Wow – Simon VA7BIX is taking the airwaves by Storm!

Wow – Simon VA7BIX is taking the airwaves by Storm!
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Wow – Simon VA7BIX is taking the airwaves by Storm!

Ever Meet a Ham Who’s Taken the Hobby to the Next Level?

We all enjoy ham radio in different ways…but if your ham radio experience has been feeling a bit lackluster, it’s time to discover the incredible world of Canada’s own Simon “HamJazz” Stribling VA7BIX.

I recently had the pleasure of attending a Field Day event with Simon, and it was a real eye-opener, transporting me back to my first few years of operating HF. Simon has a ‘jaw-dropping’ enthusiasm and dedication to the hobby that I’ve rarely seen in all my years of ‘hamming’. For many, working HF might mean participating in local rag-chew nets, checking into traffic nets, a442501nd chasing the occasional DX station. All fun stuff, right? Well, if you want to take your HF activities to the next level, check out Simon “HamJazz” Stribling VA7BIX.

Simon is passionate about ham radio and is committed to getting new hams on the air through his YouTube channel. Look for Simon on the HF bands during his regular scheduled session every Wednesday at 22:00 UTC daily. Make a contact, get inspired, and follow along in real-time by watching the live-streaming event on Simon’s YouTube channel!

Be sure to subscribe to Simon’s YouTube channel and check out popular videos on all things ham radio, all presented in a captivating and energetic style that only Simon can ‘pull-off’! Where else can you enjoy titles like: “Incredible Fan Dipole With Chopsticks and Ethernet Cable!” What a refreshing resource for the ham radio community.

So, whether you’re a seasoned operator or just getting started, Simon’s insights and tutorials will reignite your passion for ham radio. Don’t miss out! Check out his YouTube channel for a wealth of knowledge and join the exciting world of ham radio with Simon “HamJazz” Stribling VA7BIX.


73 Don VE7DXE