my hamshack account
Login to Access to your My Account Dashboard.
- New to the site? Complete the ‘First Time User’ Form below to request a Account.
- If you’ve been redirected here from the QSL Advanced Course page and don’t have a account, complete the ‘First Time User’ form to request an account and leave a comment indicating you want to access the course material.
- If you already have a user account, contact VE7DXE to request access to the QSL Advanced Course.

Please complete the Form below to request a User Account.
The Registration process has been fortified due to the number of SCAMS plaguing Canadian buy and sell sites.
Let’s keep safe for all users!
73 Don VE7DXE
- You may receive a phone call or text message from Don (VE7DXE) to validate your account request.
- Your Location information entered will be compared to the QTH information registered on-line at and the Industry Canada websites.
- Please indicate if you want access to the QSL Advanced Radio Course.
- Please do not submit an account request if you are not a licenced amateur radio operator.
Please help support - may receive a small commission when an Affiliate Link is clicked, or when a third-party item is purchased. This money is used to pay the costs of running the site.