Vendor Type: Commercial

Contact: Earl Andrews

Phone: Check Website

Location: Elliot Lake, ON P5A 1C5, Canada

Hours: Always Open on-line

Netty Electronics

Vendor Website Summary:

Netty Electronics’ dedication to recycling promotes sustainable amateur radio restorations!

  • Good new old surplus parts (NOS) guaranteed and tested
  • Crystals are my specialty but I also have transistors, ICs, capacitors, resistors and parts from older ham radios and CB radios. Capacitors I test for both tolerance and ESR (loss) where applicable
  • If you have older junk radios such as Drake, Heathkit, Ten Tec and other radios including old CB radios I can take them as either donations or I can buy them outright or perhaps we can work out a trade.

73 Earl VE3AB (ham since 1972) – I work by email mainly



Crystal Inventory

Item Description
*** for bin XT19C if you dont find the rock look in XT19A perhaps a bit of a mixup
0.11520 mhz or 11.520 khz Standard Oscillator metal module Toyocom japan model 21080 in BIGB BLACK TRAY
0.019 19 khz long metal rock in LO crystals bin
0.025 mhz (25KHZ) Long Crystals bin
0.0384 (38.4 khz) long crystal in COMROX BIN
0.04225 (42.5 khz) in a wee box in bin MSX long xtal hc13u
0.048 (48khz) in a wee box in MSX hc13u long xtal
0.056 mhz (56khz) Long Crytsals bin
0.068 mhz (68KHZ) Long Crystals bin also 1 in larger xtals bin
0.076 mhz (76 khz) in Long Crystals Bin one and 1 was SOLD 8 MAY 2022 - long note: vintage Radiometer SMG1 - trying to learn how to do AM/FM tuner alignment...bought it cheap from a surplus store. Unfortunately when I opened it up I discovered someone had removed the 76khz crystal from it which is required to generate the 19khz pilot signal
0.085180 quartz xtal made in UK ch6 old round tube in ODD xtals bin (GEC)
0.100 mhz (100 khz) in Long Crystals bin also XST19B also the below 1 mhz bin also perhaps SFXTALS1
0.100mhz 100kc qty 1 large crystals pheonlic case abt 2in. by 1.3in by 1.7 in rough dimensions 3 terminals 4 screws to hold top on in LARGER XTALS BIN .100 mhz
0.101 mhz 101 khz in with the 100khz crystals
0.1040760 mhz 1040760 khz tall metal xtal in long crystals bin
0.104092 mhz or 104.092 khz round large crystal 1/2 in dia and abt 1.75 in lg stored in larger xtals bin also one in SMALL CCA M/M BOX on a small cca (2 cca that have this rock)
0.104092 mhz or 104092 khz qty 3 large round crystals with radial leads in bin below 1 mhz
0.1141493 mhz or 114.1493 khz larger size metal crystal 1.25 in. tall and 1-1/8 in w in Larger Xtals bin tested good
0.114750 114.750 khz large metal xtal ft243 mixed bag bin probably now in more big rocks bin
0.13224 in below 1 mhz bin
0.13592 mhz in below 1 mhz bin
0.135938 mhz in below 1 mhz bin
0.15750 15.750 kc tall xtals bin black sides tall can
0.16 mhz 16khz in CRZ xtals bin Northern Eng labs rock
0.176 OLD Glass cylinder GEC England UK 176khz in BIG B BLK TRAY NOS white box
0.181984 mc 0.183592 mhz or 181.984 and 181.592 khz three pin xtal hc6 size in low freq crystals bin
0.185 mhz (185 khz) in Long crystals bin
0.189 mhz (189.000 khz) in low freq crystals bin
0.192 mhz 19.200 khz xtpg1
0.193.964 and 192.398 (three lead crystal/filter) in MORELOWS crystal bin
0.208 mhz 208.0 khz XTALS MSX BIN long crystal hc13u
0.21224 212.24 khz Bliley kv3 type round cylindrical crystal in BIGB TRAY
0.215 mhz (215khz) long shaped crystal in the Long Crystals bin
0.250 mhz color code green in xtal box J hc6
0.256 mhz (256 khz) in Long Crystals bin
0.286 286 khz 21low bin lite blue sides
0.304 mhz (304khz) in MORE LOWS crytals bin
0.307 mhz 307.2 kc TTL clock oscillator in low frq xtals bin
0.308010 in MORE LOWS CRYSTALS BIN also one in JUL bin green sides hc6
0.375 in lo bin hc6 Northern Eng labs qty 2
0.400 400khz in 400 TO 500KC bin
0.455 455kc ceramic resonator white color in POTT1 bin
0.455 455kc in JIMS xtals one bin also XT19B
0.455 455kc type H-24 James Knights co. 1.75 in. tall 3/4 in thk in LARGE20 bin
0.465 mhz 465 kc hc6 bin 20ABC
0.46680 HC6 BRWN sides in 400 to 500 kc bin
0.48325 hc6 in XX19 bin
0.48379 mhz or 483.79 khz hc6 size labelled rock in MORE LOWS BIN
0.500 mhz 500khz try 400 to 500 khz bin 1 ft241 500khz
0.525mc 525 khz tested good in Tested crystals tray row b labelled
0.554mc 554.22kc lo bin xtals color red
0.555?? cant read the complete freq in MORELOWS crystals bin
0.55569 mhz 556khz Lo bin xtals I have qty 3 of these hc6 size
0.555779 hc6 in Lo bin xtals
0.5858 585 kc hc6 in 500 khz to 1 mhz bin
0.655 mhz 655khz hc6 tested good xtal box L green color code
0.66536 mhz 665.36 khz ft101zd vfo bin
0.733 mhz 733khz in Below 1 mhz bin
0.8957 mhz 896 khz qty 2 color coded blk in lo bin xtals
0.9834 (983.4kc) hc6 styel JIMSXTALS1 bin wh tape tag
1.0 MHz Electronic Research Co. crystal oscillator almost 4 by 2 by 2 in. MOD# EROS-800 MG2-7A BIGBIG20 BOX
1.0 mhz blk lo bin xtals
1.0 MHZ MODULE Monsanto Crystal oscillator almost 4 in. by 2 in by 2 in. stored in BIGBIG20 BOX
1.000 mhz 1000kc qty 2 large crystals pheonlic case abt 2in. by 1.3in by 1.7 in rough dimensions 3 terminals 4 screws to hold top on in LARGER XTALS BIN 1.000 mhz see also more big rocks black tray
1.000 mhz 1MHZ 32C0401-G18 Crystal unit freq is 1 mhz General Electric 8 pin black shaped like an older receiving tube in more big rocks blk tray
1.000 mhz hc6 color code blue bin 20DEF
1.000 mhz in the 1-2 mhz (again) bin hc6 size
1.000 mhz long wire leads CRZ crystals bin
1.000 mhz qty 7 in the 1 to 2 mhz bin also one in 1 to 2 agn bin
1.000mhz (i have several of these xtals) in the 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.000 ft243 PR quartz xtal Peterson Radio green color
1.000 mhz in a 3 pin large pheonelic package in More Big rocks black tray
1.000 mhz black shaped like a vacuum tube 8 pin type cjl-40023b in more big rocks black tray
1.000618 hc6 in either the 1 mhz bin or the 1 to 2 mhz bin in its own little round case
1.035416 snelgrove hc6 bin 20DEF
1.070 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
1.080 mhz long wire leads hc6 size 1 to 1.5 bin
1.080 MHZ larger size two mtg screws on top Monitor products calif. tested good in Bigb BLK TRAY
1.200 mhz hc6 in 1 to 1.5 mhz bin probably more than 1
1.22880 hc6 1 to 2 bin
1.482453 hc6 1 to 2 bin
1.482483 mhz hc6 size in 1 to 2 agn xtal bin NOS one has a white collar around it
1.482485 mhz hc6 size in 1 to 2 Agn xtal bin NOS
1.500 in 1 to 2 agn bin
1.500 mhz crystals in the "right on freq"bin
1.500 mhz in 1-2 again bin also 3 hc6 in 1 mhz to 1.5 mhz bin
1.500 mhz ft243 in 1 to 1.5 mhz crystal bin try etsy 19 oct 2023
1.544 hc6 size wire leads in 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.544000 mhz metal can oscillators qty 19 in bagged xtals box also one in 1.5 to 2 bin
1.550625 hc6 wh tape in 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.5907 long wire leads in the 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.5907 stamped on the xtal 1.5900 mhz tested freq color code orange in 1-2 mhz bin
1.600 mhz 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.610 ZBB xtal bin
1.620 mhz labelled in the 1 to 2 mhz bin SOLD MAY2020 --- may2020 bin has been discontinued
1.630 HC6 qty 3 in HC6AA bin
1.630 mhz Spillsbury larger size xtal in MIXBLK2020 big blk tray
1.650 mhz Bliley Electric type MC82 pics 2019-11-21 big B tray blk tray note: measured freq 7.080 mhz !!
1.681 mhz hc6 404-184 wh tag in either heath bin or 1.5 to 2 bin
1.7 mhz 1.700 mhz SOLD end of oct 2023 hc 6 in 1.5 to 2 mhz bin qty 2 from parry snd flea 2022
1.704500 digikey Epson Oscillator new still in package, in the 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.724 ft243 Red color Crystals INC Ill. in 1.5 to 2 bin
1.757120 hc6 qty 10 in CRYSTALS 2019 large drwr Crystek brand
1.780 larg black ADMY ADM yellow tape in MORE BIG ROCKS BIN
1.782 in the 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.8432 hc18 short wire leads 1.5 to 2 bin moved from M xtals bin (discontinued) grn top
1.8432 Korea HC6 size in MSX bin also bin XT19C or perhaps XT19A also XTALS M bin also RR2020 bin also in 1.5 to 2 bin
1.885 3/4 pin spacing FEB 1944 vintage 1-5/8 in. by 1-7/8 in. large xtal Big ham rocks med. sized bin
1.86160 hc6 with wire leads in the 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.86450 mhz hc6 green code bin HC6AA
1.8943 FT243 PR xtal co. USA in ROCK20 bin
1.912 mhz hc6 in 1 to 2 mhz agn bin
1.9532 in 1 to 2 mhz bin hc6
1.96280 hc6 in 1.5 to 2 bin
1.96280 1.994 in the 1 to 2 mhz bin
1.96608 SOLD in 2018 had another demand for this one as well.
1.980 orange 1 to 2 agn bin
1.994 mhz
1.994 mhz color code blue in 1-2 mhz bin
10.00 MHZ ttl osc can in 10 mhz bin NOS FOX also XT19B
10.000 (S.I.U.) in 10 mhz bin also another tagged xtal in the 10mhz bin
10.000 mhz (4 crystals matched for a 10mhz bin) bound together
10.000 mhz hc6 bin 20DEF
10.000 qty 4 WGRD bin
10.0062 tested at 10.008 in 10 mhz bin HC6 size
10.010 viol top HUMB bin hc25
10.0125 25384 GEC wire leads DDY20 xtals bin & one red top & sides hc25 10 mhz bin
10.018 hc6 blue sides 10 to 10.5 bin 153.25
10.020 hc5 brwn top in 10 mhz bin HUMB bin hc25
10.0250 green top bin X2021 xtals
10.040 one in X2021 bin see also 10 to 10.5 bin hc6 blue sides also one in HUMB bin w/viol top
10.05120 mhz
10.0525 mhz crystal (pull) 10.05525 also one nos HYGain 5 in bin 10 mhz xtals demand for one mar6_22 sold one
10.060 measured estimate hc6 blue top actual 8.710 stamped value bin JUL
10.0917 hc18 long wire leads in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.100 mhz crystals low profile qty 2 in DonMIX xtals bin
10.100 mhz in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner underside of rig
10.110 small profile marked s101ecsn 10 to 10.5 bin
10.112 hc6 test estimate freq 30.340 stamped value in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.119 mhz tested 10.131.25 3 hold down screws BLILEY Electric Co. FT243 one bin pics folder 2018-02-01
10.125 hc6 lime green sides 10 mhz bin 121.5 mhz t stamped value also one w/blue sides
10.130 labelled hc6 10 mhz bin
10.130 est by meas labelled 30.375 121.5 hc6 in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.140 in 10 mhz bin green tag also mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin see also DON MIX bin & SASK BIN one grey itc hc25 in 10 mhz bin
10.141 hc6 brown sides 10 mhz bin maybe more than one
10.141666 HC8 BLue sides in 10 mhz bin qty 2
10.150 labelled hc6 10 to 10.5 mhz bin qty 2 also 1w/lime grn sides
10.1583 wh tape hc6 10 to 10.5 bin
10.160 hc18 in 10 to 10.5 bin & SASK BIN
10.160 hc25 ITC grey in 10 to 10.5 bin and one hc18 in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.160 mhz labelled YY2020 bin
10.160 in 10 to 10.5 bin hc18 wh dot on top
10.160 mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin also 1 gray one in Z19 also one in 10 to 10.5 mhz bin & sask bin
10.161 hc6 30.492 red sides 10 to 10.5 bin
10.170 extpg2 also one hc25 10 to 10.5 bin
10.170 grey Z19 bin possibly qty 2 & hc25 ITC grey in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.170 hc18 tew in 10 to 10.5 bin viol top more than 1 likely
10.170 mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin also a HCK rock as well in Z19 the estate items VE3AC
10.170 green top hc25 10 to 10.5 bin also look in xcb bin
10.170mhz, 10.240 mhz, 10.73863
10.175 hc6 157.892 labelled in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.170 hc18 grey in 10 to 10.5 bin & sask bin
10.170 hc18 grey in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.180 grey Z19 bin
10.180 tew in 10 to 10.5 bin hc18 blk top
10.180 mhz labelled in 10 mhz bin also one hc25 blk 10mhz bin also see 10 to 10.5 for more this freq
10.180 xtpg2 also one hc25 in xcb bin & sask bin also one white hc25 in 10 mhz bin
10.18333 hc6 lite blue sides 10 mhz bin
10.204 HC6 RED SIDES in 10 mhz bin
10.21666 orange sides hc6 10 mhz bin
10.2187 hc6 10 to 10.5
10.2197 hc6 brwn sides 10 to 10.5 bin
10.240 wire leads in the 10 to 10.5 bin
10.240 mhz in the radio shack TRC-424 cb radio soldered in wire leads
10.240 in the Uniden PC-9 Emergency type CB parts unit and probably other cbs also IC22s (seems to be a hot demand crystal.)
10.240 mhz color code blue in 10mhz bin NOW NEW BIN FOR 10.240 AND 10.245 (seems to be a hot demand crystal.)
10.240 mhz crystal removed from cobra sound tracker cb it is the one that was potted in beside the if can with the blue color ring and grounding wire soldered to can CBROX bin
10.240 mhz CTS Knights VCXO 970-3920-0 xtals 2019 large bin also see 10 to 10.5 bin nos 4 term
10.240 mhz in Cobra Ultra (small CB)
10.240 1 pull wh tag x103 removed from 13-830 midland cb now in CB SPECIFIC Crystals med size bin qty 2 in the 2 midland 13-830 cb radios from flea june 2022
10.2417 in TRC451 junker radio cb
10.244 hc18 in with 10.240 rocks
10.245 23.530 GRE in MSX bin also 2 in 10mhz bin colored red
10.245 grey KONY qty 2 bin X2021
10.245 mhz wire leads Kony grey CB ROX bin
10.245 Regency note: has nice pin sockets on this rock bin bin MSX
10.245 stamped value (hc6 size) in 10.240/10.245 bin NOW NEW BIN FOR 10.240 AND 10.245
10.255 mhz qty 2 bin X2021
10.6527 hc6 Hunt blk sides 10.5 to 11 bin wht label
10.275 mhz qty 2 orange sides 10 mhz bin
10.33500 hc6 blue sides in 10 to 10.5 bin
10.400 031T200 10 mhz bin labelled
10.4222 in 10 mhz bin
10.455 hc6 viol sides 10 mhz bin
10.470 hc25 test estimate in 10 mhz bin
10.475 (on SB34 crystal osc board SBE old rig) HC6 SIZED ROCK
10.5 labelled hc6 10 mhz bin now moved to Drake crystals bin h
10.555 mhz
10.555 STAMPED value and tested hc6 size in the 10 mhz bin
10.595 mhz N.K.D black also 1 gray hc18 in Z19 xtals bin also hc18 one in 10.5 to 11 bin & SASK bin
10.595 hc25 blue top in 10.5 to 11 ALSO 1 grey itc hc25
10.615 mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin & SASK BIN & GREY HC18 10.5 TO 11 and one ITC grey hc25 see also 10.5 to 11 bin
10.624 mhz in 10 mhz bin brwn tag
10.625 grey covering hc25 10.5 to 11 mhz bin new to me mar7-22 and one ITC HC25
10.625 N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin & sask bin
10.635 hc18 grey in 10.5 to 11 bin & sask bin could be more than 1 also one grey on in 10.5 to 11 AND one ITC hc25
10.6916 hc6 blk sides in 10.5 to 11 bin pssbly 2 of these
10.692 mhz SOLD-- seems to be a demand for this freq for ssb cb radios
10.695 mhz 3 pin xtal removed from Cobra Sound Tracker cb radio - its the one between the two if cans in CBROX bin
10.695 mhz SDK labelled in one of the gift bins probably gift1 also one NDK in XTALSONCCA BIN
10.695 ndk in 10 to 10.5 bin hc18 grey blk top one small cca in xtals assy large bin
10.695 mhz in CB Specific crystals mid sized bin also in midland 13-830 parts cb radio (x102)
10.6975 in TRC451 junker radio cb
10.6975 SYC in 10 mhz bin blue top
10.7 MHZ 3 pin xtal filter 10.7 MHZ Crystal or crystal filter one is in bin G8 SEE also bin G9 govt surplus part nr 11E05
10.7 mhz in 10 mhz bin
10.7 mhz model 1555 15 khz b.w. in Wayne box Piezo technology inc. qty 2
10.7 mhz in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner qty 3 (two on underside of rig)
10.7 qty 3 or 4 - 3 lead crystals or crystal filter special xtals bin also DONMIX bin (2 on ebay aug 2019) also one in XT19B
10.73863 grey kony hc18 in 10 mhz bin
10.738635 wire leads red top 10mhz bin
10.73-S blk top qty 6 at least in WGRD bin also qty 2 in 10 mhz bin
10.740 in 10mhz bin at least two of them wire leads
10.740 measured estimated freq BLUE top qty 2 WGRD bin also one teal color 10mhz bin
10.742 yellow tag in 10 mhz bin
10.75125 Taurus 172.020 T bin X20
10.7mhz 3 pin xtals qty 3 (2 color code red) in 10mhz bin
10.8631 hc6 SIZED rock in 10 mhz bin
10.997 mhz (close to 11.000 mhz) SIU DS-1100 stored in 10mhz bin yel label
10.997mhz (almost 11.00 mhz) yellow label in 10mhz bin
100.00 MHz abt 100 pcs Crystek Corp 016313 actual osc. freq 20 mhz in its own bin
100 MHZ CRYSTAL IN THE 100 TO 150 MHZ CRYSTAL BIN or maybe the Special xtals bin oscillates at 19.982 100MHZ
101.00 hc6 20.172 test in SPECIAL CRYSTALS BIN
101.75 mhz crystal Les Smith (this is a 5th overtone crystal) oscillated on 20.329 mhz stored in the special xtals crystal bin 101.75 mhz
103.000 mhz 5th overtone crystals qty 2 in bin 100 to 150mhz BIN and also see SPECIAL XTALS BIN FOR 2 NOS ones (I measured 20.577mhz w/tester) 103.000
107.75 seems to want to osc arn 14.060 PR Peterson radio larger crystals bin
11.000 fox wire leads red top WGRD bin
11.000 HC6 size in CRZ crystals bin
11.000 in 11mhz bin tagged
11.000 mhz color coded green in gift1 bin
11.000 mhz NYMPH (48029) (probably) this is a Ten Tec Crystal 11.000 mhz
11.000 fox wire leads hc18 in 11 mhz bin
11.000mhz measured 10.999 11 mhz bin
11.000mhz MP-1 MTron color coded violet 11 mhz bin
11.0035 black color uni y in gift1 bin also one in HUMB bin
11.005 mhz hc25 yellow tape in 11 bin
11.006 hc25 estimated by measurement brwn sides 11 to 11.5 bin
11.0135 black color uni y in gift1 bin also one in HUMB BIN
11.0235 mhz blak UNI y gift1 bin also one in HUMB BIN
11.0435 black color uni y in gift1 bin
11.0435 black covering UNI 11 to 11.5 bin new to me mar7-22 ALSO one in HUMB bin
11.050 hc18 viol top in 11 to 11.5 bin
11.0541616 hc6 vio sides in boatanchors bin
11.0590 on a wee small cca on a sqare IC MIXD bin (cardboard med size bin) also xtal in 11mhz bin
11.0592 mhz pulled xtal from modem grn top in 11 to 11.5 bin moved from XTALS M bin (disc) short wire leads hc18 one new one june 2023 in 11 mhz bin long leads hc18
11.0592 short leads hc18 red top in 11 mhz bin also one nymph grey in 11 mhz bin
11.05920 mhz xtal for mpu clock qty 3 nos Active bag in pat shoe box and see 11 bin as well
11.1125 mhz in demand for older cobra cb ..I dont think Ihave one here rite now noted 12April2020 as per demand rcvd
11.145 labelled hc6 11mhz bin labelled qty 2
11.151 Sentry 3 screws larger size crystals bin
11.155 FR105 in 11mhz bin tagged also set of 4 sold etsy 12 april 2023
11.155 mhz estimated by measurement red top wire lead bin 20ABC
11.155 MhZ OSCILLATOR $1.00 held in bin "small cca" 11.155 Mhz
11.155 MhZ OSCILLATOR $1.00 held in bin "small cca" 11.155 Mhz
11.155 mhz wire leads in xtals RR2020 bin now tagged and moved to 11mhz bin
11.15601 in 11 mhz bin yellow tape tag
11.161 or maybe 11.160 mhz part nr 519-0009-060 qty 2 i believe in DON MIX xtal bin
11.1775 mhz 11.179 mhz test freq using my oscillator 11 mhz bin
11.200 3 LEAD crystals qty 12 (6 listed on ebay) DONMIX xtal bin
11.225 hc18 yel tape in 11 bin
11.2358 hc25 wh tag 11 mhz bin
11.245 (pull from MOCOM 70 labelled) measured at 11.246 HC6 size 11 mhz bin
11.272 marked freq not available noted oct 1 2021 -11.276 measured in 11mhz bin
11.272 mhz in Sears Roadtalker 40 ssb cb in mandm box by the bar and one GRE hc18 in 11 mhz bin lime green sides
11.275 11.277 measured 11 mhz bin HC6 style
11.275 hc25 11 to 11.5 mhz bin new to me mar7-22
11.275 KDS6L grey in gift1 bin also HET OSC bin (tagged one) grey UNI
11.275 mhz labelled in het osc bin also 1 GRE hc18 grn dot lime green sides and top in 11 mhz bin
11.275 mhz in Sears Roadtalker 40 ssb cb in mandm box by the bar
11.2842 in 11 mhz bin branded UNI (UNIDEN) 11.285 mhz measured
11.285 UNI measured at 11.286 11 mhz bin one sold 12 apr 2020 one is likely in the Navaho TRC458 cb radio one new one june2023 in 11 mhz bin
11.2850 Mhz UNI Crystal in 11Mhz xtal bin 11.2850 mhz
11.2850 Mhz UNI Crystal in 11Mhz xtal bin qty 2 or 3 11.2850 mhz
11.2858 uni in 11 mhz bin hc25 grey covering
11.2842 uni hc25 11 mhz bin
11.2858 in crystals bin 2020_A now moved to 11 to 11.5 bin
11.3 mhz in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner underside of rig
11.3035 hc25 mounted on an hc6 adapter 11 mhz bin
11.44687 hc18 brwn sides and top in 11 bin
11.44861 hc6 11 to 11.5
11.45139 hc6 violet sides 11 mhz bin
11.460 hc25 MTRON x4 orange and brown sides 11 to 11.5 mhz bin
11.483 by test estimate hc6 Y-215 from kijji purchase 11 to 11.5 bin yellow tape bliley
11.485 (146.52(R));
11.4934 (413.7625)
11.4934 wire leads in 11 mhz bin
11.505 146.76 hc6 in 11 mhz bin
11.513750 138.165 t hc25 reds
11.520 measured (146.94 stamped) in 11 mhz bin HC6 SIZE
11.520 toyocom module model nr 21080 in BIGB BLACK TRAY
11.525 hc6 147.000 r in 11.5 to 12 bin blue sides more than one
11.530 most of these 11 mhz crystals in the 11mhz bin
11.540 hc6 147.180 hc6 11 mhz bin yel tape
11.450 hc6 yel tape 147.180 r in 11 to 11.5 bin
11.57333 hc17u vio sides in 11.5 to 12 bin also one w/blk sides
11.57362 hc6 11 to 12 bin
11.573611 hc6 11 to 12 bin
11.577 11.580 measured 11 mhz bin
11.5775 in 11 mhz bin
11.584722 hc6 in 11 mhz bin gold sides
11.59028 violet sides hc6 11mhz bin others this freq as well
11.596 mhz in the radio shack TRC-424 cb radio
11.596 N.K.D. grey in gift1 bin & 11 mhz bin
11.7 MHZ crystals (qty 2) in the 11 mhz xtal bin 11.7mhz
11.7 MHZ crystals (qty 2) in the 11 mhz xtal bin - both sold to usa aug2018 11.7mhz
11.700 mhz from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CBROX bin
11.700 NKD Grey covering 11.5 to 12 bin
11.720 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
11.730 (Aug2018) CBfrom out west circuit board/box (Sanyo TA-777cb radio)
11.730 hc25 MTRON X3 blue sides 11.5 to 12 bin
11.730 hc18 in 11.5 to 12 bin nkd grey qty 2
11.730 mhz in Sears Roadtalker 40 ssb cb in mandm box by the bar
11.730 KDS6L grey gift1 bin
11.730 mhz in 11 mhz xtals bin & SASK BIN and one GRE hc18 in 11 mhz bin lime green sides and top and grn dot
11.730 hc18 in 11.5 to 12 bin sanyo blk
11.730 UNI qty 2 HC25 plug in 11 mhz bin
11.750 mhz crystals HKS in 11 mhz crystals bin color coded blue - sold to USA aug2018 check in case there is another one.
