Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER

Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER
Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER
Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER
Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER
Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER
Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER

Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER

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Motorola Signal Generator S-1329A-1 POWERS ON WITH CORD / ADAPTER. I checked a few frequencies in the 9 to 34 mhz range with my frequency counter and it was fairly accurate. No other testing completed. From a electronics repair store. Given it’s age, it’s very likely that it’ll need some level of service before it can be used with any real accuracy. This will require cleaning as the dials/case and face are dirty.
  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: VA3NRF
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: Good
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, PayPal, Money Order, Cash , Other
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost., Pickup offered., Will deliver locally.

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