Parts Radios Needed.


Hello to all.  I am in need of more parts radios.  If you have something on my list that you would part with for an amicable about of $$ you would be helping me, help other hams get their gear fixed.  I am only looking to purchase radios that you know to be in “TOUGH” shape.

  1. Yaesu FT-857 and or /D
  2. Icom 703 QRP Rigs
  3. Yaesu FT-897D
  4. Kenwood Ts-50. QRP 10W  or 100 W models. Not concerned with how bad the caps have leaked.
  5. Any HT’s you might have that have Major issues, like the older Kenwood Dual Bands or the VX-5/6/7 etc.  NO DIGITAL STUFF PLEASE. I’m an Analogue Man.
  6. Mobile rigs. Like the TM-series Kenwooods etc. Old Dual Bands.  Quads bands etc.  Hams still use these for a reason, they are timeless but some need TLC.

Parts are getting very hard to find. A lot of fake stuff on Fleece-Bay these days. 20+ years ago Manufacturers  made decent equipment and now not so much.  The older stuff is repairable.  The newer stuff … not so much.  Tougher for sure.

If you have something on my list contact me please.



  • Phone: 7057916634
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: VE3NLS
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: Parts Only
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer

Southwest Tech Solutions
Netty Electronics
Taylor Raine Communications - ham radio sales
Innovative Circuits, Electronics Repair
Fletcher Electronics
Fleetwood Digital Products
MD Electronic Services
Radio Test Equipment Repair and Calibration - VE6WMR