910.25 Mhz ATV (Amateur Television) Downconverter #2

910.25 Mhz ATV (Amateur Television) Downconverter #2
910.25 Mhz ATV (Amateur Television) Downconverter #2
910.25 Mhz ATV (Amateur Television) Downconverter #2
910.25 Mhz ATV (Amateur Television) Downconverter #2

This 900 Mhz ATV downconverter will let you to receive local ATV transmissions by allowing the signal to be viewed on conventional TV channels using a female F connector.  Operates on 12 V DC. Connect your 900 Mhz antenna via the female BNC connector. Look for my other ATV listings for other ATV equipment to get on ATV with a friend in your area. To see my other listings please follow this link: https://hamshack.ca/author/ve6tc/

  • QRZ Validation
  • Callsign: ve6tc
  • Item Condition: Used
  • Used Condition: Good
  • Payment Types Accepted: eTransfer, Money Order, Cash
  • Shipping and Pickup: Will ship at cost., Pickup offered.

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