11.750 mhz HKS from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation bin CBROX
11.764 MP-1 M-tron .75 inch leads in 11 mhz bin
11.80 mhz from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation bin CBROX
11.800 mhz xtal untested in 11 mhz bin
11.800 hc18 in 11.5 to 12 bin
11.805 hc25 qty 2 Fuji blk in 11.5 to 12 bin
11.806 MHZ NDK new bin XTALSONCCA
11.806 hc18 in 11.5 to 12 bin ndk grey
11.806 in the 2 cb junker radios midland 13-830 june 2022 one on small cca in xtals assy large bin
11.8066 11 mhz bin SOLD - U/O midland 13-822c cb and perhaps others- a demand in nov-23
11.813 mhz SF xtals1 bin
11.833 mhz hc25 wh tag in 11.5 to 12 bin
12.84716 hc25 w/socket small cca in xtals assy large bin
11.84375 Orange strip on top HC6 in MSX bin
11.850 HKS from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CB Rox bin
11.850 in 11 mhz rocks bin
11.850 stamped and measured HKS 11 mhz bin
11.855 hc25 qty 2 blk fuji in 11.5 to 12 bin
11.87375 mhz crystal on small cca in drwr large crystals xtal boxes ect
11.87875 hc18 11.5 to 12 blu sides
11.894 11.896 measured also labelled 35t86 likely 35.86mhz in 11 mhz bin
11.89432 mhz in 11 mhz bin might be two of them one green coded
11.9 mhz in 11 mhz bin 11.901 MEASURED branded HKS colored black
11.90 HKS from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CB ROX bin
11.900 in bin 2020A for crystals
11.905 hc25 grey ndk 11.5 to 12 bin & 2 hc25 Fuji black ones in same bin
11.925417 hc6 in 11.5 to 12 bin wh tag
11.950 HKS from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CBrox bin
11.955 hc25 fuji blk in 11.5 to 12 bin qty 2
11.9808 HC28 short leads in 9.5 to 10 bin red sides
11.98750 hc18 11.50 to 12 bin
11.990 ndk grey covering hc25 in 11.5 to 12 bin
11.99375 paired with 12.650416 in bin XT19A
113.5 mhz tests at 22.668 wh tape hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
118.8 r 36.033 12.002 test freq in 12 bin wh tag larger size up from hc25
12.000 60.000 mhz hc6 red sides in 12 mhz bin wh tag more than 1 likely
12.000 mhz color coded red XX19 bin
12.000 mhz Fox Korea in 12 mhz bin also 1 in ACtive bag in packaged xtals bin
12.000 WGRD bin also one grey covering KDS in 12 mhz bin
12.00166 hc6 7776566-3 in het osc bin color code blue
12.002 36.033 118.8 r in 12 bin
12.02361 hc6 grn sides 12 mhz bins
12.027 hc6 blue sides wh tape 12 - 12.5 bin also one w/o wh tape
12.029583 blk sides hc6 21b bin 148.655 note: not sure about the bin?
12.005 fuji black hc25 in 12 bin could be more than 1
12.055 hc25 qty 2 blk FUJI in 12 to 12.5 bin
12.060 hc17 sky blue in 12 to 12.5 bin
12.07917 mhz 144.95 T in het osc bin red sides (part of 4 xtals pulled from old DT69 marconi rig)
12.08391 ABOUT 15 OR SO NOS items wire leads 12AGN bin
12.08417 mhz crystal stamped 145T01 (145.01 mhz) packet freq Transmit pull from Grey motorola vhf set in new bin EEA (PULLS from Motorola Grey vhf radio) 12.08417
12.08583 12AGN bin qty 1
12.099583 hc6 149.495 blue sides 12 mhz bin moved to Drake 2A 2B bin
12.105 hc18 in drake 2a 2b bin
12.14583 mhz 145.75 t in het osc bin red sides (part of 4 xtals pulled from old DT69 marconi rig)
12.150 hc17u red sides 153.83 12 bin possibly 2 of them
12.15500 HC6 size 12 mhz bin
12.155 red top hc25 in 12 mhz bin
12.155 HC18 HT200 if crystal in comrox bin grn sides
12.166 blk 12hc6 bin or moved to 12 to 12.5
12.166666 hc6 red side blk side in 12 to 12.5 bin
12.205 mhz (146.46) in 12 mhz bin more than 1 also one green hc6 145.46 12 mhz bin also one in 12mhz bin blue top hc25
12.234 Mhz large sized metal crystal with hc6 adapter soldered on HUNT Corp in one of the 12 mhz bins
12.240 mhz est by measurement wh tape 12 bin 27.6690 hc6 also stamped 61.25????
12.287 by test wh tag in 12 bin
12.800 hc18 grn sides in 12.5 to 13 bin
12.433 icom wire lead pull in small icom rocks bin
12.255 hc25 red sides 12 bin
61.212.267mhz test oscillator (151.505 mhz) stored in 12 mhz rocks bin
12.275 grey plastic coated het osc bin
12.319 mhz in Sears Roadtalker 40 ssb cb in mandm box by the bar
12.320 mhz in Sears Roadtalker 40 ssb cb in mandm box by the bar
12.3333 hc6 vio sides also marked (hard to read) 121.700 r in 12 bin
12.360833 hc17u 152.63r 12bin viol sides
12.36111 hc6 blue sides 445T Lesmith in 12 to 12.5 bin
12.376 37.1666 122.2 r 12 bin
12.395 hc6 blk 12 mhz bin also one hc18 pull grey TRIO BLUE top 12 bin
12.416 37.2666 12 mhz bin
12.433 small hc25short by the looks of it smaller ICOM rocks bin (I think these all need to be cataloged) 8mar2022 noted
12.45083 viol shrt wire leads 12 bin
12.45277 (448.300T)
12.455 hc6 brown sides 12 to 12.5 bin also 1 w/blue sides 12 to 12.5 bin or 12 bin also one hc6 lime green sides in 12 bin
12.455 measured frreq 12.45277 stamped value also stamped 448.300 (T) in 12mhz bin color coded green
12.4583 hc6 12 bin marked 210X perhaps for atlas 210x? white label
12.458 124.7 t 12 bin
12.57534 hc6 orange 463.4125 r in 12.5 to 13 bin wh tag
12.600 hc6 Lesmith brand nos R4B new in Wayne box 16june2023 new stock in a small plastic bag
12.74583 hc6 61.650 brwn sides in 55 to 80 bin
12.480 long wire leads 12 mhz bin also one hc6 in 12 bin wh label small and wire leads hc6
12.48083 (149.77mhz) in the 12 mhz bin (actually I tested it with one tester and no oscillation so might be a dud)
12.490 mhz crystal
12.5 tested estimate 37.5333 in 12.5 to 13 bin lime green sides
12.5 lite blue qty 3 in 12 to 12.5 bin also at least one in boatanchors bin hc6
12.500 mhz hc6 black sides in the 12 to 12.5 bin wh tape label
12.5076 hc25 red sides 12.5 to 13 bin 460.975
12.50833 Motorola hc6 in 12.5 to 13 bin
12.515mhz stamped value - 27.780 stamped (27T280) stamped as well - color coded pink stored in 12mhz bin see also 12agn bin for 1 color coded rose
12.545 color coded red possibly for an HW16 in 12mhz bin
12.5892 hc25u 15
12.6 mhz hc6 size in 12 mhz bin and WAYNE BOX note: one sold Oct 2019 used on drake gear
12.6017 hc6 size 453.6625 in DRAKE BINS might be useful for drake gear viol sides
12.624 Stetron QTY 2 MSX bin also one labelled and coded red in 12 mhz bin also qty 20 or so in TNT xtal bin
12.64041 hc18 viol sides and top
12.650416 in bin XT19A paired with 11.99375
12.651 HC6 size in 12 mhz bin
12.670 126.7 T black sides 12HC6 bin
12.700 mhz in 12mhz bin, 12.700 (48.175); 12.8708 also 1 hc6 orange top in JUL bin
12.700 qty 4 red color code qty 4 12hc6 bin also boatanchor bin & jimsxtals1 vin hc6 w/wire leads
12.746 hc18 long gold leads in 12.5 to 13 bin
12.776 hc25 wh tag label in 12.5 to 13 bin
12.780 labelled 34.06 mhz stamped in 12 mhz bin
12.800 (FT7) for Yeasu radios in HETOSC bin
12.800 Mhz crystal on small cct brd with an MB8789 IC 8338C15 in bin CCT board snips 12.800
12.805 mhz icom eld 2mtr rocks bin
12.815 mhz tested 12 agn bin tagged
12.83916 hc18 grn sides 12.5 to 13 bin
12.87069 grn sides hc6 in 12.5 to 13
12.870833 mhz in 12 mhz bin blk sides
12.87416 plug in hc25 on small cca in xtals assy large bin
12.887450 hc6 blu sides 12.5 to 13 bin
12.888 126.7 R orange 12HC6 bin
12.892 hc18 wire leads 12.5 to 13 bin wh tape
12.9 mhz crystals 5 in All Electronics bin larger bin by bar to be used with my crystalplexer 40 mtr wide range vxo tx
12.9 mhz low profile rock in Xtals OCT 19 bin
12.90694 hc6 gold sides in 12.5 to 13 bin
12.920 38.7822 465.3875 t 12 bin hc25 wh tag
12.92361 brown hc6 12 mhz bin also green sides qty2 12hc6 bin
12.990 stamped 12.992 tested 158.88 (t) stamped on a pink tag in 150 to 200 mhz bin
12.990mhz crystal
12.99216 hc25 purple top in 12 bin
121.050 hc25 14.627 approx grn tag in 100 to 150 bin
121.700 oscillates on 14.7 mhz in 100 to 150 mhz bin
121.9 mhz 6.2365 HC6 estimated by measurement bin HC6AA
122.1 mhz 10.171 mhz tested frq in oscillator hc6 size also stamped 30.525 in the 100 to 150 mhz bin
122.5 t 12.250 hc6 in 100 to 150 bin
122.7mhz also stamped 30.675mhz and tests at 10.224mhz hc6 size in the 100 to 150 mhz bin
123.000 test frq 30.750 in xtals Z19 bin hc6 size
123.63016 hc25 24.960 test freq wh tag in in 100 to 150 bin
124.7 mhz tested at 15.039 mhz in AXR crystal bin
128.600 hc18 long leads 14.278 test freq in 100s bin
128.65R, 101.75,103.00 (qty 2) special xtalsbin for one
128.85R mhz (39.38333) crystal in the 100 to 150 mhz range bin 128.85 mhz rock some are colored marked black marker
129.119 qty 2 on Valcaron vhf board in the IC720 parts box 129.119
13.00798 468.2875 grn sides hc6 13 bin
13.020 mhz in xtals Z19 bin now moved to FT101 bin actually 2 now in ft101 bin - 40 meter xtal
13.025 paired wth a 13.030 mhz crystal in XT19B
13.025 tew hc25 blk in 13to 13.5 bin
13.027 mhz tested marked 75M TO6 Uni in the 13 mhz bin color coded brwn
13.028 mhz estimated frequency by measurement Branded as follows: T06 75M UNI in 13 to 13.5 mhz bin green label
13.030 mhz paired wth 13.025 HC6 stamped with 165.000 (r) as well with XT19B
13.030 hc6 13mhz bin
13.034 branded 75M blue tag 13mhz bin
13.035 hc25 yel tape label t68 bomar in 13 mhz bin
13.038 (T68) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio
13.040 tested crushed hc25 rock in 13 mhz bin
13.047 hc6 164.7 r lime grn sides also 39.175 in 13 to 13.5 bin
13.049 hc6 39.190 in 30 to 39 bin blk sides
13.051 hc6 39.175 wh tape label in 13 bin
13.067 mhz in xtals Z19 16T red sides hc25 bin
13.069 (T16) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio
13.100 hc25 bomar t24 blue top in 13 bin
13.104 wh tag hc25 in 13 bin
13.108 wh tag hc25 in 13 bin
13.110 (T26) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio
13.125 mhz Z19 xtal bin
13.128 color coded violet bin XT19C
13.12875 in 13 mhz bin color coded voilet also check 20ABC for one color code violet
13.170 hc25 clear xtal with yel tape in 13 to 13.5 bin
13.177 marked 13.180 estimate 13mhz bin
13.17750 13mhz bin
13.186 hc6 42.06 r JUL green sides m motorola
13.200 measured and 13.203 mhz stamped Motorola HC6 size also stamped 42.100 xtals mish mash bin
13.275 est by measurement CH5 bin HC6 CTS knights (calculated 13.275 x 2)
13.312 re-11 xtpg1
13.3300 UNTESTED xtal in 13 mhz bin
13.333 hc18 long leads in 13 bin
13.345 hc18 blue top 13 bin also 2 brown sides
13.350 hc6 size R-16 CH 16 CB perhaps black coloring in 13 bin
13.355 mhz 13.364 tested in 13 mhz bin
13.362 estimated by measurement blk top in bin 20ABC
13.379 test estimate hc6 wh tag ch21r in 13 bin
13.385 ch21r xtpg1
13.430 grn sides hc6 169.17 in 13 to 13.5 bin
13.490 mhz
13.500 (lots of them) in 13 mhz rocks bin also see MSX bin
13.500 hc6 13.5 to 14 bin
13.515 ch6t xtpg1
13.542 tû11ûs 13.542 xtpg1
13.550 estimated by measurment CH13 T in ch 13 bin
13.565 hc18 black front in 13 bin
13.5775 hc6 t13 13 mhz bin wh tag
13.6125 T19 stamped values T19 in 13.5 to 14 bin wh tape
13.604 t CH21T HC6 in CH21 BIN BRWN SIDES
13.614 ch21t 13.614 xtpg1
13.660 hc6 grn sides 13 bin
13.686 164.175t yellow 100's vhf bin possble use in ft301 as 26.5 to 27 mhz (should be 13.661 actually) (note)
13.7006, 13.7625, 13.4975, 13.5600, 13.0300 all in the 13mhz rocks bin
13.725mhz hc6 20DEF 13.72250 stamped value
13.800 test frq qty 3 165.495 crystal bin DON MIX
13.900 166.800 t hc25 grn sides in 13.5 to 14 bin note: 13.9 in demand ont ham 4 dec2023
138.46 hc17 lite brown 8.653 in 100's vhf bin
13.896 mhz stamped and tested frq 223 34T vhf 220b Les Smith Stored in VHF special bin
13.96625 13.971 on my tester 13mhz bin qty 2
13.9835 hc25 blue sides in 13.5 to 14 bin
13.990mhz (48031) Nymph this could BE A TEN TEC CRYSTAL tested at 13.993 mhz in Het OSC bin also one in 13 mhz bin marked hc6 likely
13.9962 tested/stamped also 223 941 VHF 220B Lesmith invoice in smdatashtbox stored in VHFSPECIAL BIN
13.9985 (close to 14.00 mhz) JJY FT301 osc xtal FT301 bin pink label also one wh label
13.9985 jjy (close to 14.00 mhz) het osc bin (this might be a dupe entry not sure)
13.9985 JJY crystal for FT301 I believe oscillates on 14.000 w/my tester
131.280 other stamped value 13.128 and I measured 13.130 on my tester stored in 100 to 150 mhz bin
131.700 t 7.3166 hc6 brown sides 100 to 150 bin one hc6 also w/yellow tape
132.000 hc6 size Motorola r 42.100 measured at 13.203 AXR bin
132.6500 R HC6 ORANGE 13.550 BIN21B
135.5 r hc6 10.703 tested in 100 to 150 bin yel tape
135.65 test freq 13.565 color coded red in the 100 to 150mhz bin
139.035 11.585 xbr bin labelled rock grn top
139.035 14.250 xbr bin labelled rock blk sides
14.000 color coded red gift1 bin also hc25 red sides 14 mhz bin one with real short leads 168.0 t in 14 bin brwn sides hc18 qty 2
14.000 also stamped 3.300 tall hc25 type can 14 to 14.5 bin
14.012 tested 168.15 t hc6 in 20 cw bin wh tag
14.01250 hc25 168.150 in 20 cw bin blk sides qty 2
14.0015 hc25 wh tag in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.023 mhz FT243 Valpey CM5 crystal in tested xtals tray row C (note may not be in the tray yet check bench note to self) seems to oscillate at 4.6775 mhz
14.030 14 more bin & 168.06 t labelled in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.038 Bliley type AX2 pin spacing about the same as hc6 but larger case and thicker pins blk plastic type case
14.050 hc25 or top and sides in 14 to 14.5 bin
15.050 verify check this xtal hc25 168.5 in 14 overtone bin
14.053 14 more bin
14.053 168.645t labelled 14 to 14.5 bin
14.05379 14 more bin
14.055 tested - stamped 168.645 in the 14mhz bin on a red tag
14.058 estimate 14 more bin
14.060 14 more bin
14.060 qty4 14 more bin see also 14 to 14.5 bin
14.065 168.780 t hc25 grn sides in 14 to 14.5 bin now white tag a few have blk sides no tag
14.070 hc6 126.7 in 14 to 14.5 bin viol sides
14.075 qty2 14 more bin and 14 to 14.5 bin
14.080 really short leads wire in 14 mhz bin
14.080 168.96 t 14 to 14.5 bin
14.085 labelled 14 to 14.5 bin
14.0982 est by meas 44.75090 144.95 r in het osc bin red sides (part of 4 xtals pulled from old DT69 marconi rig)
14.099 42.48 14 to 14.5 bin
14.112 42.370370 14 to 14.5 bin blk top hc25
14.120 hc17u in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.140 mhz actually measures 14.149 in 14 mhz bin
14.140 estimated 42.440 labelled 14 to 14.5 bin
14.14750 (169.770) PUT in SPECIAL CRYSTALS BIN
14.1675 Bliley Electric somewhat like an FT243 LARGE20 bin
14.167 bliley electric 14 to 14.5 bin old xtal
14.175416 blue top 14 bin
14.180 hc18u wire leads lesmith grn sides in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.20055 mhz on a small circuit brd snip 14 to 14.5 mhz bin
14.23413 clear see thru rock in donmix bin
14.235 hc18 long leads in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.24300 qty 2 hc6 black sides in 14 mhz bin & 14 to 14.5 bin
14.245 170.940t hc25 14 to 14.5 bin red sides
14.246 xtal bin donmix see thru rock OR possilby bin 21a
14.250 (Nymph 197-0002) in 14mhz bin
14.250 42.750 labelled 14 to 14.5 bin
14.250 estimate by measurement 170.94 14 more bin
14.256 measured test Nymph 197.0002 14 mhz bin (qty 2 of these crystals)
14.257 stamped value 171.09 T long wire leads in 14 mhz bin also look for one w/purple sides 14.25750 in 14 mhz bin also see 14 to 14.5 bin
14.2575 171.090 t in 14 mhz bin also one with short wire leads in XTALS X20 bin & 14 to 14.5 bin one with re sides 171.090 qty 3 see also small cca in xtals assy large bin
14.258 measured with my oscillator in 14mhz bin also maybe 2 more and part nr nymph 197-002
14.262109 hc18 long leads 20 meter bin ham viol sides and viol dot on top
14.26219 hc18 long leads
14.26914 hc18u also one hc6 long wire leads 456.612t and 156.6125 t 14 to 14.5 bin
14.290 mhz this one SOLD-- (Color coded orange) measured freq 14.291 in Picked Xtals bin
14.29750 hc25 171.570t viol sides in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.318 Raltron in gift1 bin
14.31818 clk osc 14 more bin
14.31818 in 14 mhz bin I have a number of these also 14.318
14.321 in 14 bin hc18 long wire leads blue top qty 2
14.33398 on a wee little cca in 14 bin hc18 type
14.3625 hc6 in 14 mhz bin lite blue sides
14.366 ICOM HC25 in 14 bin wh tag
14.3885 black top hc25 in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.387 tested yellow tape labelled in 14mhz bin
14.4 mhz rock on a 1986 motorola board in MIX D bin
14.420 14 and 15 mhz bin
14.48728 labelled hc18 in 14 to 14.5 bin
14.490 NYMPH # 48032 (I think this is a Ten Tec crystal perhaps) and is stored in SPECIAL CRYSTALS BIN
14.551 (R06) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio
14.565 (r68) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio
14.600(r16) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio
14.605 very small xtal estimated by measuremtn short wire leads Xtals RR2020 bin
14.648 est by measurement very small xtal bin xtals RR2020
14.65666 in 14 mhz bin stamped 49.270 mhz
14.765 tested 33.63 mhz stamped RX in 14 mhz bin
14.812 tested frequency marked with 4109.5 color coded blue gift2
14.815 tested frequency marked 4112.6 in gift 2 bin color coded red
14.819 sgc orange GIFT1
14.821 4.125 SGC hc25 labelled in 14.5 to 15 bin
14.827 qty2 green 4.125 sgc GIFT1
14.837 test freq SGC markexd 4134.3 in gift2 bin color coded blue
14.907 hc18 in 14 bin
14.910 gre hc18 14 bin
14.91157 14.914 tested oscillation 413.125 (r) mhz stamped stored in 14 mhz bin
14.917 gre hc18 14 bin
14.920 hc18 14 bin
14.92333 mhz crystal stamped 145R 01 (145.01 mhz) packet freq receive pull from Grey motorola vhf set in new bin EEA (PULLS from Motorola Grey vhf radio) 14.92333
14.927 gre hc18 in 14 bin
14.930 gre hc18 14 bin
14.950 mhz SOLD MAR13_20 to ham in Italy from CB radio pics in pics forlder CBfrom out west circuit board/box (Sanyo TA-777cb radio)
14.950 tew hc18 in 14.5 to 15 bin
14.950 sanyo ta-777 radio also one hc18 GRE in 14 bin
14.950 mhz in the TRC-24C radio for parts that I have and there are 10 other xtals in that radio
14.960 mhz (Aug2018) CBfrom out west circuit board/box (Sanyo TA-777cb radio)
14.960 mhz TEW grey covering 14.5 to 15 bin hc18 wire leads also one NDK hc18
14.960 nkd hc18 14 bin & ve1ej gray metal xtal box
14.900 sanyo hc18 14 bin
14.970 sanyo ta-777 radio & ve1ej gray metal xtal box
