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I Miss Swap Meets

The virus is dead! We need to get out in the sunshine more often!

While hamfests are starting to come back, they are few and far between. And often a half-day (or longer) car ride away. I really miss the informal swap meets that used to happen, once upon a time ...

Would anybody in Vancouver be interested in trying to get something going? Say every couple of months we set up shop in a church basement or something similar that we can get in exchange for a small donation. Seller spots by donation to the venue. All very low key and informal. It would sure help me clear out the mounds of gear that have been accumulating, and it would get people meeting face to face again.

Don Rosberg has reacted to this post.
Don Rosberg

Good call Lyndon, the last swap meet on the island was in Courtenay which is great for hams located in the mid-island. Unfortunately that's a 3 hour drive each way from Victoria.

Would be great to see more 'informal' and impromptu swap meets held locally too. BC should watch what's happening in Alberta for examples...seems that the Alta hams (and ham clubs) are much more active than their BC counterparts with smaller swap meets held every few weeks.

Here's a link Quarter Century Amateur Radio Club to the QCARC newsletter which lists the next meet in Oct. I think that have already been 3 or 4.

So, yeah, let's get some local meets happening 😉

73 Don VE7DXE

I grew up in VE6; guess where the idea came from? 🙂

--  ve6bbm