF-E.

  • Phone: 9028075025
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: vy2nx
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: Good
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost.
  • Shipping and Payment Comments: Shipping extra at cost