14.970 stamped and 14.982 tested freq in 14 mhz bin qty 2 one gray hc18 14 bin
14.970 hc18 nkd 14 bin grey
14.970mhz (Aug2018) CBfrom out west circuit board/box (Sanyo TA-777cb radio)
14.975 hc6 JAN blue top in JUL bin
14.990 CRYSTALS sanyo ta-777 radio & ve1ej gray metal xtal box
14.990 mhz UNI grey Don Mix bin (cb xtal most likely) also 14.5 to 15 bin
14.990mhz (Aug2018) CBfrom out west circuit board/box (Sanyo TA-777cb radio)
14.995 mhz est by measurement 45.01757 145.75 r in het osc bin red sides (part of 4 xtals pulled from old DT69 marconi rig)
141.673 11.800 xbr bin labelled rock
141.675 11.809 xbr bin red sides
141.675 14.549 xbr bin red sides
141.675 qty 4 14.550 est by meas orange top XBR xtals bin
142.135 mhz tests at 14.577 mhz pull from Realistic Pro-6 scanner
142.215 tests at 14.602 mhz pull from REalistic Pro-6 Scanner
142.575 measured oscillation freq 14.260 in Picked Xtals bin also maybe another one color coded red in same bin
142.635 Bomar qty 2 14.650 est by meas YY2020 bin
142.660 14.648 hc25 in 100 to 150 bin wh tag
143.90 mhz 7.99444 mhz also stamped on this rock
144 mhz 12.937 mhz hc25 in 144-145 bin
144.91 r in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
144.95 r 14.906 estimated measurement in 144/145 bin
144.95 t 12.07917 hc25 in 144/145 bin
145.01 r 14.923 packet freq for vhf radio on a small cca special xtals bin see also 2M red bin for the xtal(removed from cca)***2 MTR red bin discontinud
145.01 r in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
145.01 t 12.084 packet freq for vhf radio on a small cca special xtals bin
145.01 t 12.08416 hc25 les smith vtr10&12 in ve3kbu bin
145.010 8.054 in 144-145 bin
145.010 8.055 est by meas grn top in YY2020 bin
145.03 r 41.77756 stamped 14.913 osc frq in 40 to 47 mhz bin
145.03 t 12.086 hc25 tr7200 in 145 bin wh tag
145.07 r in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
145.090 1 pair r and t 18.13625 & 17.310 grn tag might have been u/o johnson fleetcom II
145.09 r 14.916 hc25 in 145 bin wh tag
145.20 (R) ICOM test oscillation freq is 14.945 mhz in IC22 and 2 mtr rocks bin
145.20 t 36.259 MHZ 18.150 ESTIMATED by measurement in 2 mtr red bin 145.20
145.200 14.945 mhz test frq in the ic22 and other 2 mtr crystals bin also see 145 bin for at least one
145.200 stamped frq and 18.154 mhz oscillation freq has label ICOM 36259 in 2 mtr red bin
145.59 r ic22a nr5650
145.59 t ic22a nr5650
145.630 mhz r very small xtal 20.695 mhz estimated by measurement bin RR2020
145.630 mhz r very small xtal 21.256 mhz estimated by measurement 145 bin RR2020 possibly qty 2 one has gold wire leads one moved to 145 bin
145.65 t ic22a nr5650
145.65 r ic22a nr5650
145.730 21.290 est by meas in RR2020 bin now labelled and in 145 bin might not oscillate!
145.75 12.14583 hc25 red sides in 145 bin
145.76 tested in IC22 18.220 mhz stamped value and 163.980 stamped labelled in IC22 SPECIFIC bin
145T01;145R01;147T6 (12.3mhz) - THESE are crystal assemblies with associated trimmer caps probably from the Grey Motorola vhf sets I had here old packet radio perhaps
146.000 labelled 17.408 test freq 2mtr red bin
146.01 t ic22a nr5650
146.025 15.63611 hc6 u/o old 2 mtr radio Master PRO 146 bin
146.03 t 8.116 hr-2b violet color code in Gift2
146.04(T) savoy 901 measured 18.256 mhz 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.06 r 11.5390 i think measured wh tag -hc17 11 mhz bin
146.07 (147.06 perhaps there is a typo) (t) ic22 18.260 tested labelled in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.07(T) 18.260 measured freq yellow tape in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.08 t 6.088 mhz test freq color code orange stored in special vhf bin
146.1 12.305 mhz ve3kbu bin
146.13 t 18.267 white lable in 2 mtr labelled xtals bin
146.16 12.180 mhz color coded violet in IC22 and other 2m xtals bin also one tr7200 rock in 146 bin
146.16 146.76 a pair together in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin frequencies measured 12.183(t), 15.111(r) --- the 76 rock was sold
146.16 18.270 measured IC22 grey colored covering plastic HDK 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.16 ICOM measured 18.270 color coded blue in 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.16 measured 18.270 color coded blue (a second one) in 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.16 t 6.090 est by meas blk YY2020 bin also 1 6.088 in 146 bin
146.19 t 18.275 test oscillation white label in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.190 also stamped 45.1633 Mitrek oscillates on 15.043 yellow label in 2mtr labelled xtals bin
146.22 12.182 W TAG IN 146 BIN
146.22 T 15.24666 hc18 wire leads 146bin
146.22 T 16.24666 blk color xtals RR2020 bin
146.25 t 18.282 green label in ic22 and 2mtr xtals bin
146.25 t hc25 8.125 labelled in 146 bin
146.25(t) ICOM in IC22 and other 2 mtr xtals bin
146.25 t 8.125 est by meas in YY202
146.25 t 12.1875 hc25 wh label 146 bin
146.28 t 12.193 mhz test oscillation ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.28 t 18.286 mhz white label stored in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.34 (T) 12.195 IN IC22 and other 2 mtr rocks bin also another one color coded red in 100 to 150mhz rocks
146.34 (t) icom 18.293 mhz tested color coded purple in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.34 t 12.195 mhz test freq orange tag stored in 2 mtr labelled xtals
146.34 t 12.198 mhz test oscillation white label in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.34 t 18.292 no label in ic22 and 2 mtr xtals bin
146.34 T TR7200 in IC22 and other xtals bin color coded blk
146.34 hc25 labelled 8.146 also one 8.130 146 bin red sides hc25
146.34 T 12.19500 TEW black nice TEW on card 146 bin
146.340 (T) (12.195 mhz) in 2 meter large rocks1 bin
146.37 t 12.195 hc25 wh tag in 146 bin
146.37 (T) (8.1316 mhz) in 2 meter large rocks1 bin
146.37 8.131666 teal top IC22 and other xtals bin
146.385 r 11.47375 hc17u in 146 bin
146.4 bomar 18.300 mhz test freq blue label in 18 mhz bin
146.40 HC6 style tested at 8.650 mhz stored in 8 mhz bin
146.40 t 18.301 icom white label in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.40 t hc25 18.294 test tagged in 146 bin
146.400 mhz 4.06666 hc6 in JUL bin
146.4 t 6.100 ge prog in 6 to 6.5 bin hc6
146.400 t tr2200g 12.200 tr2200g in 146 bin wh tag
146.46 (309-661)
146.46 t hc25 8.136667 wh tag in 146 bin
146.46 (PRE PROG label) hc6 size 6.106 mhz test freq in JUL xtals bin
146.46 (R) 8.65375 mhz in 2 meter large rocks1 bin
146.46 (t) 18.307 mhz stamped in 100 to 150 mhz bin color coded orange
146.46 12.205 stamped on it HC6 siz small label in the 12 mhz bin
146.46 hc6 size 4.069 mhz tested old 2mtr surplus rock in xtal bin AXR
146.46 HC6 size measure fre 4.069 xtals mish mash bin
146.46 r 15.085 mhz test oscillation green label stored in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.46 RX labelled actual is 8.653750 mhz in 2 mtr large rocks1 bin
146.46 t 18.308 ESTIMATED by measurement 2 mtr red bin
146.46 T 6.1040 mhz estimated by measurement hc6 viol color code in bin 20DEF also one 6.101 test hc25 in 146 bin
146.46 TX 6.110 test freq by measurement labelled for rptr in NRB 4 lead case about 2 in. tall in CRYSTALS 2019 large bin
146.46T 6.1073 mhz test freq in eld 2 m rocks bin
146.46T Les Smith
146.460 12.204 hc25 146 bin
146.49 18.309 test freq in simplex bin
146.49 r 15.093 mhz test freq 15.090 estimated during measurement in 2m red bin maybe more than one
146.52 R 14.908 TEW black nice TEW on card 146 bin qty 2
146.52 (R) (45.2733) for MULTI 7 2 mtr rig in IC22 and other 2M xtals bin
146.52 (r) 15.091 mhz tested ICOM yellow tape in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.52 (R) measured at 15.093 mhz yellow taped 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.52 (t) icom 12.212 tested blue tape in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.52 T 12.210 TEW black nice TEW on card 146 bin QTY 2 ßlso one kenwood on white label 146 bin
146.52 6.1053 hc17 brwn sides in 6 bin
146.52 t 12.207 hc25 wh tape 146 bin
146.52 16.280 wire leads rr2020 bin
146.52 18.315mhz Lesmith In ic22 and other 2m xtals color coded blue
146.52 18.323 measured yellow tag 2 mtr small rocks bin
146.52 HC6 size 11.485 mhz measured 11 mhz bin
146.52 ic22 18.316 measured grey plastic cover w/label 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.52 mhz 15.077 mhz test freq color coded green xtal bin USA also 15.090 wh tape in 52 bin
146.52 MRH-2 15.083 color coded violet Gift2 bin
146.52 r 45.2733 15.080 tested white label stored in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.52 t 12.212 test oscillation blue tape label in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.52 t 18.316 test oscillation yellow label in ic22 and other 2mtr crystals bin
146.52 T color code blue test freq 12.217 in ELD 2m rocks bin
146.52(r) (ICOM) measured at 15.091 mhz labelled in 2 mtr labelled crystals bin
146.52 r hc6 11.485 lite blue sides in simplex bin
146.52T also 146.52 (R) both ICOM in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin
146.55 (R) in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin
146.55 (T) 18.316 measured 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.55 15.099 mhz 2 mtr red xtal bin
146.55 r 15.094 tagged in 146 bin or simplex bin for 2m
146.55 r 15.095 test freq green tag 2mtr labelled xtals also 2 mtr labelled xtals green color code top of rock
146.55 r 15.096 estimated by measurement in 2mtr red bin
146.55 r 15.094 146 bin or the simplex freqs bin see also 2mtr red bin 15.099 tested ic22 color red
146.55 r 15.076 in simplex bin
146.58 (R) 15.098 measured IC22 REd tape 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.58 R-72/33 doesnt seem to oscillate 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.58 t 18.323 ic22 and other 2 mtr crystals bin
146.58 t 18.330 (6.100) ic 22 and other 2mtr xtals bin
146.58(T) 18.322 measured 2 meter yellow tape for IC20 labelled and color coded bin
146.600 (8.800) for TS700 Kenwood 2 mtr multimode transceiver stored in SPECIAL CRYSTALS BIN
146.600 t 12.305 mhz estimated by measurement labelled in 2 mtr small rocks 1 bin
146.61 r ic22a nr5650
146.61 r in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
146.610 mhz R 15.110 mhz estimated by measurement in RR2020 bin red color code
146.64 14.985 estimated freq by measurement in POTT1 bin long wire leads
146.64 8.1466mhz stamped value color coded black top bin ROCK20
146.64 r 27.728 stamped 9.250 measured in ROCK20 bin
146.64 r ic22a nr5650
146.66 6.112 mhz violet gift2 bin
146.67 (R) 15.108 mhz measured color coded black 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.67 (R) 15.108 Yellow tape in 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.67 maybe hard to read - 8.147 estimate by test hc25 wh label in 146 bin
146.700 r in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
146.700 r 43.26667 14.415 on my tester hc25 wh tag in 146 bin
146.73 r ic22a nr5650
146.73 r 15.109 tested in 146 bin labelled
146.76 R 15.00666 TEW black nice TEW on card 146 bin
146.76 (hard to read it) measures at 15.107 (IC22) in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin
146.76 (perhaps-hard to read) IC22 tests 15.107 in bin IC22and other 2mtr rocks
146.76 (r) ic22 blule plastic covering 15.118 HDK brand in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.76 (T) measured grey plastic covering 18.346mhz HDK brand in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.76 15.107 ic22 and other 2mtr crystals bin see also 146 bin as well
146.76 14.988 hc18 short wire leads in 146 bin
146.76 in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin
146.76 R 15.119 mhz tested and marked TR7200 stoed in IC22 and other 2 mtr xtals bin color coded orange
146.76 r ic22a nr5650
146.76 R oscillation tested 15.1173 color coded blk Bomar IC22 and other 2 mtr xtals bin
146.76 stamped and measured test freq 18.320 in xtal bin XX19
146.76 t HC6 size 6.114 mhz old 2 mtr surplus rock in xtal bin AXR
146.76 r hc6 11.510 wh tape in 146 bin
146.79 (T) 146.19 (R) Mitrec Crysals wire leads pulls
146.79 r ic22a nr5650
146.805 T 12.3375 hc6 brown sides 12 to 12.5 mhz bin
146.82 mhz 14.440 mhz estimated by measurement blue pin spacer on base moved to 146.8 tray spot
146.82 45.048 stamped values 15.001 by test 146 bin hc18 wh tag in 146 bin
146.82 mhz R 15.120 mhz estimated by measurement teal color in RR2020 bin
146.82 HR-2R 15.110 est by meas in YY2020 bin blue top
146.82 15.002 hc18 brwn sides in 146 bin
146.82 r 15.117 test oscillation freq in 2 mtr labelled xtals bin
146.82 r 15.125 Icom color coded brown bin is 2 meter labelled xtals
146.85 crystek 15.118 measured labelled in GIFT1 bin drake ml2 rec
146.85 r 15.130 white label in 2mtr labelled xtals bin
146.88 mhz 45.39333 - test freq 15.115 mhz test freq in 146 bin
146.88 r 15.123 mhz oscillation freq in 2 mtr labelled xtals bin
146.88 r 15.132 test oscillation icom white lable in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
146.88 r icom 15.132 tested color coded blue in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.88 tested at 15.230 mhz color coded violet in gift2 bin
146.88 r hc25 tested 15.125 in 146 bin wh tag
146.94 hc6 4.081 est by meas in 4 to 4.5 bin & 1 w/blue sides in 146 bin
146.94 (DT45 radio) in 2 meter large rocks1 bin also check xtals mish mash bin for one as well
146.94 R 15.02666 TEW black nice TEW on card 146 bin
146.94 T 12.24500 TEW black nice TEW on card 146 bin
146.94 (r) 15.130 meaured white label in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
146.94 (R) and one for (T) (for 94 direct) in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin
146.94 (simplex pair of rocks) 15.140 and 18.370 mhz in 2 mtr red bin
146.94 (T) measured is 6.123 mhz stored in IC22 and 2 m rocks bin
146.94 15.440 est by meas in old 2mtr rocks hc6 bin
146.94 15.130 est by meas in 2 meter bins area hc25 see also 146 bin one w/white lable
146.94 46.315 oscillates on 15.434 mhz test 15.440 mhz large size crystal in ic22 and other 2 mtr xtals band
146.94 6.123 mhz oscillation freq green label in ic22 and other 2mtr crystals bin
146.94 icom 18.369 mhz test freq green label stored in 2mtr labelled xtals bin
146.94 15.136 tr7200 pull hc25 146 bin
146.94 mhz 15.132 mhz tested HC6 in small box J which is divided box for crystals abt 4 in by 4 in size
146.94 r 15.143 green label in bin IC22 and other 2mtr rocks bin
146.94 r in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
146.94 T (46.31503)
146.94 t 18.368 icom white label bin 2 meter labelled xtals bin qty 2 or 3 also one 18.3675 in 146 bin wh tag
146.94 r 15.124 wh tape hc25 in 146 bin
146.94(R) ic-22 blue wrapped HDK brand 15.138 measured in 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
146.94(R) ic-22 blue wrapped HDK brand 15.139 measured in 146 bin
146.94.00 stamped freq 46.31733 stamped 15.428mhz tested frq HC6 size in 2mtr xtals bin
146.940 (r) 8.693.75 (8.684 tested) HC5 type tested xtlas tray
146.940 mhz 8.68375 mhz test freq hc17 rock in crystals bin 2020-A grn sides & one hc6 viol color in 146 bin
146.94t 12.248 sm. white label 2 mtr labelled xtals bin
146.94 t 12.243 hc25 wh tape label in 146 bin
146.94 15.02666 blk covering TEW in 146 bin
146.97 R 15.141 mhz measured Green Tape in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin also one measured 15.020 in POTT1 bin
146.97 r 15.427 hc6 in 146 bin
146.985 (T) 12.248 in 146 bin blue sides hc25 TR7200 and maybe one in 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
147.00 t 8.164 147 bin hc25 red and blue
147.00 r ic22a nr5650
147.000 (R) (15.14445) ON a small cca in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin also one with wire leads orange in 147 bin
147.000 (r) 15.136mhz color tagged gift2 bin
147.000 labelled 15.155 mhz test freq in 2 mtr red bin
147.000 r 15.1444 sm cca ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin no label
147.000 t 6.125 mhz tagged gift2 bin
147.000r 15.140 mhz estimated by measurement now labelled in 2 mtr small rocks 1 bin
147.000 r 15.130 45.4337 hw202 147 bin wh tag maybe more than 1
147.00 r 15.031 measured in 147 bin
147.03 mhz 14.460 mhz estimated by measurement labelled moved to 147 bin wh tag
147.06 (r) HC6 size 9.438mhz tested in oscillator 2 mtr xtals bin
147.06 (r) 15.1511 doesnt oscillate color coded red in 2 mtr labelled and color coded bin
147.06 (R) also might be stamped or oscillate on 9.439 and 28.313 mhz stored in 100 to 150 mhz bin
147.06(r) 8.691.25 stamped and tested hc6 tpe tested xtals tray
147.060 (R) (45.4533 mhz)
147.060 (R) (46.3583 mhz) in 2 meter large rocks1 bin
147.060 (R) (52.5866 stamped) measured in the oscillator at 17.515 mhz Johnson brand stored in IC22 and other 2 mtr rocks bin
147.060 17.515 test oscillation stored in ic22 and other 2 mtr crystals bin
147.080 T West Crystal Motorola blue module with 3 connections on bottom and an access to trimmer in CRYSTALS 2019 large bin
147.09 r color coded orange 15.144 mhz tested in xtal bin AXR
147.135 (T) 18.393 also stamped 18.39187 color coded brown moved to 147 bin ic20 hc25
147.15 r ic22a nr5650
147.15 r in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
147.18 r ic22a nr5650
147.180 (R) (45.4933) ALSO 147.180 (also stamped with 11.5983) in 100 to 150 mhz bin
147.180 r hc17 9.012 tested in 147 bin wht label
147.180 45.4933 15.155 no label ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
147.21 (12.26750) in IC22 and other 2mtr xtals bin
147.21 (t) tested at 15.167 mhz color coded red in the 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
147.21 r 15.1677 15.170 mhz test oscillation freq in 2 mtr labelled xtals bin
147.210 12.270 green label in ic22 and other 2 mtr crystals bin
147.24 28.348 9.455 tested hc6 in 147 bin red top
147.24 (R) tested with oscillator at 15.160 mhz color coded violet gift 2 bin
147.24 T tested at 6.136 mhz color coded green in xtal bin AXR moved to 147 bin hc25
