Kenwood TS-140S 1.8-30 Mhz 100W HF Transceiver and General Coverage Receiver

Kenwood TS-140S 1.8-30 Mhz 100W HF Transceiver and General Coverage Receiver
Kenwood TS-140S 1.8-30 Mhz 100W HF Transceiver and General Coverage Receiver
Kenwood TS-140S 1.8-30 Mhz 100W HF Transceiver and General Coverage Receiver
Kenwood TS-140S 1.8-30 Mhz 100W HF Transceiver and General Coverage Receiver

Kenwood TS-140S 1.8-30 MHz 100 W SSB/CW/AM/FM HF Transceiver and General Coverage Receiver includes fused 12 V DC power cable, optional 500 Hz narrow CW filter ($100 value), optional CAT USB cable ($50 value), original MC-43S 600 Ohm dynamic hand microphone and original manual.

Also watch for my related listings for West Mountain Radio RigBlaster Plus computer interface wired for Kenwood mic jack and RS-232 to USB cable, for HF remote or digital modes,  Radio Shack Boom Mic Headset modified with Heil HC-4 microphone element with Kenwood microphone connector and Kenwood SP-120 external speaker, extra large foot switch wired for Kenwood TS-140S accessory plug with amplifier PTT and ALC cables, none of which are included.

Great radio for beginners, a backup rig, a dedicated FT-8 or RV rig.

Will meet up or deliver in the greater Montreal and Eastern Townships areas of Quebec, bound by Montreal, Sherbrooke, Drummondville & St. Hyacinthe.

Plus shipping cost.

  • Phone: 403-681-7388
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: ve2ntt
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: Good
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, Money Order, Cash
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost., Pickup offered., Will deliver locally.

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Innovative Circuits, Electronics Repair
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MD Electronic Services
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