FT-817 accessories wanted


I’m a new Ham with an FT-817 that I’m kitting out for mobile (POTA/SOTA) operation. I’ll be a transitional radio as I play and learn, so I’m hoping to not put too much $ into the current radio  

I’m looking for mobile ft-817 accessories – encoder protectors, digital mode hardware (FT8 and similar) and radio specific cables (CAT, etc). Suppliers are falling away as the radio is out of production, and I’m hoping to avoid spending yet more $$ on USPS/UPS/etc  from the few suppliers that are left.

If you’ve got useful accessories hanging on to an old FT-817 that’s collecting dust … please drop me a line. 

Solacity Inc. Solar & Battery Solutions for Ham Radio
Southwest Tech Solutions
Taylor Raine Communications - ham radio sales
Innovative Circuits, Electronics Repair
Fletcher Electronics
Fleetwood Digital Products
MD Electronic Services
Radio Test Equipment Repair and Calibration - VE6WMR