147.240 RX tested with oscillator at 17.070mhz now in bin 147 wh label was in (17.0675 mhz stamped on the xtal stored in 2 mtr labelled xtals bin wh label
147.240 RX tested with oscillator at 17.070mhz (17.0675 mhz stamped on the xtal stored in 2 mtr small rocks bin
147.248 r ic22a nr5650
147.27 (R) (45.5233) in IC22 and other 2m radio xtals bin or 147 bin as the other bin is phased out
147.270 45.5233 15.164 test oscillation hc25 in 147 bin wh label was in ic22 and 2 mtr crystals bin
147.300 r in 147 bin yel tape
147.3333 hc6 size in 147 bin 14.731 estimated frq of oscillation
147.33 mhz 18.417 oscillation freq stored in 2 mtr labelled crystals bin small label
147.33 r ic22a nr5650
147.33 T in one of the 2 meter rocks bin
147.33 mhz stamped (18.417mhz measured) stored in IC22 and other 2mtr rocks bin
147.36 mhz in homebrew 2 mtr fm radio behind bar in corner
147.36 mhz labelled 15.189 mhz tested in 2mtr red bin
147.36 r ic22a nr5650
147.42 2 rocks the Rcv is 15.191 and the tx is 18.4279 binned together in 2 mtr small rocks1 bin might now in 147 bin also one in 147 bin with grn sides hc25
14.422 test freq 72.12 stamped value hc6 14&15 bin
147.46 15.190 mhz est by meas in old 2m rocks bin hc6
147.48 (R) (45.593) 15.188 measured freq one HC6 style in bin IC22 and other 2mtr rocks bin
147.49 r 18.291 147bin yel tag
147.600 t 12.305 estimated in 147 bin
147.6 t 12.300 on its own cca special xtals bin
147.6 t hc18 12.300 in146 bin orange
147.625 t 6.151041 ge prog hc6 in 147 bin
147.63 t 16.40333 rr2020 bin also see 147 bin for hc18 w/viol sides
147.660 t 12.305 mhz bin in ve3kbu bin
147.680 R West Crystal Motorola black module with 3 connections on bottom and an access to trimmer in CRYSTALS 2019 large bin
147.69 t 12.310 hc25 ve3kbu bin
147.75 mhz 12.312 RR2020 orange code BOMAR bin RR2020
147.790 12.232 mitrek osc on 12.238 yel label 2mtrlabelled xtals bin
147.81 (R) 15.179 measured 147 bin label also one hc25 18.4763 in 147 bin
147.87 Les Smith in one of the 2 meter rocks bin
147.87 t 18.485 no label in ic22 and 2mtr crystals bin
147.87(T) 18.48375 stamped and measured 18.485 stored in IC22 and other 2 mtr rocks bin also one blk side in 147 bin
147.88 t 6.162 voiletcolor codegift2
147.88 t 6.162 HR-2 voilet color code gift2
147.900 18.486 ic20 color coded green ch25u now in 147 bin was in 2 meter labelled and color coded bin
147.9 t 12.235 wh tape in 147 bin
147.93 t 12.235 wh tag 147 bin
147.96 t ic22a nr5650
147.99 R 15.149 MHZ testsed in 2mtr Labelled and COLOR CODED bin
148.685 15.320 est by meas xbr bin
148.720 15.321 wh tag 100 to 150 bin
149.500 46.266 15.410 100-150 mhz rocks green color
149.890 t 8.327222 hc25 gold sides in 100 to 150 mhz bin
15.000 hc6 qty 3 or 4 and one hc18 wire leads in 15 mhz bin blk sides qty in wayne boxhc18
15.016 45.0766 152.030 stored in the 150 to 200 mhz bin w/white tag
15.026 wire leads hc18 yellow tag 15 mhz bin
15.106 sgc 1403.9 red GIFT2
15.110 need to verify exact freq (r26) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio special vhf bin
15.110 sgC GIFT1
15.113 sgc 4410.1 BLUE GIFT2
15.132 sgc 4428.7 orange GIFT2
15.137 15mhz bin
15.1377 in 15 mhz bin
15.1444 147.6 hc6 wh tape 15 mhz bin
15.160 (rwx2) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio special vhf xtal bin NOTE: special vhf xtal bin should be auditted
15.180 RWX UNI estimated measured freq of oscillation tagged in 15 mhz bin
15.182 (rwx1) pulled crystals from a Uniden Weather and Marine Radio
15.190 hc6 size 15 mhz bin
15.360 mhz qty 4 in xtals Z19 bin HC18 LONG WIRE LEADS note: a cb repair guy 20mar22 expressed interest in this frq of rock
15.421 hc17u 146.94 wh tape in 15 to 15.5 bin
15.480 hc6 size little mtg tabs tested was on cca/enclosure module in 15 to 15.5 bin wht tape
15.507 white tape in 15.5 to 16 bin hc18
15.544 wh tape 46.66670 15 bin
15.5775 mhz (KW2000B) 28 mhz band rock (kw2000b manual on my cpu) now in boatanchor bin before: * try het osc bin or 15mhz bin do stk chk
15.590 Baby blue wire leads qty 10 DON MIX bin one tagged in 15 bin
15.610 violet qty3 bin CB DON1
15.613 48.86667 GIFT1 and now put in 15 mhz bin
15.623 mhz grey qty 3 DON 1 bin
15.62333 mhz wire leads blue KONY CB ROX bin
15.625 ESTIMATED HC25 in 15 bin yellow tape
15.630 (454.150 rx)
15.638 162.195 100's vhf bin
15.639 162.195r violet 100's vhf bin
15.643 white qty 2 CB DON1 bin
15.64333 grey kony hc18 in 15 bin
15.655 47.000 wx ch 3 GIFT1
15.6566 natural color in CB DON1 bin
15.675 copper wires soldered onto leads in 15 mhz bin
15.720 AND 17.60333 IN special crystals bin together on wh tape patch
15.76667 xtalszzz bin
15.785 hc25 yel tape 15 bin
15.8 hc6 in 15 bin wh label
15.820 79.185 hc25 tagged in 2020-a bin
15.7775 hc6 15 bin sold nov 13 USA for restoration proj
15.8275 hc6 lite blue sides 15 mhz bin
15.895 hc18 trio grey 142-1 tested 5.310 mhz in 15 mhz bin
15.895 hc6 black sides JUL bin SOLD 21DEC22 to USA ham
15.897 measured in 15mhz bin stamped with 47.710 mhz hc25
15.927 (47.790)
15.950 hc6 red sides in 15 bin
15.965 hc18 nkd grey in pl bag in crystals 2019 large bin
15.979 marked 15.981 tested 154.515 r in 15 mhz bin
15.979 stamped value tested aat 15.981 mhz 154.515 stamped value stored in 15 mhz bin
15.997824 ITC wire leads in 15 mhz bin
150.00 r 14.783 hc25 in 150 to 250 bin wh tag
150.11 15.570 wh tape label in 150 to 250 bin hc25
150.350 15.502 bin 2020-a gold color
150.365 t 8.5381 hc25 150 to 250 bin wh tag
150.830 hc25 john 527 18.85375 blk sides inb 150 to 250 bin
150.845 6.285208 hc6 blue sides in 150 to 250 bin
150.950 t 6289.583 hc6 150 to 250 bin
151.31 mhz 6.3088 estimated by measurement blue dot bin 20DEF
151.325 tx 12.6104 238-720 cts hc25 in 150 to 250 bin brwn sides
151.505 12.267 mhz in 150 to 200mhz bin
151.715 r 47.005 16.658 hc25 in 150 to 250 bin wh tag
152.03 mhz (t) 16.89222 mhz Max Moxy white label 16.896 measured bin 150 to 200mhz also 1 or 2 in MOXY bin
152.03 mhz r 16.89222 max moxy POTT1
152.03 mhz r Lesmith 47.112 MOXY 15.700 mhz test oscillation in bin 20ABC
152.03 T Lesmith 18.892 Moxy bin 20ABC
152.030 t 16.89222 Maxar Lessmith bag in packaged crystals bi
152.034 r 47.712 15.704 Maxar Lessmith bag in packaged xtals bin
152.07 12.203 hc6 orange sides 150 to 250 bin
152.15 mhz (R) also stamped 47.152 15.712mhz measured qty 3 in Lesmith bag in PACKAGED XTALS LARGER BIN MAX MOXY
152.15 mhz (T) also stamped 16.90556 16.914mhz measured in Lesmith bag in PACKAGED XTALS LARGER BIN MAX MOXY qty 2
152.225 r 47.175
152.27 moxy 2 crystals (a pair) in white envelope in GRW box
152.570 rx 15.750 mhz test frq 15.5 to 16 bin hc25
152.703 r 15.703 47.152 max moxy hc25 in 150 to 250 bin wht tag
152.725 r 15.78055 Johnson bin XYA bin possibly 2
152.75 hc17 12.065 yellow tag in 100s vhf bin
153.230 hc6 12.76516 150 to 250 bin grn sides
153.53 t 17.062 measured 17.0588 stamped white label bin is 150 to 200mhz agn bin
153.59 r 15.87666 long wire leads WGRD bin
153.815 (47.705) in 150 to 250 Mhz bin
153.83 r hc6 12.150 measured in 12 bin red sides
154 mhz or 152 mhz about 30 or so xtals in this bin (not going to be catalogued unless requests come in) 15.8 ish and 15.9 ish also stamped on these in 154 or 152 bin
154.220 mhz in USA xtals bin tested at 15.94666 mhz sold around 2022-01-15
154.490 hc25 8.582778 wh tag in 150 to 250 bin
154.57 tx and rx ht200 8.5870 & 15.860 brown envelope in COMROX SHOEBOX demand in late aug 2023
154.695 15.982 mhz estimated by measurment red top color now w/tag also one grn top code RR2020 bin also 15.980 estimated in 150 to 250 bin
154.71 15.990 tested in 150 to 250 bin hc25 oxide
154.905 t 17.21166 wr100 hc18 yel tape long leads in 150 to 250 bin
155.115 mhz 16.035 mhz estimated by measurement blue top RR2020 bin
155.130 mhz 16.041 mhz test freq in bin USA crystals
155.175 MCS-1 USA crystals bin possibly qty 2
155.250 mhz USA crystals bin
155.280 mhz USA crystals bin
155.520 raltron modules in a little blk box in with bagged xtals qty 11 properly stored2 blk boxes
155.550 mhz 16.084 mhz test frequency color coded red USA CRYSTALS QTY 2
155.595 16.081 in 150 to 250 bin
155.625 16.090 est by meas rr2020 bin
155.670 mhz MHH-1 USA crystals bin
155.790 mhz in USA crystals bin
155.790 mhz 12.304 hc6 blue sides 150 to 250 bin
155.805 mhz in USA crystals bin
156.375 and 48.5583 marked 16.173 tested stored in the 40 to 55mhz bin
156.375 mhz 19.546875 bin 20DEF
156.375 mhz 19.570 estimated by meas hc25 labelled in the 40 to 45 mhz bin
156.375 mhz T 19.609375 bin 20DEF
156.50 r 16.183 USCC STAND hc25 or label in 150 to 250 bin
156.55 r 8.252 mhz estimated freq by measurement in bin 20abc hc6
156.600 rx 8.264 mhz test freq color code blk in 150 to 250 mhz bin
156.700 mhz r 8.270 by estimate measurement in bin 20ABC hc6 size
156.800 R 8.274 mhz test freq yellow tape label in 150 to 250 mhz bin
156.800 tx 156.875T in 150 to 250 mhz bin
156.800 tx in 150 to 250 mhz bin
156.870 ch16t 13.070 estimated by meas light blue top in WGRD bin
156.870 r 16.233 white label stored in 150 to 200mhz bin
156.875 19.6093 test freq brwn tagged in 150 to 250 mhz bin also one in xtals labelled bin
156.875 mhz 16.234 mhz tested stored in 16 mhz bin
156.875 t 19.613 stamped 19.609 yellow label stored in 150 to 200 mhz bin also bin 20DEF
156.875 Tx (19.609); 153.815 (rx) (47.705) in 150 to 250 mhz bin
156.900 mhz 19.620 mhz estimated by measurement in 20ABC bin
156.900 r teal top 16.539 mhz estimated by measurement bin 20ABC
156.95 r mhz 8.280 mhz by estimate measurement in bin 20ABC hc6 size
157.10 R mhz 8.295 mhz test freq yellow tape label in 150 to 250 mhz bin
157.100 mhz 15.063 measured freq in bin AXR CH22A also USA crystals bin
157.300 tx (6.554mhz oscillation freq in tester) stored in 100 to 150 mhz bin
157.470 both TX and RX rocks 17.4911 and 16.295 estimated freq I have a dedicated bin for about 30plus of them
157.53 9.366471 type 801 Rogers Majestic 1-1/8 in tall 7/8 in thk in LARGE20 bin
157.89 mhz 6.57875 green hc6 YY2020 bin
157.905 t 13.15875 hc18 long leads in 150 to 250 bin
158.310 17.585 bin z19 ornge label
158.31 hc18 long leads labelled 49.2033 16.380 rough estimate in special vhf xtal bin
158.4 (R) other stamped value 49.2333 long wire leads measured oscillation 16.4000 in 150 to 200 mhz bin also one tagged in special vhf bin
158.43mhz (13.3025 also stamped value) hc6 size in 150 to 250mhz bin
158.535 (R) oscillation freq measured 16.415 stored in 150 to 200 mhz bin also one black sides hc25 in special vhf bin
158.535 colored w/blue marker oscillation freq measured at 17.627 stored in 17mhz xtals bin
158.535 mhz 8.813 mhz test freq in 100s vhf bin
158.730 19.8426 xtals labelled bin
158.970 mhz 14.460 mhz test freq in USA crystals bin
159.045 t 13.25375 hc18 moc 35 silver sides in 150 to 250 bin
159.045 t 8.8358 hc25 in 150 to 250 bin viol sides
159.27 (R) other stamped vallue 17.64611 measured oscillation 17.654 in bin 150 to 200 mhz one in special vhf xtals binblue sides short wire leads
16.00 low profile rock in XTALS OCT 19 bin also msx bin
16.000 gift2 bin & hc6 in boatanchor bin & hc18 wire lead one in boatanchor bin
16.000 mhz (160 band) FT301 crystals
16.000 mhz HC18 1 inch wire leads 16mhz bin also one in XX19 bin
16.000 qty 3 for 160 meter band FT301 rock oscillates on 5.329 with my tester in HETOSC bin
16.000 test oscillation 16.008 (which seems a bit high) in the 16mhz bin
16.000312 mhz (oscillates on 16.006 with my tester TXC brand in HETOSC bin
16.007 (154.75 mhz) FR-105 in the 150 to 200mhz bin (labelled)
16.009 mhz estimated measurement tagged in YY2020 bin
16.010 47.72 r qty 2 16 bin hc18 wh tag
16.020 mhz Yaesu in FT101 bin also one in RR2020 bin
16.065 hc18 nkd grey in pl bag in crystals 2019 large bin
16.065 estimated by measurement 155.37 blk top xtals RR2020 bin
16.066 tew blk hc25 16 mhz bin
16.076 mhz 155.49 mhz teal top xtals bin RR2020
16.08611 tew hc25 in 16 bin purple top
16.115 hc18 nkd grey in pl bag in crystals 2019 large bin
16.165 hc18 nkd grey in pl bag in crystals 2019 large bin
16.175 tested frq 156.375 and 48.5583 mhz stamped value in the 16 mhz bin maybe more than 1
16.190 estimated by meas Lesmith 48.60833 purple sides WGRD bin
16.213 estimated by meas hc25 in 16 bin yel tape
16.215 hc18 nkd grey in pl bag in crystals 2019 large bin
16.220 tested estimated freq crytsals ROWB bin (medium size little bin)
16.231 mhz measured freq in my oscillator 48.725 mhz and 156.875 mhz stamped on it stored in 16 mhz bin
16.2444 ch18a hc25 grn sides 16 bin
16.249 16 bin hc25 yellow tag
16.263mhz color coded violet in 16 mhz bin
16.2775 lesmith hc6 msx bin
16.293 mhz in 16 mhz bin FT243
16.358 mhz tested frq stamped freq is 452.775 stored in 16 mhz bin
16.352 mhz estimated by measurement also marked 452.775 mhz in RR2020 bin moved to 400 to 500 mhz bin labelled
16.384 mhz xtal wire leads labelled in 16mhz bin
16.445 mhz hc18 short wire leads in 16 bin blk sides
16.466 MHZ IN 16MHZ BIN marked freq 82.4mhz
16.4775 MHZ in XTALS MSX bin
16.507450 hc 6 blue sides
16.510 hc25 5.810 in 16 bin
16.533 159.390r 100's vhf bin
16.550 estimated by measurement 159.765 R red sides in 16 mhz bin
16.590 orange in CB DON1 BIN also one brwn hc18 in 16 bin has NOW and CH4 markings on it
16.60185 hc6 size in 16 mhz bin
16.610 mhz blue qty 3 CB DON1 bin also more than one hc18 long leads in 16 bin blk sides
16.615 hc18 kony grey in pl bag in crystals 2019 large bin
16.615 red color hc18 long leads 16 bin
16.620 itc hc18 grey in 16 bin long wire leads also one w/short wire leads
16.630 mhz qty 4 or so blue CB DON1 bin
16.643 mhz (a number of them) in the 16mhz bin pics folder 14 sept 2019
16.644 mhz SOLD 24 MARCH 23 tested frq 460.4375 stamped value stored in 16 mhz bin MEASURED 16.634850 QRPME TESTER FOR his pro-48 scanner
16.647 tested frq 460.612 (R) stamped value in 16 mhz bin
16.653 tested 460.8 in 16mhz bin wh tag
16.6566 qty 2 brown in CB DON1 BIN
16.66111 161.650 blk hc25 16 bin
16.6633 ndk xtal tray J OR moved to DON1 bin white color qty 8
16.6722 r23 hc25 16 bin wh tag
16.6778 bomar hc25u R24 GRN TOP 16 MHZ BIN
16.668 hc18 wh label 16.5 to 17 bin
16.69166 hc25 yel tape 16 bin
16.712 tested freq 462.2125 stamped frq in 16 mhz crystals bin
16.742 mhz small xtal wire leads yellow tape in 16.5 to 17 bin
16.749 tested CR166 ICOM wire leads yellow sleeving in the 16mhz bin
16.756 tested freq using my test jig stamped 161.65 and 50.367 in 16 mhz bin
16.757 tested freq stamped freq is 463.625 in 16 mhz bin
16.76111 tew blk hc25 16 mhz bin
16.76111 r sdk ch wx1hc25 grn top 16 bin
16.776 by test hc18 wh tag in16 bin
16.780 ch23r hc25 wht tag in 16 bin
16.790 color coded blue small wire leads in 16mhz bin
16.80558 hc25 brwn sides R27 in 16 bin
16.824 measured crystal (marked 84.185 MHZ) STORED IN 16 MHZ BIN
16.851 50.61670 16 bin hc25 wh tag
16.853 50.57933 50's vhf bin
16.858 rwx-1 wh tag bin axr now in 16 mhz bin
16.864 MHZ tested marked RWX-1 bin AXR
16.89222 mhz max/moxy bin XBR
16.893 mhz labelled in 16 mhz bin
16.922 tested frequency qty 2 of them marked as 6218.6 color coded blue in Gift2 bin
16.926 tested frequency SGC marked 6221.6 color coded black gift2 bin
16.940 mhz (tested with my oscillator) - stamped on values: 457.178 mhz 50.86527 stored in 16 mhz bin
16.941 mhz (tested with my oscillator) - stamped on values: 457.178 mhz 50.86527 stored in 16 mhz bin
16.965 in bin X2021 also one in HUMB bin hc25 viol sides
160.00 (T) (oscillates on 10 mhz as well in test) in 10 mhz bin
160.095 mhz tx 20.01187 mhz phillips color coded black in XTALS OCT 19 bin
160.425 mhz USA crystals bin MRU-1
160.785 t 6.702 mhz test frq bin xt19a
160.935 mhz 15.568 mhz by measurement RR2020 bin teal top
161.206 16.704 test frq hc18u in 150 to 250 bin wh tagged
161.222 ch 16 16.124 mhz tested in XTALS picked bin
161.65 r 16.77222 IC22A IC22 in 150 to 250 bin viol sides hc25u
161.9 mhz r 8.545 mhz est by meas HC6 JUL2020 bin
162.165 r 16.823 mhz tested labelled in XX19 bin
162.165 9.007 hc25 150 to 25 bin tagged
162.270 colored w/red marker other stamped value 16.841 oscillation freq measured 16.848 stored in 16 mhz bin
162.30 mhz color code red6/7625 in xtal box J
162.36 pair com rox bin 16.85111 & 20.295 grn tag might have been u/o johnson fleetcom II also one in 20 bin
162.435 6.770 apprx by measurement a bit larger than an hc25 rock in150 to 250 bin wh tag
162.475 mhz 47.02700 and test oscillation 15.668 in bin XTALS X20
162.550 r 16.762 test estimate in 150 to 250 bin w/wh tag wx1 poss wx1 more than 1
162.90 39.350 13.105 est test frq hc6 in 150 to 250 bin
162.99 mhz 16.92111 also oscillates on 50.817 in xtals labelled bin
163.02 13.585 and 13.587 mhz tested and stamped freqs stored in the 150 to 200 mhz bin
163.170 4.535 wh label 150 to 200 bin hc6
163.170 rx 12.930 yel tape in 150 to 250 bin
163.20 T AND R tx and rx ht200 brown envelope in COMROX SHOEBOX
163.47 r 50.92333 16.954 hc25 wh tag 150 to 250 bin
163.95 T 20.49375 Les Smith crystals bin XYA also bin 20ABC
163.980 (t) Maxtar qty 2 other stamped value 18.220 (18.223 measured) MORE SPECIAL CRYSTALS BIN
163.980 R 17.017MHZ TEST OSCILLATION ALSO STAMPED 51.0933 MAXAR more special crystals bin also one blue top in bin DEF
163.980 t 18.223 maxar more special crystals bin
164.325 9.136 estimated measurement in 150 - 250 bin wh tag
164.37 r mhz 17.090 by estimate measurement in bin 20ABC
164.010 and 20.505 mhz stamped color coded blue in the 150 to 250 mhz bin
164.070 (R) second stamped freq 20.50875 test oscillation freq 20.512 at least one of these maybe 2 in the 150 to 250 mhz bin
164.37 17.090 bin 20ABC
164.49 mhz 17.08777 also 51.315 mhz in xtals labelled bin
164.820 20.602 in xtals labelled bin
164.925 (R) oscillation freq 17.122 mhz stored in 17 mhz bin
164.926 mhz 17.125 mhz by estimate measurement in bin 20ABC
165.120 Regency 301-740 51.47333 17.145 estimated by meas red top bin X2021 xtals
165.210 t 13.7675 hc25 brwn sides 150 to 250 bin
165.39 mhz 20.67375 red top bin 20DEF
