Hat Horizons Operators Radio Club

Open to amateurs of all ages, our club is a nice collection of friendly people with a wide variety of experience in the hobby. We meet a couple of times a week in person at the club rooms for coffee, as well as nightly at 7PM we meet via SKYPE. We operate an ARES net every Sunday morning at 09:00 local time on our VE6HHO 2 meter FM repeater, and nightly at 03:00 UT, our IRLP node 1100 is connected to the Saskatchewan reflector 9300 for the Saskatchewan 2 meter link net, also via the VE6HHO repeater.

The club operates a full radio station with all new equipment including an ICOM 7300 HF rig. In addition, our VE6HHO repeater features the latest in the YAESU FUSION repeater operating in both FM and FUSION digital modes. The repeater was purchased recently as well. We are listed in Repeaterbook.

We are an active group comprised largely of retired persons that take a keen interest in the hobby of amateur radio, and our group meetings reflect that spirit. We have some very experienced retired radio and electronics professionals in our membership ranks who really add to the organization and its skills level. We welcome both newcomers and experienced operators alike in any range as long as they are interested in amateur radio. Our meeting location is at the Medicine Hat Airport in a clubhouse that we share. You’re welcome to locate us on the local VE6HHO repeater via IRLP 1100 or call 403-581-4106 for more information on how to join us.


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