Hamtronics 220MHz T-302 Exciter

Hamtronics 220MHz T-302 Exciter
Hamtronics 220MHz T-302 Exciter
Hamtronics 220MHz T-302 Exciter
Hamtronics 220MHz T-302 Exciter

Hamtronics 220MHz Exciter.

Tuned and Tested; 1.54Watts out at 13.6VDC (at less than 400mA).

Please note this is NOT easily frequency agile. It is currently programmed for 224.620MHz. Hamtronics is no longer in business and the programming software was never freely available.

Pre-Emphasized and Flat audio inputs (tuned to provide ~ 4.1kHz deviation with 40mV pk-pk on pre-emphasized input, and 1V pk-pk on flat audio input for full 5kHz deviation).

Photographs of the exciter and test set showing the device under test here:




  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: VA3UV
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: As New
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, PayPal, Cash
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost.

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