165.405 stamped also 55.13750 stamped - test oscillation 18.363 mhz in the 150 to 250 mhz bin
165.54 tx and rx ht200 brown envelope in COMROX SHOEBOX
165.615 17.207 mhz tested stored in XX19 bin colr code blue
165.615 marked 51.63833 tested at 17.204 stored in the 40 to 55mhz bin
165.960 mhz 17.235 mhz estimated by test measurement teal top in bin 20DEF
165.99 (r) 17.2544 green lable 629 in Crystals XYA bin sold to usa ham apr 10 23 - note that 17.252 was original demanded rock at least one now in 17 bin orange label
165.99 (T) (20.7487) in 150 to 250 mhz bin also one that is 20.755 estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
165.99t 20.746760 grn round label and white tag label in 150 to 250 bin
165.99 (t) 20.7487 green lbel 629 crystals XYA bin
166.200 r 13.491 mhz PAGER hc6 in 150 to 250 bin
166.200 17.252 150 to 250 bin one sold apr 23 to usa ham 17.252 was in demand
166.29 (R) 2nd stamped freq 49.46481 and test oscillation fre 16.480 stored in 150 to 200 mhz bin
166.29 (R) 2nd stamped freq 51.86533 and test oscillation fre 17.275 stored in 150 to 200 mhz bin
166.29 r 51.86533 17.281 mhz test freq brwn top in 100s vhf bin
166.375t 25.89097
166.455 mhz 20.8068 Johnson 20ABC bin one of the possible two has white tape tag
166.56 mhz t 13.880 mhz test color code red in 150 to 250 mhz bin
166.560 t 27.760 tested at 9.250 white card in 150 to 250 bin
166.735 (?) 20.79975 in xtals labelled bin
166.980t 27.830 9.281 hc25 in 27 bin wh tag
167.01 t 18.55667 hc25 MAX/MOXY lesmith in 150 to 250 bin grn sides
167.19 mhz 20.910 estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC brwn top
167.370t 13.950 estimate 13mhz bin
167.73 13.991 estimate 13mhz bin
167.73 t 18.635 test freq UNI 150 to 250 bin hc25
167.73 taiwan 18.639 xtalszzz bin
167.730 52.34333 in xtals labelled bin
167.730 hc25 possibly violt sides 27.955 9.318 estimated in 150 to 250 bin
167.730 T 10.483 estimated by measurement lt blue sides in 2020A xtal bin
167.850 t 27.975 9.329 hc25 in 150 to 250 bin wh tag
167.880 t hc6 6.995 orange sides in 150 to 250 bin
167.97 13.99750 hc18 wire leads long in 150 to 250 bin
168.178 t 18.75333 moc70 mocom 70 hc6 in 150 to 250 bin
168.390 mhz 21.04875 estimated by measurement test in bin 20DEF blue top
168.390 t 28.065 wr-154 in 150 TO 250 BIN HC25 RED SIDES
168.390 mhz 21.085 estimated by measurement test in bin 20DEF blk top
168.645 T 21.08062 red top bin 20DEF
168.660 t 18.743 mhz tested out of midland 70-325
168.78 r 40.8200 13.592 hc6 or tag in 150 to 250 bin
168.78 t 28.130 9.376 hc25 in 150 to 250 bin wh tag
168.9 r 49.16667 16.374 tested in xtals picked bin
168.96 2 pairs Mocom 35 OR MAYBE MOCOOM 45 in COMROX bin 14.080 and 17.5844
169.20 T 7.053 mhz test freq in tested crystals tray row B w/label
169.350 r 14.787mhz tested out of midland 70-325
169.365 (T) color coded blue also measured 28.2275 measured at 9.411 in Picked Xtals bin
169.44 mhz hc6 7.068 mhz test freq in 150 to 250 mhz bin
169.77 tx and rx ht200 brown envelope in COMROX SHOEBOX
17.000 164.7 r tagged in 17 bin hc25
17.015 mhz NDK grey color bin Gift1
17.035 mhz hc18 short leads pulled in 17 bin wh label
17.055 yel tape hc25 in 17 mhz bin
17.065 mhz NDK grey color bin Gift1 also one in HUMB bin
17.09333 stamped value 17.102 measured 149.620 - had label saying MINITOR stored in 17 mhz bin also one blue colored one
17.096 hc25 wh tape label in 17 bin
17.0975 STC black top bin X2021 xtals also 1 tagged in 17 mhz bin hc25
17.108 mhz blue in 17 mhz bin
17.115 mhz NDK grey color bin Gift1
17.120 mhz tested frq 51.408 and 165.925 marked on the crystal stored in the 17 mhz crystals bin(might be 2 of them)
17.122 mhz tested frq 165.925 (R) marked on the crystal stored in the 17 mhz crystals bin
17.12962 kxn6330 motorola qty 3 hc18 similar size shrt wire leads in 17 bin NOTE: these were in 150 to 250 and might have been miscataloged b4 under 171.29
17.142 mhz estimated by measurement 17 mhz bin tagged
17.144 mhz in xtals Z19 bin 17.1444 hc18 long wire leads
17.1615 hc25 red top 17 bin
17.165 mhz NDK grey color bin
17.168 mhz estimated by meas BRWN sides in WGRD bin
17.213 86.186 2020-a bin tagged
17.215 mhz NDK grey color bin Gift1 and one in HUMB bin
17.222 tested freq stamped freq is 465.4375 in 17 mhz bin prob qty 2 wh tag on 1
17.230 MEASURED real small xtals qty 4 17 bin
17.235 465.612t black 400's vhf bin
17.240 tested 51.7733 mhz and marked 166.02 in 17 mhz bin
17.254 mhz orange color 17 mhz bin
17.280 MHZ - I have 6 or more in stock NOS (cheap)- I still have quite a few to list here. 17.280Mhz 17.280 Mhz
17.280MHZ continued pictures on my ebay listing USdollars negotiable 17.280Mhz Crystal modules
17.280MHZ Crystal Clock Oscillators (Motorola) type K1100AM (K1100AM-17.280Mhz) alt 17.280 mhz continued... part number 1811660-16
17.290 mhz estimated by measurement 17 mhz bin tagged
17.290 mhz tested 467.2125 stamped on xtal stored in 17mhz xtal bin
17.297 red for 467.212 stored in 17 mhz bin
17.3084 hc25 yel tag 17 bin
17.341 mhz tested tagged in bin MSX
17.34861 469.4125 t hc6 MOCOM 70 in 17 bin
17.366 mhz stamped value T6 Comdev Marien VHF FM CDM225 crystals (still in the radio) note: many other 17.3ish and 17.4ish rocks in this radio (most not cataloged yet)
17.3766 168.090 r hc6 blue sides 17 bin
17.380 mhz estimated by measurement COMDEV Marine VHF FM CDM225 crystals in the radio
17.38055 CH68 in bin AXR
17.391 mhz estimated by measurement T70 COMDEV Marine VHF FM CDM225 crystals in the radio
17.399 test freq bin XTALS X20 color coded blk
17.422 mhz green code in RR2020 bin also see comdev marine radio cdm225 for one
17.430 fox long wire leads in 17 bin
17.444.44 in 17 mhz bin
17.4477 color coded rose test freq 17.449 mhz stored in xtals picked bin paired with 167.730(T) 20.96625 rose
17.458 mhz estimated by measurement T22A COMDEV Marine VHF FM CDM225 crystals in the radio
17.482 mhz estimated by measurement COMDEV Marine VHF FM CDM225 crystals in the radio
17.500 mhz hc6 qty 2 in 17 mhz bin
17.511 hc25 wh tag in 17 bin
17.525 mhz (on SB34 crystal osc board SBE old rig)hc6 SIZE ROCK
17.590 mhz estimated by measurement blk top XBR Crystals bin
17.60333 17.610 estimated test frequ in MORESPECIAL crystals bin was with 49.24993 rock in envelope labelled MOXY 152.27 - 1 sold to ve3gyy aug-22 see also 17bin hc18 wire leads
17.619 tested oscillation freq stamped 52.910 vhf 220b in VHF special bin 1 sold to ve3gyy aug-22
17.620 black front and back 17 bin hc25
17.634 mhz 158.535 blue in 17 mhz bin
17.6518 qty 2 hc6 in 17 mhz bin
17.68518 in 17 mhz bin possibly another one hc6 in 17mhz bin also one removed for Jim in renfrew noted aug 2019
17.690 hc25 red side blk side special vhf bin
17.700 mhz hc6 was in the 17 mhz bin but might be giving to Jim Renfrew noted aug2019
17.726 MHz measured - note there are no markings on this gold colored xtal in xtals picked bin also ROCK20 bin
17.750 tested frequency stamped 53.310 and VHF220B stored in VHF special bin
17.750 TESTED stamped 53.310 stamped VHF220B stored in VHF Special BIN
17.76 mhz tested at 17.762 mhz in CRZxtals bin
17.760 in its own little plastic round container in 17 bin
17.775 52.400 white tag in 17 bin
17.7778 hc6 qty 2 in xtal bin J
17.850 mhz in 17mhz bin ft243
17.865 mhz blue color code RR2020 bin now tagged
17.890 hc6 jan brwn sides 17.5 to 18
170.1(T) also stamped 18.9 and measured oscillation 18.903 in Picked XTALS bin
170.235 21.27937 bin 20DEF brwn top
170.235 qty 2 Harris Gold Xtals measured oscillations 14.192 and 14.193 in Picked XTALS bin
170.258 16.529 in 150 to 250 bin wh tag
170.37 t 21.295 color coded green in crystals XYA bin possibly moved to 21 bin not sure
170.46 (T) 2nd stamped freq 56.82170 and test oscillation freq 18.925 mhz stored in 150 to 200 mhz bin could be more than 1 of these
170.46 T also stamped 18.94 mhz MAX/MOXY (lesmith) in MOXY xtals bin ALSO XX19 bin one with short leads
170.94 (UNI) qty 4 bagged together in sm. special vhf bin (14.943 qty 2 and 18.996 qty2)
170.94 also stamped 28.490 and measured at 9.497 picked xtals bin (POSSIBLY QTY 2)
170.94 qty 3 hc25 red sides 17.780 approx 3 on white card bin 150 to 250 53.41333
171.09 (T) color coded red also stamped 14.257 and measured at 14.260 in Picked Xtals bin
171.165 mhz 17.810 estimated by measurment 2020A xtal bin blk sides
171.210 r 17.83444 mocom 35 wire leads hc18 bin COMROX
171.255 r 17.816 hc18 wh tag 150 to 250 bin
171.750 (41.179) test oscillation freq 13.718 in 150 to 200 mhz bin
171.750 TX oscillates on 7.156 mhz in my test jig stored in 7 mhz bin
171.915t 21.489 hc25 in 150 to 250 bin wh tag
171.93 (T) also stamped 28.655 and measured freq 9.552 stored in Picked Xtals bin
172.005 r 17.910 estimated by measurment orange sides 2020A xtals bin
172.020mhz 40.32798mhz 14.432 xtals zzz
172.260 (T) also stamped 28.710 oscillation freq measured at 9.570 in Picked Xtals bin
172.41 (color coded green) also stamped 14.3675 measured at 14.372 mhz stored in PICKED Xtals bin
172.665 pair rf2800 radio 53.9833 both R rocks in comrox bin FROM LES SMITH invoice dated apr 1998
173.085 t 28.8475 9.610 wh card in 150- 250 bin
173.550 r 18.080 est by measurement in XBR crystals bin
175.90 mhz measured osc freq 17.593 stored in 150 to 200 mhz bin
180.446 180.4666 color w/blue marker oscillation freq measured 18.050 binned in 150 to 200 mhz bin
18.0 mhz low profile rock in XTALS OCT 19 bin
18.000 mhz HC18 NOS that was removed from an ACTIVE bag Fox180 qty 2 in 18mhz bin also one fox with short leads
18.000 mhz 4 pin oscillator metal can pack in 18 mhz bin
18.0060 hc6 yellow tag Drake 2A 2B bin
18.046 mhz tested 18.050 mhz colored blue in 18 mhz bin
18.060 estimated C-11 wire leads blk top XBR xtals bin
18.06667 hc6 size in JIMS Xtals 2 bin moved to 18 to 18.5 bin jimsxtals 2 bin now emptied
18.15666 hc18 wire leads in 18 bin
18.17708 on a small cca in 18mhz bin
18.190 hc18u grn sides in 18 to 18.5 bin
18.2233 (KXN-6121) 18.227 MHZ TEST FREQ (color coded green) STORED IN XTALS PICKED BIN
18.275 in xtal box J also one color code blue in 18 mhz bin
18.281 (actual stamped 54.940) stored in 18mhz bin
18.29250 (tx144) probably used for 2mtr ssb work (stored in plastic bag in 18mhz bin
18.297 mhz estimated by measurement 44.240 stamped value red top in RR2020 bin
18.3150(tx144) probably used for 2mtr ssb work (stored in plastic bag in 18mhz bin
18.323 mhz tested value and 146.58 T stamped on it stored in IC22 and 2mtr rocks bin
18.4 (small low profile xtals) qty 7
18.425 hc25 in 18 to 18.5 bin
18.4275 hc25 grn sides in 18 to 18.5 bin
18.430 mhz in 18 mhz bin one has a white card and 221.170 t
18.432 mhz qty 3 WGRD bin also 1 with wire leads blk top in RR2020 bin
18.4320 M-tron MP-1 1 in. long leads in 18 mhz bin
18.446 measured and tagged in 18mhz bin
18.49666 hc6 grn sides 166.47 t
18.5 mhz ft101zd vfo bin
18.50167 166.150 hc25 or tag in 18.5 to 19 bin
18.610 hc25 brwn sides 18 bin PRO2B or PRO28
18.61339 hc18 wire leads in 18.5 to 19 bin lime grn sides yel tape
18.749 hc18 wire leads 18.5 to 19 bin
18.74975 hc18 18 mhz bin
18.765 18.5 to 19 bin hc25
18.8033 hc25u wh card in 18.5 to 19 bin
18.895 mhz wire leads Z19 xtals bin SOLD 2020
18.900 xtals picked bin
18.920 measured stamped with 8219.8 SGC (8010) in 18mhz bin w/label
18.923 GIFT1
18.937 est by meas 8.2415 hc25 viol sides in AXR bin
18.984375 151.715 xbr bin wh tag
18.992 by test hc25 95.0833 stamped in 18 mhz bin wh tag
18.9933 hc18 gold wire leads 170.94 18.5 to 19 bin
18.9933 mhz 18.998 mhz test freq in 18 mhz bin
18.995 sgc 8291.1 RED GIFT2
18.995 sgc black GIFT1
19.003 in the 400 to 500 mhz bin
19.0036 mhz also marked 456.0875 mhz red top in RR2020 bin
19.005 stamped and tested 456.137 t stored in 19mhz bin
19.025 MHZ tested oscillation, 156.48 marked on crystal stored in 19 mhz xtal bin
19.078 stamped value 19.082 tested reading also stamped 457.8875 stored in 19mhz bin
19.11333 172.020t xtalszzz bin
19.130 (color coded green) KXN-6121 measured 19.133mhz (qty 2 Motorola) in Picked XTALS bin at least 1 SOLD
19.15666 mhz 19.165 estimated by measurement color code blue in 20ABC bin
19.19125 (153.530)
19.197 mhz crystal modules qty 3 in xtal modules bin (ttl modules)
19.250 est by meas labelled 2 xtals 2375g1 57812500khz in 19 mhz bin
19.3458 mhz tested at 19.346mhz 19 mhz bin pink label
19.3765 oscillates on 19.384 colored orange het oscillator bin stamped 465.0375 t
19.385 19.376 color blk top in 20ABC bin
19.440 tcxo raltron qty 12 in little black box 4.6 ppm in the bagged crystals tool box
19.470 sgc 8765.4 green GIFT2
19.4875 hc18 on pb 1965 car oscillator board for ft101zd in radio parts drwr across from bench
19.500 hc6 19 bin lite blue sides
19.520 stamped and tested 19 mhz bin color coded blue
19.522 this is the test oscillation freq (156.3) stored in 19 mhz crystal bin
19.5277 light blue WGRD bin
19.58489 mhz
19.613 tested 19.6093 stamped value
19.650 hc18 long leads 157.200 t in 19mhz bin
19.7475 mhz wire leads in XX19 xtal bin
19.845 stamped 19.855 tested color coded purple in the 19mhz bin
19.8806 159.045 t 19 bin hc25
19.968 hc16 red top 19 mhz bin
19.993 mhz tested 60 mhz 60.00 mhz stamped on it in 55 to 80 mhz bin
191.5666 osc freq 19.160 in picked xtals bin
197.75 mhz in larger crystals bin
2.00 mhz qty 2 hc6 size color code green in 1-2 mhz bin also 1 hc6 with lite blue sides
2.000 mc also in the "right on freq"bin also 2 mhz bin more than 1 one has wh tape
2.000 mhz in 1 to 2 mhz bin
2.000 mhz see thru xtal in 2mhz bin see also 2 to 2.5 bin
2.000 mhz tested color white label on rock in xtal box J
2.003 mhz hc6 gold sides 2 to 2.5 bin
2.0030 large metal xtal ft243 mixed bag bin OR AUGROX20
2.003 hc6 2 to 2.5 maybe more than 1
2.015 mhz green code hc6 bin hc6AA
2.085 hc6 green code in HC6AA bin
2.085 larger size metal xtal Snelgrove viol label made in canada in morebigrocks bin
2.094 mhz in xtal box J
2.09715 in 2 mhz bin
2.097152 hc6 size with its associated trimmer cap (was removed from cca) bin XX19
2.100 hc6 yel tape hc6 2 to 2.5 bin
2.110 hc6 grn sides in 2 to 2.5 bin
2.118 mhz in 2 mhz bin HC6 also hc6 sized one in 2BLUE colored blue
2.134 mhz HUPP Electronics xtal in 2BLUE bin
2.134 hc6 in 2 mhz bin grn sides see also jimsxtalbin2
2.150 color coded red HC6 size in Lo bin xtals
2.079 hc6 red top in 2 bin
2.150 mhz in Lo bin xtals
2.182 hc6 size in 2mhz bin (could be multiple of these xtals) see also jimsxtalbins
2.18200 large metal xtal ft243 mixed bag bin OR AUGROX20
2.194 mhz hc6 in 2 mhz bin
2.206 mhz in 2 mhz bin possibly 2 of these see also jimsxtalbins
2.237 hc6 in 2 mhz bin maybe 2 hc17 2 in jimsxtalbin2
2.318 hc6 violet qty2 2 more bin
2.340 hc6 lime green 2 more bin
2.455 hc17 in 2 mhZ BIN
2.457600 qty 2 fox with long wire leads nos hc18 in 2 to 2.5 bin also 2 with short leads
2.500 hc17 lite blu sides 2.5 to 3 bin
2.638 hc6 brwn 2 more bin
2.647 jimsxtalbin2 now in 2.5 to 3 bin hc6
2.751 ft243 in FT243A BIN RCA xtal type RC-2-a was in 2.5 to 3 bin
2.768 hc6 or 2more bin
2.900 mhz hc6 lite blue sides in 2.5 to 3 bin
2.955 hc6 hc6 red sides in 2.5 to 3bin
2.969 hc6 qty2 in 2.5 to 3 bin
2.997 hc6 blk sides 2.5 to 3 bin
2.294 mhz hc6 size in 2 mhz bin
2.300 mhz FT-171B US army large blk tray 1 pics 2019_11_21 Henry Radio Shop L.A. calif
2.3033 mhz and 2.3067 mhz (2303.3 Khz and 2306.7 khz) 404-197 and 404-196 in bin called 2.3mhz 2303.3 Khz and 2306.7 khz see also packaged xtals bin small white boxed items
2.3035 mhz (2303.5 Khz) 404-192 stamped on the crystal in bin called 2.3 mhz 2303.5 Khz 404-192 also try xtals assy bin
2.3051 mc FT-171B BC610 larger crystal USA army in big black xtal tray also one probably smaller size in het osc bin
2.305100 404-191 2305.100 Khz qty 2 in bin marked 2.3Mhz CRYSTAL 404-191 2305.100
2.3067 mhz mhz in white box 404-197 in packaged xtals bin from ve3urs hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin also heathkit xtals bin
2.3067 mhz (again) one hc6 black sides in 2 to 2.5 bin
2.310 bliley tests good 3/4 in. pin space 1/75 in. tall QTY 2 20LARGE BIN
2.366 hc6 bronze color code qty 2 in 2 to 2.5 bin
2.394 mhz in xtal box J
2.458 hc6 size 2 mhz bin NOW QTY 2 or more one has orange sides
2.494 hc6 2 to 2.5 bin
2.5285 Marconi RCAF large rock 3 pins MORE BIG ROCKS blk tray
2.545 Mhz US Army signal corps ft171b pics 2019-11-21 big blk tray 1 (for crystals)
2.599 jimsxtal bin likely hc6
2.637 (I measured at 7.684 mhz harmonic probably) 2 mhz bin hc6 size
2.637 labelled HC6 size in 2 mhz bin color coded green also another one in the same bin also 1 w/red sides
2.638 LARGER SIZE METAL xtal in BIGB black tray blk sides
2.638 hc6 2.5 to 3 mhz bin
2.638 hc6 size in 2 mhz bin(probably 2 or more) (I measured one at 7.829 (harmonic I guess)
2.647 hc6 white tape in 2.5 to 3 bin
2.660 mhz 2.661 mhz test freq HC6 color code grn in xtal box j
2.6722 mhz measured freq 2.670 mhz in larger xtals bin
2.702 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
2.738 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin also one in 2 mhz bin also one ft243 Peterson PR 2.5 to 3 bin was in bin JAY note: bin jay may not exist!! ccheck it out
2.751 RCA good condx type RC-2-A in FT243 bin
2.794 mhz crystal hc6 size in 2 mhz xtals bin
2.814 hc18 RVR3 in 2.5 to 3 bin wh tag
2.822 tested 2.820.75 as marked and also marked 5.641.5 stored in 2 mhz bin
2.87252 HC6 2.5 to 3 bin
2.894 bin msx
2.92988 mhz stamped stored in 2 mhz bin
2.969 mhz hc6 size 2.5 to 3 mhz bin now qty 2
2.995 mhz HC6 size pulled from an older Motorola radio/cca in 2 mhz bin
2.9975 hc6 size in 2 mhz bin I tested it at 2.998mhz
2.9986 2998.6 KC JAN Crystal larger size case with silver colored faceplate that is held in place with 3 screws price $3.00 CRYSTAL 2998.6 KC
20.000 mhz 6.667 hc6 in 20 to 20.5 bin
20.000 mhz 6.670 mhz estimated by measurement hc6 in the 20 to 20.5 mhz bin
20.000 mhz ttl can oscillators M55310/14-B09A qty 15 in a 20 mhz bin (mil spec)
20.000 WGRD bin & fox 20.0 hc18 20mhz bin orange sides
