DCI-445-10C UHF 440-450 Mhz Bandpass Filter

DCI-445-10C UHF 440-450 Mhz Bandpass Filter
DCI-445-10C UHF 440-450 Mhz Bandpass Filter
DCI-445-10C UHF 440-450 Mhz Bandpass Filter
DCI-445-10C UHF 440-450 Mhz Bandpass Filter

This 70 cm (440-450 Mhz) bandpass filter (12 x 8 1/2 x 3 inch)  can be used to reject out of band commercial signals, to reduce intermodulation in either base or mobile 70 cm transceiver receivers. Great if you are close to commercial UHF repeaters, UHF pagers on hilltops or high office towers, where your 70 cm radio picks up these signals in addition to the 70 cm signal you are trying to receive. Can pass up to around 200 W of transmitter power in the 70 cm band. Comes with 2 N type female connectors to install between the 70 cm transceiver and antenna and covers from 440-450 Mhz of the 70 cm band. To see my other listings please follow this link: https://hamshack.ca/author/ve6tc/

  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: ve6tc
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: As New
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, Money Order, Cash
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost., Pickup offered., Will deliver locally.

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