Fleetwood Digital is now a Primary Supplier for Retevis Amateur Gear!

Fleetwood Digital is now a Primary Supplier for Retevis Amateur Gear!

Great news for all hams…Fleetwood Digital is now Canada’s first choice for all Retevis Amateur Gear!

Be sure to check with Fleetwood Digital first if you’re planning to buy Retevis gear. With expert knowledge and top-notch customer service, Fleetwood Digital is now the go-to destination for purchasing Retevis Amateur Radios in Canada. The Fleetwood Digital team is dedicated to providing accurate and detailed product information to allow you to make the most informed purchase decision as possible.

Shop Fleetwood Digital Here


Plus, Bill from Fleetwood Digital has been a solid hamshack.ca supporter for the past three years!

Please support Bill and buy local.

Thanks Bill! 

73 Don VE7DXE 

Southwest Tech Solutions
Netty Electronics
Taylor Raine Communications - ham radio sales
Innovative Circuits, Electronics Repair
Fletcher Electronics
Fleetwood Digital Products
MD Electronic Services
Radio Test Equipment Repair and Calibration - VE6WMR