20.020 mhz 10.010 mhz in bin RR2020 now moved to 20 mhz bin hc18 used wire leads it is broken lead
20.275 GIFT1
20.378 mhz tested pink label nymph 197-0019a in 20 bin
20.400 163.2 in 20 bin hc25
20.464 tested 20.460 stamped stored in 20 mhz bin
20.464 stamped hc25 red in 20 to 20.5 mhz bin
20.480 toyo oscillates on 20.480 qty abt 20 in 20mhz bin also one bag of 58 in bagged xtals box
20.480 hc18 long wire leads abt qty 150 in bag bagged crytals bin
20.500 hc6 size but bigger leads yellow tape label 20.5 oscillates on 20.5 in 20 bin
20.506 mhz 169.950 t blue sticker in 100s vhf bin
20.511 mhz tested freq 20.505 marked on xtal also 164.010 (T) stored in 20 mhz bin
21.6 hc6 tested at 21.6 in drake xtals bin
20.600 6.870 hc6 in 20 mhz bin yel tape in 20 bin
20.79975 mhz in labelled crystals bin
20.868 measured 166.850 SF xtals 1 might be gone apr 2022 also try 100s bin
20.899 tested 167.16 T 155 to 200 mhz bin
20.934 mhz red tag in 20 mhz bin
20.9375 tested at 20.940 in 20 to 25 mhz bin w/pink label also see 20 mhz bin for one
20.945 hc18 long wire leads qty 2 in 20.5 to 21mhz bin also GIFT1
20.945 hc18 long leads toyo 20.5 to 21 mhz bin maybe more than 1
20.945 mhz marked and 20.948 mhz tested on a label in xtal bin AXR
20.958 mhz labelled with tag Showa more than 2 long wire leads 20mhz bin
20.958 hc18 Showa 20.5 to 21 bin
21.046 yellow tape hc25 in 21 mhz bin
21.050 hc49s wire leads new in package in 21ham bin
21.06375 in 21ham bin silver sides also one PHILLIPS red top hc25 in 21ham bin
21.075 168.6 t hc25 in 21 bin wh tag
21.08069 168.645 lite blue sides 21ham bin
21.087 mhz les smith 168.645 T in 21 mhz bin pink label
21.088 tested freq 21.080 marked on the crystal stored in the 21 mhz bin
21.1031 168.825 t hc25 21ham bin
21.116 tested freq 168.930 HC25 in 21HAM BIN WH TAG
21.216 mhz crystal in 21mhz bin 21.216mhz
21.2887 stamped and measured value hc25 in 21 bin 170.310 blue sides
21.295250 170.37 t hc25 21 bin wh tag
21.34875 170.790 hc25 whtag 21 mhz bin
21.395 est by measurement very small xtal 149.770 xtals RR2020 bin
21.4 mhz tested and stamped freq color code orange in 21HAM bin
21.413 mhz tested freq (llikely it is a 21.410 mhz rock) in DONMIX xtals bin 3 lead NGK also in 21mhz bin
21.450 round metal heavy xtal QTY 2 in 21 mhz bin
21.485 round metal heavy xtal QTY 1 in 21 mhz bin
21.5 HC6 SASK bin also see 21 to 21.5 bin yellow tag
21.5 oscillates on 7.175 mhz for FT301 colored blue in HETOSC bin
21.500 color coded red hc6 in 21 mhz bin (was moved)
21.800 hc6 test 7.270 yel tape in 21 mhz bin
21.855 mhz crystal hc18 MEC in the 21mhz crystal bin 21.855mhz
21.865 109.5 in 21 bin wh tag
21M15AZ UNI 3 pin bin XTALSONCCA in large bin xtals assy
22.000 hc6 in 22 to 22.5 mhz bin possbily for 6mtr xverter projects white tape lable
22.006 hc6 22 bin blue sides tested at 7.340 probably qty 2
22.055 mhz wire leads pull from ft270rh in LORE5 bin along with some other ft270rh parts i pulled
22.118400 blue top in 22 bin
22.250 7.412 test hc6 22bin wh tag
22.5111 hc6 blk sides in 22.5 to 23 mhz bin possible qty 2
22.65625 hc6 7.550 est osc freq yel tape in 22 bin
22.8166 round metal heavy xtal QTY 1 in 22 mhz bin
22.895 TKC test freq oscillation 7.641 mhz in xtal bin XX19 qty2 perhaps also one trio grey one in 22.5 to 23 bin hc18
22.900 in 22 mhz bin
23.290 ndk hc18 in 23cb bin grey
23.290 mhz (march2021) 7.770 mhz measured estimate grn top XBR crystals bin moved to 23mhz cb bin hc25 plug in
23.290mhz qty 2 one wire leads one plug in july 2023 in 23bin bin CBfrom out west (Sanyo TA-777cb radio) circuit board/box also one 7.776 test freq 23 mhz bin
23.3 stamped value 7.800 measured silver natural color in DON1 bin
23.330 mhz 7.785 mhz estimated by measurement black dot on top bin 20ABC
23.330 mhz 7.806 mhz tested natural color in 23 cb bin
23.340 stamped 7.785 estimated test freq in 23mhz bin
23.340 7.789 ndk 23cb bin
23.340 stamped 7.791 test freq in 23mhz bin
23.340mhz (Aug2018) CBfrom out west (Sanyo TA-777cb radio) circuit board/box also one 7.793 mhz test freq 23 mhz bin
23.340 ndk hc18 in 23cb bin grey
23.380 gre hc18 in 23cb bin
23.390 mhz 7.809 mhz test freq in 23 mhz bin
23.390 mhz bin measured 7.804 test oscillation stored in 23mhz bin yellow label
23.390 NDK short wire leads pull 7.804 estimated in 23 bin grey covering
23.390 mhz (Aug2018) CBfrom out west (Sanyo TA-777cb radio) circuit board/box
23.4 mhz stamped freq with 7.8 mhz oscillation in test stored in 23mhz bin
23.400 (hc6) 7.806 stored in 23mhz bin no label
23.430 natural color 7.823 mhz test freq a couple in GRE hc18 blk dot on top in 23 CB bin
23.440 mhz 7.826 mhz test freq in 23 mhz bin
23.440mhz (Aug2018) CBfrom out west (Sanyo TA-777cb radio) circuit board/box
23.480 7.839 mhz test freq natural color in 23 cb bin
23.490 mhz 7.842 mhz test freq in 23 mhz bin - this one likely sold June 2020
23.490 ndk hc18 in 23cb bin grey
23.490 hc18 w/cca bit in 23 cb bin
23.490mhz (Aug2018) CBfrom out west (Sanyo TA-777cb radio) circuit board/box
23.530mhz 7.855 measured GRE Black dot top bin MSX
23.540 mhz 7.858 mhz test freq in 23 mhz bin
23.580 mhz 7.867 test freq hc18 wire leads 3rd harmonic type crystal in 23CB xtals
23.680 7.898 grey covering 23.5 to 24 bin also one hc18 23 CBBIN
23.785 7.930 mhz est by measurement blue xtal XBR xtals bin now moved to 23cb xtals bin
23.880 grey covering 7.965 23.5 to 24 bin or probably the 23 CB bin
23.8888 violet sides hc6 in 23 mhz bin
24.000 mhz in 24mhz bin also 24 mhz small xtal Digikey bag 20pf in packaged xtals bin also one small 24.0 and oscillates on 24.000 in 24 bin
24.000 mhz hc18 long wire leads qty 3 in 24 mhz bin also 1 low profile in 24 bin also one w/shrt leads
24.00014 ITC wire leads in 24 mhz bin
24.5 and 24.57 low profile in 24 mhz bin
24.576 mhz in All Electronics bin (wide bin) qty 5 nos across from the bar
24.584 test freq low profile xtal marked 24.5C43 in 24 mhz xtals
24.625 mhz (on SB34 crystal osc board SBE old rig)HC6 sized rock
24.9333 round metal heavy xtal 24 MHZ BIN
245.0 mhz 51.250 10.250 measured estimate in 150 to 250 mhz bin
245.0 mhz 51.250 10.250 measured estimate cr-23u hc6 size in 150 to 250 mhz bin wh tag
25.000 21.500 HET OSC BIN
25.006 hc6 nos in 25 mhz bin yel tape label possibly 2 or more qty0
25.0416 cylindrical xtal in 25 bin
25.056815 mhz in 25 mhz bin CPU rock perhaps labelled item
25.1 mhz stamped 8.366mhz tested frq in 25mhz bin also one in AXR bin HC6 size
25.1 orange dot on top hc6 in 25 mhz bin (moved item)
25.2 mhz CHANNEL 52 large xtal in Large Crystals bin
25.366 round large in 25 bin
25.335 10.025 grn top XCB bin xtpg2
25.6 mzh and oscillates on 25.6 mhz in Z19 xtal bin
25.700 hc6 8.570 test oscillation
25.750 hc6 8.588 test oscillation in 25 bin
25.985 cobra 19m this rock may be a dud in 25 bin
26.08750 lessmith 26 mhz bin ch07 T 8.700
26.510 8.840 xtpg2
26.530 mhz 8.849 mhz test freq in GRS xtals bin
26.550 mhz CH4R 8.850 mhz estimated by measurement in 27 bin hc6 (has distinctive green oxide on one side)
26.560 mhz hc6 johnson 8.852 tested wh label in 26.5 to 27 bin also check ch5 cb bin ch5r hc25 blk sides also one with wh tag 26.560/27.015 hc25 ch 5 cb bin
26.560 kds ch5 R japan measures at 8.860 approx grey color in ch5 bin RED top also one hc25 blk sides in ch5 cb bin
26.570 in 26 mhz bin HC6 color code green
26.570 mhz 8.863 GRS crystals bin
26.580 color code blue marked r7 in 27 blue bin
26.580 in 26 mhz bin HC6 color coded red R-7 Johnson
26.580 tested at 8.862 mhz color coded blue xtal bin AXR now most likely in 26 bin
26.590 8.866 hc18 tagged in 26 bin
26.600 R-8 hc6 note: 26.6 + 455 = 27.055 in CH8 BIN measured 8.871 apprx
26.610 mhz 8.873 mhz Johnson R9 bin GRS xtals also one in 20ABC one hc6 wh tag in 26 bin one also hc25 8.865 tested in 26 bin
26.610 mhz smaller rock TEW moved over to R4 crystals (possible R4 crystals) qty 3
26.610 mhz TEW hc25 in bin R4 xtals drake rocks (possibly) BIN qty 3 one measured 8.996 and one in 26 bin viol sides hc25
26.620 mhz 8.880 mhz estimated by measurement teal color coded hc6 bin 20DEF
26.630 (t) 8.875 xtpg2 also one 8.850 mhz estimated by meas orange top XBR crystals bin also POTT1 bin see also 26 bin wh tag
26.630 color coded blue 8.882 mhz tested in xtal bin AXR
26.630 nkd 8.795 pg2 xtpg2 also 26 bin & sask bin
26.650 mhz 8.889 mhz test freq in GRS xtals bin also 1 in 26 mhz bin
26.650 mhz CH 12R TEW 27 Red bin
26.650 mhz TEW in bin R4 xtals(possibly) BIN
26.670 8.890 est by meas blk/grn top bin XBR also one R14 blue and red top bin XBR
26.670 8.898 est by meas Green top bin XBR
26.670 grey LTC 8.895 estimated test freq in 26 mhz bin
26.670 mhz TEW blk in gift2 bin
26.670 tew black 8.888 GIFT1
26.680 mhz 8.901 mhz test frq in GRS xtals from jc bin
26.680 grey hc25 ch 15 bin note: 26.680 plus .455 = 27.135 thus ch15 bin
26.700 8.901 hc6 in 26 bin w/tag
26.710 8.902 hc6 ch17 bin
26.720 8.915 mhz test freq r18 in 27 red bin red color coded
26.720 hc6 R18 RED SIDES Johnson 8.910 test in ch18 bin
26.720 mhz 8.928 mhz test freq in 26 mhz bin hc6 TEW also one in xtal box J
26.730 KDS HC25 Grey color CH19R japan in Ch19 bin 8.916 approx fundamental freq blue top
27.742 9.244 test hc6 brwn sides 27 bin
26.750 8.923 in GRS xtals bin also one hc25 TEW in 26 bin vio sides
26.750 hc6 yel tape 8.916 in 26 bin
26.750 in 26 mhz bin hc6 size
26.760 measured 8.926 mhz hc6 TEW in 26 mhz bin probably 2 of these
26.770 CH22 R TEW 27 RED bin
26.770 mhz TEW in bin R4 xtals(possibly) BIN
26.770 stamped value and 8.922 measured stored in 26mhz bin qty 2
26.780 hc6 8.925 mhz test freq brown sides binned in 26.5 to 27 mhz bin if no try 8.5 to 9 bin
26.780 hc18 johnson note: probably for 27.235 if you add on 455 kc wh tag in 26.5 to 27 bin
26.800 color coded blue 8.839 mhz test freq in GRS xtals bin hc18 wire leads
26.800 with 8.935 mhz oscillation in test stored in 26 mhz bin
26.800, 26.630
26.800 8.935 hc25 wh tag in 26 bin
26.810 hc25 in 26 bin
26.820 R 8.945 mhz teseted in bin MSX viol sides and/or in bin 20def
26.860 8.958 est by meas C31R bin XBR
26.860 mhz 8.955 est by measurement in XBR xtals bin
26.880 mhz test freq 8.965 mhz bin XT19C also red one bin 20ABC see also ch33 bin 27.335 8.9575 red top and sides hc25
26.885 mhz hc6 8.965 mhz estimated through measurement wh tag in 26 mhz bin moved from CBrox bin
26.940 (oscillates in tester at 8.974mhz) stored in 26mhz bin
26.965 ch1 cb 8.993 test in ch1 cb bins hc25
26.975 (oscillates also on 8.999 mhz (close to 9.00 mhz) stored in the 8 mhz bin
26.985 mhz 9.004 mhz test freq in GRS xtals from jc bin
26.985 mhz moved over to R4 XTALS bin or drake bin qty 2 (The R4 xtals bin is for items that might work for Drake R4 rcvrs) one of them 8.997 estimated test frq
26.995 9.003 mhz tested on a label in xtal bin AXR actual test freq might be 8.995 or so
27.000 hc18 short wire leads in 27 bin used pull also one tagged in 27 bin that oscillates on 27 mhz tested
27.000 hc6 qty 3 9.000 mhz oscillation freq in 26.5 to 27 bin
27.000 hc18 tests at 27.000 in 27 bin wh tag
27.000 hc18 tests near 27.000 grn top 27 mhz bin
27.000 TTL oscillator modules qty 3 in ttl modules bin
27.005 ch 4T 9.007 mhz test freq colr coded blk hc6 size in XX19 xtals bin
27.005 ch4 9 mhz fundamental color purple top hc6 in 27 bin
27.005 color coded purple 9.000 mhz test freq in 9 mhz bin HC6 size
27.005 t ch4t hc6 9.001 approx test freq in CH4 bin
27.005 hc6 SIZE 9.006 mhz tested in 27RED bin
27.015 9.008 blu top hc6 cbhc6 bin
27.015 9.006 mhz tested in 27 bin gold sides johnson hc6
27.015 mhz 9.005 mhz test frq HC6 size stored in 9mhz bin
27.015 t ch5 27 mhz bin
27.015 T T-5 9.005 TEST white tag in ch5 bin johnson hc25u++GOOD BENCH MARK CRYSTAL W/YELLOW LABEL TOO
27.015 t 5 9.006 test johnson ch5 bin cb radio wh tag
27.020 mhz 13.510 mhz estimated by measurement in xtals RR2020 bin moved to 27 bin orange tag
27.020 mhz Yaesu marked on rock F101 marking 6.689 mhz tested in ft101 bin
27.020 mhz ft101 bin measured estimate: 9.007 mhz on card
27.020 Yaesu 9.014 mhz test freq in ft101 bin
27.025 27BLUE bin channel 6
27.025 t6 9.008 estimated ch6 cb bin
27.025 johnson T6 9.017 mhz test freq in GRS xtals bin
27.035 hc6 grn top 8.856 test in cbhc6 bin
27.035 27BLUE BIN (note: 27BLUE BIN all HC6U CASE STYLES AND BLUE MARKED all for CB radio)one Johnson with wire leads stamped T7 teal top 27blue bin
27.035 8.860 ch7 bin also see xtpg1
27.035 9.010 est freq tested blue top xbr xtals bin
27.035 ch7 27 blue bin
27.035 johnson green top 9.015 mhz estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
27.035 T7 red top 27 red bin HC6 type
27.045 hc6 with modified leads 9.0094 measured in 27 mhz bin violet sides
27.045 hc18 qty 4 9.012, 9.016ish, in 27 bin
27.045 8.818 hc18 27 bin
27.055 27BLUE
27.055 (9.017 measured estimate) in ch8 mini plastic case with a 26.6 xtal 8.867 test frq Johnson Messenger - stored in ch8 bin for cb rocks
27.065 9.022 hc25 wh tag axr bin moved to channel 9 cb bin
27.065 9.023 tested stored in 27mhz bin 27
27.065 hc6 in ch9 bin tested at 9.019 apprx one side blue the other one blk
27.065 9.029 ch9t xtpg1 see one hc6 in ch9 bin gold sides yel dot on top
27.065 and 27.085 qty 2 of each (Transmit and Receive) in the PACE BI-35 CB transceiver
27.065 T NKD black 9.022 est by meas YY2020 bin
27.065 mhz 9.025 mhz test frequency in crystals bin 2020-A now moved to 27.065 cb rocks bin maybe more than 1
27.065 mhz 9.028 mhz test in grs xtals from jc bin
27.065 mhz t9 9.024 mhz test freq 27mhz bin purple label
27.085 28.735 double branded 9.575 estimated test freq hc6 GC-11R labelled & orange sides in 27 to 27.5 bin
27.085 9.021 xtpg1
27.085 9.033 yel tape 27 bin
27.085 9.032 estimated hc25 blk color wh tag in 27 bin
27.085 r11 8.875 test ch11 bin hc6 note: marked 26.630 (plus 455 = 27.085) wh tag
27.085 T-11 hc6 9.025 in ch11 bin cb crystalslime green sides
27.085 9.032 estimate by measurement 27 mhz bin black cased red and yel dots
27.085 hc17u 9.025 est oscillation CH11 bin CB wh tag
27.085 R 28.765
27.085 color coded orange 9.028 mhz tested Johnson Ch11T in xtal bin AXR
27.085 t 28.765 9.585 hc25 ch11 bin
27.085 hc6 SIZE 9.043 mhz tested in 27RED bin
27.085 T 9.030 est by meas blk/red top bin XBR
27.085 T11 9.041 test in ch11 bin
27.085, 27.065 qty 2, 26.800R, 26.810,28.000 long wire leads, all in mhz
27.085, 27.075, 27.2560 (module), 27.120, 27.135, 27.580 (much more to be listed later)
27.095 9.035 27 bin hc18
27.100 hc17u 147.5 9.030 test freq in 27 bin
27.105 9.033 ch12t xtpg1
27.105 T12 TEW in ch12 cb bin
27.105 mhz 9.043 mhz tested freq in GRS xtals from JC bin
27.115 hc6 SIZE 9.006 mhz tested in 27RED bin
27.115 mhz JOHNSON CRYSTAL (was in its own little box but the foam deteriorated) 9.040 tested in 27mhz bin
27.115 see also 27BLUE BIN
27.116 mhz 9.033 mhz estimated through test measurement red top labelled in ch13 bin
27.120 ch14a red top 27 red bin
27.120 mhz Stamped on value tested is 9.040 mhz stored in 27 mhz bin
27.120 mhz and 9.040 Stamped on values FT243 mhz stored in 27 mhz bin
27.125 mhz blk Sunny 9.046 in ch14 bin
27.125 9.045 est by meas blk top top bin XBR see also ch14 bin
27.125 9.045 est by meas red top bin XBR
27.125 9.045 est by meas T14 Orange top bin XBR
27.125 grey KDS 9.047 est by measurement bin X2021
27.125 ktk black 9.038 measured GIFT1 bin also see ch14 cb bin for one TEW w/wh card same freq measurments
27.125 KTK blk in Gift2
27.125 MEW white body 9.048 test estimate 27 mhz bin or could have migrated to cbchannels bins
27.125 MHZ 27BLUE BIN CH14A CH14
27.125 mhz ch14t red in 27 red bin
27.135 9.053 ch15t xtpg1
27.135 mhz johnson coby t15 9.048 mhz test freq 27 mhz bin pink label
27.135 stamped on value 9.050 mhz tested stored in 27mhz bin hc6 style CB CHANNEL 15 in 27BLUE BIN
27.135 hc6 tran cb-100a 9.050 test ch15 cb bin wh tag
27.135 t (colored black) 9.055 mhz tested in GRS xtals from jc bin
27.145 KDS xtal with LM9011 and a transistor assy probably a cb radio oscilator in Packaged Xtals and other xtals bin also one with oxide rust on bttm in 27 mhz bin red top
27.145 mhz (47.263mhz)
27.145 hc18 wire leads qty 5 all measured 9.051 or 9.052 in 27 bin
27.145 9.058 tested labelled in 27 mhz bin
27.155 9.058 blu/brwn top hc6 cbhc6 bin
27.155 9.065 xtpg1
27.165 hc 6 green sides T17 in ch17 bin 9.062 measured approx
27.175 t18 blue top 9.060 est by meas JOHNSON DDY20 xtals
27.175 ch18t in 27mhz blue bin
27.185 bin 27BLUE HC6 style CB CHANNEL 19 one or two
27.185 red 27red bin hc6
27.185 hc6 ch19t 9.061 test freq in ch19 bin white tag
27.200 mhz test oscillation at 9.085 mhz bin XT19C colr code red
27.205 27 BLUE BIN CHANNEL 20 qty 3 BIN 27BLUE
27.205 and 27.660 (2 markings) 9.079 tested stored in 27 mhz bin
27.205 T20 TEW 9.076 test freq in ch20 cb bins also check in GRS xtals bin from jc bin
27.205 r 8.915 tested hc25 in ch20 cb bin
27.205 ch 20t 9.069 test frq ch20 bin hc6 wh tag
27.215 (T) hc6 SIZE 9.078 mhz tested in 27RED bin also one hc6 T21 in ch21 bin wh tag
27.215 27BLUE BIN CHANNEL 21 also see one hc6 size labelled in ch21 bin
27.225 27BLUE new bin channel 22 HC6u style
27.225 9.074 ch22t xtpg1 also one hc6 with gold sides in ch22 bin
27.225 hc6 T-22 9.072 tested blk sides bin channel 22 johnson now one w/wh tag in ch22bin had yel tape previously
27.255 hec gray cover 9.085 test freq hc18 wh tag 27 bin
27.255 ft243 9.085 mhz stamped values in 27 mhz bin
27.255 hc6 9.080 brwn sides in 27 bin now tagged now in ch23 vin
27.325 mhz T Japan 9.110 estimated by measurement ch32 yellow label 27 mhz bin
27.33700 148.685 9.120 est by meas HC6 bin YY2020
27.385 27.840 r (455kc) 9.125 wh tag hc25 moved to ch38bin ta600 lesmith
27.430 101 hc6 orange code 9.142 mhz est by meas HC6AA bin qty 2 cbch2 perhaps
27.430 qty 2 hc25 (pair) on white card 9.145 and 8.994 in 27 to 27.5 bin
27.430 pair in sm pl case ch2 i belive hc25 9.150 8.995 ZCB1 BIN
27.450 pair in pl case 9.005 and 9.158 apprx hc25 in ZCB1 bin
27.500 hc6 9.164 test freq brwn sides in 27 bin
27.500 hc6 a pair of them for Johnson 1 in 27 bin 9.012 and 9.162 tested
