REDUCED! Rfinder B1+ Dual Band DMR 4G/LTE DMRoIP

REDUCED! Rfinder B1+ Dual Band DMR 4G/LTE DMRoIP
REDUCED! Rfinder B1+ Dual Band DMR 4G/LTE DMRoIP
REDUCED! Rfinder B1+ Dual Band DMR 4G/LTE DMRoIP
REDUCED! Rfinder B1+ Dual Band DMR 4G/LTE DMRoIP
REDUCED! Rfinder B1+ Dual Band DMR 4G/LTE DMRoIP
REDUCED! Rfinder B1+ Dual Band DMR 4G/LTE DMRoIP

$1800 plus shipping. Owen Sound. Like new includes spare battery, lapel mic/speaker, USB-C cable, power cord (Andrews connector) and charging stand. Also included is the little plastic cover for USB, mic and spkr ports. RFinder charges $30 for this little piece of plastic!  6GB RAM / 128 ROM.  Screen protector & spare, no scratches

This package includes DMRoIP and APRS-IS integration.
DMRoIP allows connecting to DMR networks via 4G or Wi-Fi, in case a local repeater or hotspot aren’t within reach. This means that you will always have access to your favorite DMR networks.

The RFinder B1+ is the most advanced Dual Band (VHF/UHF) DMR Transceiver combined with an embedded, powerful smartphone (Android). It delivers up to 4 Watts of RF Power out of its very robust case.

The RFinder B1+ is now fully capable of DMRoIP, which means that even without a DMR repeater, you will still be able to connect to your favorite DMR network using the cellphone network. Additionally, DMRoIP NetRoam (a specialized feature that allows your device to roam from network to network while using DMRoIP) is included in this release.

Compatible with most worldwide cellphone providers, including Bell, Rogers, Verizon, AT&T, T-mobile, Google FI, etc.

73 Rob VE3RWY

  • Phone: 519-373-7077
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: VE3RWY
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: As New
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, PayPal
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost.

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