Radioddity QT80 quad band transceiver

Radioddity QT80 quad band transceiver
Radioddity QT80 quad band transceiver
Radioddity QT80 quad band transceiver
Radioddity QT80 quad band transceiver
$300total price

For Sale a brand new Radioddity QT80 four band all mode radio. Output power is 80w max. Modes include SSB, AM, FM, and CW. Operational bands are 15m, 12m, 11m, and 10m.


This radio has never been used. Only powered up to update to the latest operating and DSP  firmware. I have two of these radios, and do not need a second. Save over $140 over buying direct.

Payment is by EMT or cash only. Please contact me via email, text, or phone.


Andy VA6SZ

  • Phone: 780-910-4333
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: VA6SZ
  • Item Condition: New
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost., Pickup offered., Will deliver locally.
  • Shipping and Payment Comments: Actual shipping costs will be added, or local pick-up in the greater Edmonton area. Payment is only EMT, or cash.

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