27.540 hc25 wh tag 9.176 r11 in 27 bin
27.580 hc25 mounted on an hc6 adapter in 27 bin ch 14r
27.620 mzh blue top 9.210 mhz estimated by measurement in 20ABC bin try also hc25 ch17 in that bin perhaps
28.655 r hc6 9.544 est test 2020a bin
27.668 mhz 9.227 mhz test freq black color code in CB ROX bin
27.670 TEW blk in Gift2 bin
26.670 r14 johnson stamped values 8.890 mhz calculated and tested in its own little pl box in channel 14 bin hc6
27.680mhz 9.226 mhz test freq color coded red in the 27 mhz xtal bin
27.695 9.231 green sides hc6 in 27.5 to 30 bin also stamped AM18 Motorola
27.000 hc6 lite blue sides 9.235 mhz estimated by measurement in 27 bin
27.742 27BLUE BIN HC6 STYLE and 27 mhz bin as well 9.255 mhz test freq note that 27.742 - .455 = 27.287 (possbly 27.285 useful)
27.775 166.650 t 9.257 test hc25 in 27 bin tagged
27.840 hc25 9.277 wh tag in 27.5 to 28
27.840r 27.385 ch38 bin tagged 9.126 mhz test freq
27.840t 9.282 test in 27 bin hc25 wh tag
27.860 167.160 9.291 test frq in 27 bin
27.955 167.730 9.320 purple sides estimated by measurement 2020A xtal bin might now be a dud
28.000 mhz 9.333 mhz tested in a small case in packaged crystals bin
28.00mhz (9.339 measured) in 28mhz bin look also for a color coded green one as well
28.050 mhz 9.350 estimated by measurment in 28 mhz bin
28.054 (9.356 test oscillation) in bin XT19A
28.055 168.330 t 9.354 tested 28 bin hc25 gold sides wh tag
28.060 2 of them in 28 bin
28.0875 9.370 xtpg2
28.1125 9.379 xtpg2 red body xcb bin
28.130 hc25 168.78 t 9.375 estimated osc freq in 28 bin wh tape label possibly qty 2 but likely only 1
28.150 mhz green top 152.750 in 28 mhz bin hc6 size
28.168 mhz hc6 28mhz bin
28.2240 F H. ElE in crystals bin 2020A i measured at 28.212 needs verification
28.234 mhz 153.17 Green Top HC6 28 mhz bin
28.252 mhz stamped freq and 146.760 stamped freq hc6 in 28 mhz bin
28.288 9.433 tested 146.94 color or in 25-30 bin
28.322 mhz 9.449 mhz test labelled - in 28 mhz bin
28.336 mhz hc6 9.442 mhz test value red top and sides in 28 bin
28.340 mhz 9.449 mhz test estimate wh tag in 28 bin wr154 hc25
28.366 hc6 labelled in 28 mhz bin
28.575 171.450 t hc25 vio sides in 150 to 250 bin
28.590 hc6 orange sides 9.527 test frq in 28.5 to 29 bin
28.5mhz ft301 oscillates on 9.501 mhz in HETOSC bin qty 4 or more
28.615 mhz hc6 in 28 mhz bin and one R-96 9.535 also in 28 bin hc6 wh/label
28.635 mhz 9.546 mhz tested in 28 mhz bin HC6 qty 2 also one in ch3r bin cb crystals measured at 9.542 wh tag
28.645 mhz hc6 28 mhz bin
28.655 hc6 size 9.552 test freq in CRYSTALS BIN 2020-A
28.695 ch5r hc6 blk top 26 mhz 9.562 mhz measured ch5 bin
28.7000 HC6 9.568 test freq in 28 bin wh tag
28.715 9.570 qty2 r7 xtpg2 xcb bin
28.715 ch7r hc6 size in cb rocks ch7 bin label
28.735 HC6 size 9.584 test freq in CRYSTALS BIN 2020-A
28.735 mhz 9.579 mhz test freq marked R-11 labelled in 28 mhz bin
28.78 mhz 9.602 mhz measured 28 mhz bin
28.784 mhz 9.547 mhz measured 28 mhz bin wh tape
28.7xx mhz this has the bin 28.7/28.8 mhz not all crystals in this bin are individually catalogued yet this entry 23/12/2019
28.805 mhz ch14r blue top 28 mhz bin
28.820 viol sides hc25 8.940 tested now in 28 bin
28.835 hc6 size 9.618 mhz test freq in CRYSTALS 2020-A bin
28.8xx 28.8xx mhz this has the bin 28.7/28.8 mhz not all crystals in this bin are individually catalogued yet this entry 23/12/2019
28.875 hc6 R22 in CH22 bin 9.620 test
28.926 mhz test freq is 9.647 hc6 size in 28 mhz bin
28.950 Rx oscillation test at 9.657 mhz in 28 mhz bin also one yellow labelled in the 28 mhz bin
29.000 9.670 xtpg2 green hc25 xcb bin
29.000 hc6 Drake 2B scrawled on it 9.663 test estimate in Drake 2A 2B bin white tape label
29.020 red top xbr xtal bin hc25
29.02031 in the 29 mhz bin
29.025 9.675 extpg2
29.050 9.690 extpg2 xcb bin red/blue color code
29.050 9.690 xtpg2 xcb bin hc25 blk code
29.075 9.700 xtpg2 now in 29 bin one with white tag
29.100 9.703 hc25 blk body xcb bin now moved to 29 bin
29.175 9.728 extpg2
29.270 rx mhz 9.758 mhz estimated by measurement violet top iin bin 20ABC
29.285 mhz hc25 grn sides in 29 bin
29.297 9.765 est test freq brwn sides 29 bin
29.300 9.770 xtpg2
29.350 9.785 extpg2
29.350 9.788 qty2 extpg2
29.400 9.800 xtpg2
29.400 9.801 qty3 xtpg2
29.426 mhz 9.817 mhz test freq in xtal box J qty 2 one is color code blk also one 9.800 hc 6 in 29 bin see alson 29 bin for one 9.822 mhz wh tape
29.426 hc6 9.818 approx test frq wh tag 29 bin
29.450 9.820 xtpeg2
29.450 9.820 xtpg2
29.462 9.817 hc6 red sides in 29 bin
29.463 9.815 est test freq blue top xbr xtals bin
29.700 kds hc18 grey in 29 bin long leads 9.901 test freq
29.885 30.340 double stamped hc6 9.957 test freq brown sides 9.5 to 10 bin wh tag
29.895 hc6 9.960 est by meas JUL blue sides SOLD AUG19_22 this was requested for 15mtr band het osc heath hw101
29.895 hc18 wire lead grey TRIO tested at abt 9.961 might be useful for heath therefore put in heath bin blue top wh tag
29.940 mhz also stamped valule 25.0025 tested freq of oscillation is 9.982 mhz stored in 29 mhz bin (possibly 2 or 3 of these)
29.940 t hc25 9.980 est test freq 29 bin also 1 measured 9.978 tagged in 29 bin also one hc25 in 29 bin blue sides
29.955 167.730 measured oscillation estimated 9.320 in 2020A xtal bin
3.000 mhz crystek HC6 size also qty 2 hc6 lite blue sides in 3 to 3.5 bin also one with no coloring code
3.000 mhz ft243 Valpey nice rock moved from drake bins to 3.0 bin
3.0014 in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin
3.0014 and 2.9986 Mhz JAN Crystals in MITREC bin
3.0014 mhz larger size case with silver colored faceplate that is held in place with 3 screws price $3.00 CRYSTAL 3001.4 KC JAN Crystal
3.0025 mhz in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin wh tape
3.013 hc6 brown code HC6AA bin
3.0235 mhz hc17 in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin wh tag
3.025 mhz in the 3 to 3.5 mhz bin possibly two crystals hc6 size see also 3 mhz bin
3.037 mhz hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin qty 3 also 1 red color code in bin 20DEF
3.047 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
3.053 mhz hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin one has red sides
3.060 mhz ft243 in LARGE20 BIN
3.060 mhz ft243 in xtals Z19 bin
3.06125 hc17u 3 to 3.5 mhz bin yellow tape label
3.07000 hc17 in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.093 mhz hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin qty 2 or 3 also 1 bronze code also one brown code HC6 in HC6AA try also xtaz bin
3.0930 mhz hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin Fisher Transifone red lable also 1 w/wh label
3.0945 mhz hc6 r2638 khz in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.103 mhz R hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin wh tape
3.105 mhz ft243 Crystal Research Labs in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.106 hc6 blue sides in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.106250 hc6 in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.11296 in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin
3.1166 in gift2 bin color coded black
3.11666 in 3 to 3.5 bin hc17 w/label
3.117 mhz hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin
3.125 hc6 in 3 to 3.5 bin w/label
3.1266 qty 2 hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin
3.15117 wire leads hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.1785 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin sold jan12_23 to texas ham
3.1793 in 3 mhz bin also see ft101 bin blk sides note: *I think one SOLD old info: now moved to FT101 bin hc6 useful rock
3.180 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals2 bin moved to 3 to 3.5 bin Jimsxtals2 bin now emptied
3.1815 mhz hc size jimsxtals bin1 or 2 sold jan12_23 to texas ham
3.193 mhz hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin
3.1945 mhz hc6 R2738 KHZ IN 3 TO 3.5 BIN
3.195 rogers 3 to 3.5 bin brown sides
3.200 qty 2 3 to 3.5 bin (one sold in mid march 2023) the one remaining has yel tape label
3.203 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin not in this bin mar2023- either was moved or sold
3.205 mhz hc6 in 3 to 3.5 bin wh tape
3.275 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
3.218750 hc6 in 3 to 3.5 bin blue sides
3.281875 type fmt-1 Motorola larger size in morebig rocks blk tray and maybe BIGB BLK TRAY
3.2950 hc6 blue sides 3 to 3.5
3.300 mhz hc6 size bronze code in bin HC6AA
3.305 mhz hc6 3 to 3.5 mhz bin parry snd 2022 flea
3.309 mhz DC-10 size C.R. Snelgrove ltd stored in SNEL storage area qty 2 - 1 has a lead broke off
3.320 mc rather large crystal size BLiley larger size crystals bin (13,916 measured harmonic) see bin XT19A
3.320 knight hc17 3 to 3.5 bin
3.323 mhz Large 20 bin ft243 sized
3.351 qty 2 hc6 wh label 3 to 3.5 bin
3.640 ft243 Valpey CM5 serial nr 66 in 3.5 to 4 bin from kiiji purchase
3.365 mhz Large 20 bin ft243 sized
3.392.8 mhz Heathkit crystals bin
3.39211 mhz SB401 in heathkit xtals bin try 3 to 3.5 bin one in 3 to 3.5 bin wh tape label march2023
3.3935 in Heathkit crystals bin SOLD
3.3936 in HEATHKIT CRYSTALS BIN sold 1 new one now june2023 in heath bin grn sides
3.3938 mhz Heathkit crystals bin sold
3.3944 heath crystals bin june 2023
3.3950 3.396.5 and 3.393.5 all these hc6 on cca X50-0009-00 ts520 (i think) in bagged crystals box
3.395.4 in heathkit crystals bin sold
3.395050 in heathkit crystals bin and one new one in heath bin 21 may2021 sold
3.3954 in Jims Crystals bin recent find 29Aug2019 sold
3.3964 in heath crystals bin new june 2023 brwn sides silver sides
3.400 mhz larger size crystal in larger crystals bin
3.4115 mhz
3.416 wh tape larger than hc25 size in 3 to 3.5 bin one also w/w tag
3.453 in 3 to 3.5 bin hc6 likely
3.4560 7 or so qty in TNT xtal bin also see 3 to 3.5 bin hc18 long wire leads
3.4575 labelled est by measurement bin XX19 now in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.4785 hc6 size in 3 to 3.5 mhz bin
3.4885 hc6 red sides 3.0 to 3.5 bin also one with yellow tape same bin
3.490 mhz bin xt19a also one in xtal box J color coded blue also 3.5 to 4 bin & one hc6 w/brwn sides & one hc6 blue sides see also 3.5 to 4 bin hc6 w/green sides
3.490 hc6 brwn sides in 3 to 3.5 bin
3.500 mhz DC-3L Crystal unit freq is 3.5 mhz 8 pin black shaped like an older receiving tube in larger crystals bin
3.500 mhz FT243 Crystek xtal like new condx in my ham radio use bin (my own personal use rocks) my use rocks bin
3.5189 mhz by measurement estimated 42.22mhz JUL2020 bin also see x2021bin
3.520 large round vintage xtal 1-5/8 in. dia 7/8 in. pin spacing in Big ham Rocks bin
3.530 ft243 80mtrcrystal bin
3.5349 labelled large crystal in larger crystals bin
3.546 mhz in the 80 mtr cw bin
3.547 nymph grey covering in 3.5 to 4 bin
3.550 hc49s short 3 of them nos in 80cw bin
3.560 hc6 yel tape 42.72 t in 80cw bin qty 2
3.560 ft243 size CR-8/U Bliley Elec Co. in 80m cw bin
3.561 mhz rocks matched ones from w8diz qty 8 Bomar 80m bin
3.563 mhz HC6 size 80 mtr bin
3.5638 mhz hc6 size 80mtr bin possibly 2 of these and one color code grn
3.575 estimated by measurement 80 meter bin color code teal
3.5756 mhz color code green in 80 mtr bin I think it is hc6 size stk check needed
3.575611 qty 4 nos in the 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.57945 mhz (the color burst frequency).. I have lots of these in various sizes ONE PINK one in CB DON1 bin
3.580 or 3.581 on a label in XTAL bin AXR
3.5819 mhz labelled w/tag in 80m cw bin
3.583 stamped and measured in 80mtr cw bin
3.583 stamped and tested at that freq as well stored in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.595 in the 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.595295 in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.600 mhz labelled in 80mtr cw bin
3.600 mhz tested and stamped in the 3.5 to 4 mhz bin also one in CB DON1 BIN
3.615 mhz hc6 qty 2 in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.655 mhz ft243 in 80 cw bin
3.6864 mhz wire leads tested qty 8 in 80 cw bin also 2 4 pin ic packs on black esd foam 80 cw bin
3.684 labelled tone burst for ft225rd 1800 hz in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.685 ft243 80 cw bin qty2
3.686 hc18 short wire leads blue top in 80 mtr cw rocks bin
3.6864 hc18 wire leads grn top in 80 cw rocks bin
3.687 mhz color coded orange marked 197-0020-B Fox crystals bin 3.5 to 4 bin also one iin 80mtrs xtals bin
3.687 mhz labelled in the 80 mtrs bin
3.701 ft243 PR Peterson likely in bin JAY but could have been shifted over to one of the other mhz bins
3.701 ft243 80 cw bin
3.720 hc6 in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin SOLD edgar heinen sept 16_21
3.720 Marconi 3/4 in pin space 1.75 in. tall LARGE20 BIN
3.735 ft243 80 cw bin qty3
3.7363 hc6 in 80 mtrs bin also 1 blue color code in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.740 large xtal applied electronics co. 3/4 in pin spacing in big ham rocks bin
3.755 in the 3.5 to 4 mhz bin possiblyl 2 one hc6 is SOLD edgar heinen sept 16_21
3.755 large xtal 3/4 in pin spacing in the Big Ham Rocks bin
3.759 HC6 color coded green in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.764 dc-10 sized C.R. Snelgrove ltd qty 5 stored in SNEL storage area
3.7685 ft243 white label..seems like might be intermittent in 80cw bin
3.776 mhz hc6 size black color code in the 80 meter bin
3.7783 mhz hc6 size in 80 mtrs bin
3.790 Snelgrove 3/4 in. pin spacing in Big Ham Rocks bin
3.814 ft243 PR brand in 80 mtr phone bin might be sold sept 2023
3.840 hc6 in 3.5 to 4 bin wht tag
3.845 hc17 in 80 phone bin or sides
3.880 hc6 orange sides in 80 mtr phone crystals bin
3.8835 in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.890 mhz JAN hc6 blue top in 80meters bin
3.91249 mhz in the 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.9488 hc6 3.5 to 4 bin
3.9557 mhz violet sides in 75 phone bin also blk sides as well same bin
3.958 mhz color coded grn in 80 meter xtals bin
3.960 mhz in 80 mtr cw xtals bin also 1 w/black sides hc6 in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin and another one in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.960 on a label in XTAL BIN AXR
3.9695 hc6 white tape in 75 phone bin
3.975 in 3.5 to 4 mhz bin
3.985 mhz brand new June2020 qty 6 hc49u tall in 80 mtrs xtal bin
3.99833 mhz hc6 pre-progress 47.98 stamped in XX19 bin
30.0 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
30.000 PT1 1xf 4102 3 lead crystal or crystal filter special xtals bin
30.000mhz 10.0 mhz measured hc6 in the 30.31 bin probably 2 of them one yellow tape and 10.002 mhz calculated
30.030 10.010 mhz measured brown sides 162.15 stamped value in 150 to 250 bin also one hc6 grn sides in 30-31 bin
30.040 sask bin note: also 30.340r, format crystals need to be cataloged and tested in SASK BIN NOTE ****
30.060 hc6 162.30 green 10.025 test freq see also xtal box j or in 30-31 bin
30.14065 test freq w/oscillator 10.053 mhz bin XT19C also one color coded red bin bin 20ABC
30.425 hc6 10.140 est freq test 30-31 bin
30.459 10.160 rose color hc6 YY2020 bin
30.823 mhz 10.275 mhz test frq color code blue in XTAL box J
30.830 mhz qty 2 hc6 black dot bin 20DEF oscillation freq by estimated measurement 10.280 mhz
31.0 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin also one hc6 yel tape 10.330 in same bin also one w/viol sides
31.111 10.368 hc6 wh tag in 30 to 39 bin
31.190 mhz tests at 10.391 wh tape hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin branded as 31190
31.325 mhz r6 johnson coby 10.439 mhz test freq 31 to 32 mhz bin pink label
31.328mhz 10.450 test freq stored in 30 to 32 mhz bin small label
31.365 johnson coby r9 10.453 mhz test freq green tag 31 to 32 mhz bin
31.385mhz r11 10.459 mhz test oscillator freq 31 to 32mhz bin blue label
31.425 johnson coby r14 10.473 mhz test freq in 31 to 32mhz bin blue tag
31.43500 r15 johnson coby 10.475 test freq stored in 30 to 32 mhz bin yellow label
31.4844 mc, 31.01560 mc both in the 30 to 32 mhz bin (might be 2 of these xtals)
31.525 johnson coby r22 10.507 mhz test freq 31 to 32mhz bin blue tag
31.7327 long wire leads 21.745 30 to 31 mhz bin
31.7969 in 30 to 32 mhz bin
31.858 (OSCILLATES on 10.618 mhz) and binned in 10 mhz bin
32.0 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin lite blue sides also one 4 pin module
32.000 mhz oscillates at 10.667mhz hc6 size in the 32 to 33mhz bin
32.000 mhz metal module in 32 to 33 bin
32.150 mhz 10.723 mhz test freq HC6 stored in 32-33 mhz bin
32.192 mhz 10.733 estimiated by measurement hc6 in 20ABC bin
32.240 11.74666 hc25 31-32 bin blue sides
32.256 10.751 hc18 short leads M-Tron 30 to 39 bin wh tag also about a dozen with no labels in same bin towards the back end
32.6432 hc17 10.884 tested viol sides in 30 to 39 bin
32.686 mhz qty 2 10.903 mhz test freq color code blk in xtal box J
32.768 watch crystals qty 2 in active bags japanese
33.0 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin red sides
33.000 M-TRON HC18 long leads in 30 to 39 bin blue sides
33.208 hc6 wh tag 11.065 in 30 to 39 bin
33.300 hc6 11.1 mhz red sides in DRAKE ROCKS BIN possibly for Drake
33.33333 hc6 11.107 tested in 30 to 39 bin
33.40 mhz Yaesu 11.135 mhz test freq in ft101 bin
33.62 mhz 14.760 tested grn sides in 30 to 39 bin hc25 also one 14.759 wh tag in 30 to 39 bin
33.822 mhz (seems to oscillate on 11.280 mhz as well) in 32-33mhz bin
33.860 mhz grey color usa xtals
34.000 Jims xtals bin 2
34.000 mhz xtal in the 34 to 40 mhz xtal bin also 30 to 39 bin check also another one color blue in this same bin
34.020 mhz 17.010 mhz estimated by measurementin 30 to 39 bin yel tag moved from in RR2020 bin
34.020 Yaesu 11.340 test freq in FT101 bin -- sold to usa ham 10A xtal actual measurement on my tester 11.5014 - im not sure now about the 11.340 entry
34.240 mhz 11.410 mhz in 34 to 40 mhz bin gold top also check 11 mhz bin for one tagged one
