Palstar AT1500CV Antenna Tuner

Palstar AT1500CV Antenna Tuner
Palstar AT1500CV Antenna Tuner
Palstar AT1500CV Antenna Tuner
Palstar AT1500CV Antenna Tuner

Condition is actually almost NEW since it was purchased and used in my shack twice to test with an antenna and QRP 5watt radio.  The unit was placed in storage prior to house moving and never used since.

This tuner is rated for 1500 watt PEP as well as 1000 CW.

NOTE: All the gear I have for sale has been used in a smoke-free environment.

Advertising Literature reads:  The AT1500CV is a solidly constructed high power antenna tuner using a heavy duty silver plated copper coil. This unit is built to last Matches dipoles, center fed doublets, G5RVs balanced feeders, Verticals, single wire, delta loops, beams, windoms, Inverted Vs, Built in 4:1 balun for balanced wire feeders Bypass position for quick straight-through antenna connection with SWR/POWER monitoring. Bypass switch output can also be used with an added optional 4:1 balun to feed an all-band ZEPP antenna tuned from the built-in antenna tuner located in most commercial transceivers, 6 position antenna selector switching Average power meter reading to 3000 Watts Standing Wave Ratio measurements with a illuminated crossneedle meter. Vernier dial plates for more accurate settings.

  • Phone: 9024125872
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: VA1DS
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: As New
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, Money Order, Cash , Other
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost., Pickup offered., Will deliver locally.
  • Shipping and Payment Comments: Buyer pays shipping and will ship whatever courier you prefer. Unit weighs about 10 lbs.

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