icom t-10 dualband handheld with charger

icom t-10 dualband handheld with charger

brand new icom t10 dualband handy with box,etc.


I bought this new and have now decided i want a mobile radio.

willing to trade for a  LDG  at 100 pro 2 tuner,or ldg at-200pro 2

icom  2730 dualband ,ic-2300 or v3500 mobile in very nice condition.

yaesu ft-2980  or alinco dr-135t or what have you got.


these normally sell new for 329 at the big store and do come on sale ,but i am willing to trade up or down. a fair value trade . lets talk. really needing a mobile unit!  willing to pay some difference.



  • Phone: 2504975651
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: ve7ren
  • Item Condition: New
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer

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