MFJ desk mic MFJ-297

MFJ desk mic MFJ-297
MFJ desk mic MFJ-297
MFJ desk mic MFJ-297
MFJ desk mic MFJ-297
MFJ desk mic MFJ-297
MFJ desk mic MFJ-297

I got this mic with some other equipment.   sold it once and took it back because someone said they couldn’t get it to work (but wanted $50 back cause his friend could).    I looked at the wiring attempt and it didn’t make sense for his rig.   I haven’t taken the time to test on my 990 as I already have desk mics and don’t have the time.   that being said, it is being sold as is, no return.

connector parts are in the bag.

  • QRZ Validation
  • Phone: 6137910767
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: Good
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, Cash
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost.
  • Callsign: VE3SJU