FS – Misc Acc. New items
……For Sale …….
** the ham inquiring about the mfj418 and other items, pls email again -lost email.
Radiowavz Scout Cob Web 10m thru 20m portable hf antenna – great for POTA
ALINCO DM330mv 30 amp switching power supply $175
MFJ-4230mv 30amp switching power supply $95
similar to pic
RARE- You cant buy them new anymore
BRAND NEW – Never Used – MFJ-1786 HF Mag Loop – Sold new for $980
Pick up / meet up only at this time $630 obo
Rig Runner 4008 $95
Rig Runner 4005 $70
West Mountain radio ISOpower $90
MFJ-259 antenna analyzer 1.8 to 30 Meg $120
MFJ-1704 – 4 position antenna switch with ground $70
LNR 10m endfed antenna $35
LNR 15M endfed antenna $40
LNR 20m endfed antenna $45
LNR 40m endfed antenna $45
Brand new in bag – Slinky 10 thru 40m antenna $50
CQ-HAM Portable Mag loop antenna $95
MFJ-418 Morse code tutor – like new $100
GRA1899 multi band hf antenna ( same as MFJ) $80
KN4YB single lever key $110
20db switchable attenuator $20
similar to pic
CW-Morse Iambic key $80
MFJ-462B cw and data reader $50
similar to pic
Clear speech audio filter speaker asking $120 Bests offer – sells new for $300
RF vector VHF and up analyser $60
similar to pic
HF projects 100W multi band HF amp with built in SWR/powr meter 5w in 100w out very small in size $430 obo
QRP Labs 40m QRP rig $45
similar to pic
Xiegu X6100 HF QRP Transceiver with optional grab handles, like new, plastic on screen, mic , manual and original box $590
Vintage Sonar HP-23 tube CB radio $95
Heil PR-781 professional mic with desk boom stand $180