34.240 mhz 11.412 mhz estimated by measurement hc6 blk top color code in bin 20DEF
34.4 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin viol color more than 1
34.400 qty 2 vio mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
34.444 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
34.450 mhz hc18 long leads in 30 to 39 bin qty 2 wh tag also qty 2 w/o wh tag
34.500 hc6 11.498 approx meas in Drake bin red tape label possibly for 4-line drake might also work for Halic sr150
34.520 mhz 17.260 mhz estimated by measurement in RR2020 bin
35.0 mhz qty 2 30 to 39 hc6 bin blk sides 11.667 measured estimate
35.000 11.675 (hc6 size) 11 mhz bin also one in JUL bin
35.000 420.000 hc25 gold sides in 30 to 39 bin
35.000 mhz 11.670 mhz oscillation est freq YY2020 bin also one hc25 11.664 test freq in DRAKE BIN
35.000 mhz freq rite on bin (rite on bin discontinued) also 35mhz rock (seems to oscillate at 11.672 mhz) in 11 mhz bin
35.002 11.670 in 30 to 39 bin wh tag probably 2 of these
35.010 T 17.500 measured freq (estimate) in 34 to 40 bin
35.020 mhz Yaesu 11.675 mhz test freq in FT101
35.030 T MTRON 17.5094 hc25 blue sides in 34 to 40 bin
35.050 r 11.526 estimated test freq in 34 to 40 bin
35.130 t 17.563 test in 30 to 39 bin
35.190 t MTRON 17.590 wire extensions hc25 type 34 to 40 mhz bin
35.2210 MHZ WIRE LEADS Y14 11.739 mhz estimated by measurement in bin 20DEF also bin 20ABC long wire leads one in 30-39 bin w/wh tag
35.23125 mhz 11.744 mhz test freq in xtal box J
35.500mhz in the 34 to 40 mhz xtal bin
35.500mhz in xtals rite on bin ALSO see HET OSC bin for at least one (rite on bin discontinued)
35.52 mhz blue top 17.760 mhz test freq estimated by measurement (this one from Jim McCourt) stored in XTALS RR2020
35.520 for Yaesu F-101 (not sure of the complete suffix printed on xtal itself) measured freq 11.840 mhz
35.520 hc18 17.755 test freq in het osc bin
35.555 11.848 hc6 wh tag 30 to 39 bin
35.5669 mhz in 34 to 40 mhz xtal bin
35.5mhz oscillates on 11.832 mhz qty 4 probably for 15mtr band FT301 in HETOSC bin ALSO ft301 bin
35.97777 grn mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
36.000 ttl module 4 pin in 30 to 39 bin
36.000 on the TS430S parts board (junker radio)
36.0833 HC6 12.028 estimated by meas JUL bin
36.180 mhz 12.057 kcc blk in 30 to 39 bin hc18
36.230 hc18 purple color ch9 12.076 estimated in 30 to 39 bin qty 3
36.350 mhz 12.115 mhz estimated test freq color coded brown bin 20ABC
36.350 mhz test freq 12.119 also marked 30.140 (r) bin XT19C also one w/yellow tag in 34 to 40 mhz bin
36.618 mhz 12.208 mhz test frquency hc6 xtal box J
36.66667 lite blue qty 2 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
36.895 mhz grey trio marked 145-1 hc18 in 30 to 39 bin & one no oscillation bin JUL likely a dud
36.895 mhz one sold to USA 23 march 2020
37.000 qty 3 30 to 39 bin blk sides possibly all of them hc6
37.000 12.333 estimated freq yel tape hc6 in 30 to 39 bin 11
37.001 12.324 icom wire lead pull in small icom rocks bin tagged and red top hn18 one in 30 - 39 bin
37.0666 lite blue sides mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
37.16666mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
37.188 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin
37.3 mhz in the 34 to 40 mhz xtal bin
37.395 hc6 12.460 estimated by meas JUL bin red sides 1 sold 13feb2023
37.5333 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin possibly 2 one hc6 lime grn sides 12.5 mhz measured also one hc25 blk sides in 30 to 39 bin
37.6 12.530 het oscillator bin also one in CRZxtals bin also one black rock in xbr crystals kcc also check ddy1 bin silver top 12.530 estimated & SASK BIN
37.650 (will be 12.550 mhz approx (not measured this time)) in HET OSC BIN
37.650 12.550 xtpg2 see also XCB bin & sask bin
37.650 12.551 30-39 bin hc18 tagged also 1 itc grey hc25 in this bin as well
37.68375 12.5676 mhz test frq color coded blue in TESTED XTALS TRAY ROW B
37.700 mhz actual test measured oscillation at 12.565 mhz stored in SPECIAL CRYSTALS BIN (might be for a rig)
37.700 12.568 30-39 bin hc18 tagged
37.700 mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin oscillates 12.569 mhz also one gray one in Z19 & SASK BIN
37.750 12.580 tested color coded blue in 34 to 40 mhz maybe now 2 of them
37.750 12.580 blk top xcb bin & sask bin
37.750 mhz 12.590 mhz test freq in crystals bin 2020A
37.750 mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin also 1 gray one in Z19
37.77778 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin qty2
37.800 15.598 hc25 FUJI rr2020 bin white tag now in 37 bin
37.800 mhz 12.602 in the 34 to 40 mhz bin also might be a red/blk top hc25 in 34 to 40 bin measured 12.589
37.800 mhz Fuji green top bin Xtals RR2020 test freq 12.600 estimated by measurement.. this one from Jim Mccourt
37.800 mhz grey in Z19 xtals bin 12.609 mhz oscillation freq NKD
37.800 mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin 12.602 mhz oscillation
37.850 12.610 xtpg2 also 1 in 30 to 39 bin also SASK BIN
37.850 12.618 30-39 bin hc18 tagged and one red top >one
37.850 mhz N.K.D black in Z19 xtals bin also a HCK rock in bin 34 to 40 mhz BLK colr code & sask bin also see 30 to 39 bin blk one
37.850mhz 12.615 oscillation freq stored in 34 to 40 mhz bin yellow label
37.895 HC6 12.628 estimate measured JUL bin orange top 1 sold 13feb2023
37.975 mhz 12.650 est by meas blk top bin XBR also one blue top in xbr see also 34 to 40 bin grey covering 12.644 tested
37.995 mhz grey trio marked 147-1 hc18 in 30 to 39 bin
38.000 in drake xtals bin hc6 red sides also one hc18 12.662 test frq in drake xtals as well wh tag
38.050 Bearcat 12.679 mhz tested in xtal bin AXR wh label
38.1 mhz or tag IN Wayne BOX in DRAKE bin orange tag estimated test freq 12.702 hc6 sf xtals1 might have been sold
38.23250 30 to 39 bin viol sides
38.333 mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin viol color
38.350 hc6 12.779 orange top JUL bin
38.395 hc6 12.791 jul red top 1 sold 13feb2023
38.395 hc6 CDBY 12.788 TEST in white box heath type in HEATH BIN
38.4875 hc18 on pb 1965 car oscillator board for ft101zd in radio parts drwr across from bench
38.600 hc6 org tag in DRAKE bin NOW WAYNE BOX also yel tape and wh tag in Drake bin from kijji purchase 12.857 estimated freq should wk for 27.5 to 28 drake
38.884 icom wire leads short in 30 to 39 bin
39.000 red mhz 30 to 39 hc6 bin and 1 more june 2023 estimated 13.000 mhz fundamental red color code
39.07875 13.009 wh tape in 30 to 39 bin
39.06 mhz stamped value 13.017 mhz test measurement estimate in 34 to 40 mhz bin hc6
39.1 mhz hc6 size 13.035 mhz tested in XX19 bin color coded blue see also 13 mhz bin might also be in a drake rock bin
39.1 mhz hc6 size WAYNE BOX OR TAG ALSO check 13.036 mhz tested in 13 mhz bin
39.100 13.024 test frq hc6 in Drake bin wh or tag qty 2 Wayne on tag
39.145 blue 13.047 est by measurement bin X2021
39.150 UNI 13.049 tested freq red vinyl xtal in Gift1 bin
39.160 mhz bin X2021
39.175 yello KONY 13.052 est by meas bin X2021
39.260 mhz usa xtals bin 16.640 Tested
32.290 ? verify this ch9 hc18 long leads in 30 to 39 bin purple qty 2 also one kony grey one in same bin
39.290 kony hc18 in 30 to 39 bin
39.34 mhz measured at 13.111 mhz in bin 34 to 40 mhz hc6
39.3750 hc6 13.1135 measured Drake 2B scrawled on it blue sides in 34 to 40 bin
39.4 mhz 20pf 13.135 mhz test freq in All Electronics bin
39.650 13.204 hc25 34-40 bin
39.75 mhz tested estimated freq by measurement 13.250 mhz red top WGRD bin
39.7925 mhz with 13.269 mhz oscillation test freq in bin XT19A
39.8625 color code red test freq 13.284 in 34 to 40 mhz bin
39.960 mhz grey color bin xtals USA
4.000 mhz grey color CBDON1 bin one hc18 grey color 3.5 to 4 bin
4.000 mhz KOYO HC18 nos about 9 of them in 4 mhz bin
4.000 mhz long wire leads in XX19 xtal bin
4.000 mhz robin egg blue in the 3.5 to 4 mhz bin see also crystals right on bin for a second one perhaps
4.002 HC6 size bin MSX
4.005 hc6 in 4 to 4.5 bin
4.032 hc18 gold leads long in XBR bin qty 2 one in 4 to 4.5 bin
4.042 mhz in 4 to 4.5 mhz bin
4.06333 hc6 JUL bin orange bin
4.065 stamped and tested HC6 type 4 to 4.5 mhz bin
4.066 stamped and tested HC6 type 4 to 4.5 mhz bin
4.06833 HC17U plain no color code in bin HC6AA or axr bin also one in 4 to 4.5 bin hc6
4.070 hc17 blk color coded wh label in 4 to 4.5 bin
4.080 measured and tested and stamped in GIFT1 bin
4.080 mhz DC-10 size Snelgrove stored in SNEL storage area
4.080 mhz hc6 WGRD bin
4.096 hc6 Bliley black top JUL bin
4.110 hc6 4 to 4.5 bin
4.1108 hc6 4 mhz xtal bin
4.115300 hc6 lime grn sides in 4 to 4.5 bin
4.140 ft243 ddy243 bin
4.190 ft243 ddy243 bin qty 2
4.193280 mhz hc25 ndk green top bin 20DEF
4.194 sstamped and tested (wire leads) in the 4 mhz bin
4.194304 M-TRON stored in 4 to 4.5 mhz bin
4.195 likely 4.199 mhz tested in 4 mhz bin
4.1960 mhz tested in the 4 to 4.5 mhz bin labelled rock
4.200 mhz hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
4.215 mhz in 4 mhz bin FT243
4.225 mhz tested xtals tray row b hc6 color coded blk now in 4 to 4.5 bin
4.226389 AUGROX20 FT243
4.22925 mhz large type 17 Standard Piezo pic 2019_11-21
4.235 benix us army in more big rocks bin
4.248888 102-404 HC6 red code in HC6AA bin
4.25013 153T005 hc6 orange code HC6AA bin
4.290 mhz Marconi large crystal in BIG20 crystals box moved to BIG B black tray
4.300 4 to 5 mhz bin
4.35555 hc6 yellow tape in 4 to 5 bin
4.340 ft243 ft243a bin
4.370 mhz color code red in 4 to 4.5 mhz bin maybe more than 1
4.830 lEAR larger size crystal in more big rocks black tray
4.405 mhz Snelgrove DC-10 size stored in SNEL storage area
4.43361 on cca in crystals assy large bin
4.433618 mhz 103-147 hc6 style body with wire leads NOS qty abt 18 or so in their own bin
4.9725 ft234a bin
4.490 TYPE MC7G Bliley crystal larger size in MOREBIG ROCKS blk tray along with another one but is a dud looks like it has been opened up hot pink label
4.490 T JK Crystals large crystal in BIGB black tray
4.5 mhz blk hc6 WGRD bin
4.500 hc18 wh tag in 4.5 to 5 bin
4.500 ft243 MJS in an OEM little box packaged xtals bin
4.500 mhz (4500kc) stamped on it FT-243 holder pics folder 2018-02-01
4.500 mhz hc6 red sides in Drake xtals bin also one with blk sides hc17u
4.500 MHz in Xtals rite on bin also 4500MJS 3 hold down screws FT243 one bin measured 4.5008 mhz (rite on bin discontinued)
4.5435 188-151 USB green code HC6 in HC6AA bin
4.554166 mhz hc6 in 4 mhz bin
40.6 mhz 15.527 tested or tag in wayne box
4.608 mhz modem pulled xtal 4.5 - 5 bin hc18 short wire leads moved from M xtals bin bin discontinued grn top
4.610 mhz larger size crystals bin also 4 taped together in MORE BIG ROCKS BLK TRAY
4.610 mhz hc6 in 4.5 to 5 bin
4.675 mhz tested in Big B black tray James KNight crystals (JK crystals) larger size xtal
4.6895 Snelgrove larger size rock with banana type pins in more big rocks tray
4.700 hc6 with wire leads in jimsxtals1 bin grn sides
4.758562 hc6 qty 2 strapped together in 4.5 to 5 bin
4.760 mhz DC-10 size crystal stored in SNEL storage area
4.8135 mhz HC6 orange code HC6AA bin
4.815 ft243 PR Peterson usa in ft 243A bin
4.845 in bin XT19A also check XT19C
4.84500 hc6 qty 8 in 4 mhz bin these have 3 pins - ctr pin case also one teal top in 20ABC
4.850 mhz bin xt19a
4.860 mhz DC-10 size crystal stored in SNEL storage area
4.8708 colr coded blue in TESTED XTALS TRAY ROW B
4.9075 mhz Mocom-10 hc6 size in 4 mhz bin
4.915 hc18 blue top 4 mhz bin
4.9145 hc18 nos qty 10 or so from pat in pat shoe box
4.9152 fox xtals qty 3 nos in a mini kit in JC Mix bin & 4 mhz bin grey covering also 1 in packaged xtals bin nos 1 in 4.5 to 5 also qty 6 dale ones in 4.5 to 5 bin
4.934063 hc6 4 mhz bin color code blk
4.9725 mhz Bliley FT243 in bin 20ABC I think (do a stock check) or perhaps the 4.5 to 5 mhz bin
4.982 mhz snelgrove larger size rock in BIGB Blk tray OR MORE BIG ROCKS black tray
40.00 mhz stamped value 13.332 mhz tested stored in 34 to 40 mhz bin
40.000 mhz hc6 size 13.336 mhz test freq in 13mhz bin or in 34 to 40 bin
40.000 mhz 13.319 wh tape Snelgrove Canada hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin
40.000 mhz ttl oscillator can in 40 to 55 mhz bin also one in Gift2 bin also a bag of about 50 or so in bagged xtals box
40.000 qty 3 hc6 light blue sides in 34 to 40 bin
40.02250 hc6 13.324 168.090 r in 40 to 45 bin
40.100 hc6 13.360 test frq in drake bin one orange tag Wayne BOX
40.1111 hc6 13.360 mhz estimated by measurement hc25 in the 40 to 45 mhz bin more than 1 likely
40.320 mhz qty 5 All Electronics wide bin
40.6 orange tag hc6 Wayne in Drake bin
40.68 hc6 13.541440 test in 40 to 45 bin wh tag
40.6667 mhz in the 40 to 55mhz bin qty 2
40.820 hc6 16.605 estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
40.840 hc6 16.608 estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
41.005 13.653 hc18 long leads yel tape 40 to 45 bin qty 2
41.10 NDK japan 13.690 black sides in 13 mhz bin
41.214810 hc6 13.724 test in 40 to 45 bin red sides also 1 w/wh tag
41.225 13.736 lime green sides hc6 40 to 45 bin
41.4875 hc25 super mod 15 (for ft707) 13.815 in Wayne box (envelope)
41.5 mhz ft301 qty 2 in FT301 bin color coded blk
41.7166 black sides hc6 40 to 50 mhz bin agn
41.777mhz in the 40 to 55 mhz bin
41.9231 hc6 40 to 45 bin red sides
41.940mhz TOYO 13.977 measured colored green D16A 40 to 47mhz bin
41.9875 hc25 super mod 15 (for ft707) however no oscillation in Wayne box (envelope)
416.880 mhz crystal oscillator Vectron in XTALS 2019 large bin
419.787 rx measured at 15.138mhz stored in 400 to 500 mhz bin color coded green
42.06 mhz 3.505 mhz hc6 red top YY2020 bin
42.060 tests at 17.572 mhz pulled from Realistic PRO-6 scanner
42.060 R HC6 12.25333 RED SIDES X2021BIN
42.105 stamped value hc6 14.025 approx tested was in bag labelled TR4 from Wayne but no info found july 6 2023 BAGGED XTALS BOX
42.220 PULLED from Realistic PRO-6 scanner (actually I think should be 142.220)
42.273 TOYO com measured at 14.085 stored in the 40to50 range agn bin
42.275 Toyo com 14.091 mhz test freq 40s vhf bin w/label
42.50x 14.188 low profile crystals (not quite on 42.500 (i think 42.520) in het osc xtal bin
42.5 r hc18 12.400 40 to 45 bin
42.605 stamped value hc6 14.194 approx tested was in bag labelled TR4 from Wayne but no info found july 6 2023 BAGGED XTALS BOX
42.606 stamped 14.2 mhz test frq in oscillator label in the 40s vhf bin
42.608 color code red 40s vhf bin 14.199 mhz test freq
42.750 stamped value 14.250 estimated by meas tagged in 14 mhz bin
42.917 hc6 14.295 tested grn sides in 40 to 45 bin
42.940 Toyo Com 14.312 mhz test freq stored in 40s vhf bin w/label
42.941mhz in the 40s vhf bin color code blue test freq 14.312 mhz
42.9875 tested at 14.329 mhz blue tag in Xtals Z19 bin seems to be gone - wayne wanted it 13jan2022
429.2250 (r) tests at 16.205 mhz in the 450 to 466 mhz bin
43.000 HC6 size 14.335 mhz test freq SASK bin (mid sized bin)
43.000 in 40 to 55 mhz bin
43.000 oscillates on 14.325 mhz or 14.320 qty 2 marked 10B for FT301 colored red in HETOSC bin or in FT301 bin
43.105 stamped value hc6 14.105 approx tested was in bag labelled TR4 from Wayne but no info found july 6 2023 BAGGED XTALS BOX
43.260 443.300 r mhz 14.410 tested my tester (qty 2) wire leads blue color lesmith 40 to 45 mhz bin yel label
43.300 (10,98055) in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
43.391 mhz 14.445 mhz tested estimated freq tagged in RR2020 bin
43.391 mhz 14.455 mhz tested estimated freq tagged in RR2020 bin
43.5 mhz (10C) 14.490 test freq no tag or label in FT301 crystals also 1 hc6 in ft301 bin
43.5 hc6 14.490 hc6 ft301 bin yel tape
43.5 HC6 14.483 HET OSC BIN
43.5 mhz 14.497 mhz test freq in FT301 bin
43.5 mhz low profile xtal 14.525 mhz tested in 40s vhf bin
43.5 mhz oscillates on 14.495 mhz branded 10c ft301 in HETOSC bin
43.500mhz in 40 to 55 mhz bin 14.493 prbly moved to ft301 bin
43.5667 mhz in tr7625 junker 2 mtr radio put in 40 to 45 bin
43.7667 mhz in TR7625 junker 2 mtr radio also avail fm IC22s put in 40 to 45 bin
43.8083 mhz UNI new bin crystals assy large size bin 3 Crystals on cca snip X304 x303 and x306
43.810 mhz 14.604 hc17 measured freq blue top in 40 to 50 mhz bin one with wh and yel tape label
43.880 15.62666 hc6 size motorola in 40 to 45 bin black sides
43.900 14.625 in 40 to 45 bin
432.145 actual is 12.004 in the 400 to 500 mhz bin
432.145 t 18.00604 in 400 to 500 mhz bin light green color code
44.0800 14.687 oscillation freq also labelled 33.380 & 14.685 oscillation in 40 to 47 mhz bin and 1 in bin 20DEF
44.0mhz oscillates on 14.659 used ft301 10mtr band in HETOSC bin colored green qty 2
44.140 mhz 14.710 estimated by measurement brown top bin 20ABC
44.1400 (33R) 44000 in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
44.2333 mhz in tr7625 junker radio ALSO avail in IC22S put in 40-45 bin
44.3200 mhz round crystals cr24u tested around 14.765 mhz (needs to be verified) about 20 in a bag in bagged xtals box
44.350 H-2 CRS in xtals Z19 bin
44.41666 mhz 14.795 mhz estimated by measurement blue color code in RR2020 bin
44.4333 mhz in TR7625 junker 2 mtr radio also avail in IC22S put in 40-45 bin
44.545 mhz 14.843 mhz estimated by measurement stored in the 40s bin
44.6333 mhz in TR7625 junker 2 mtr radio also avail in IC22S put in 40-45 bin
44.96667 mhz 14.979 mhz tested freq CH06 in bin AXR
440.000 R 15.715 mhz estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
443.30 (R) (24.03388) IC30A crystals bin
443.95 t 12.336 measured 12.331 stamped green label in 400 to 500 bin the tested crystals tray probably discontinued
444.000 (R) IC30A Crystals bin
446.00 (2 of them paired together in bin XT19C) the R rock is 15.716 mhz test freq and the T rock is 12.388 mhz
446.000 (T) and (R) both crystals in IC30A Crystals bin
446.000 t 12.385 mhz estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
446.000(r) also stamped 43.500 and measured at 14.497 mhz stored in the 400 to 500 mhz bin
446.50 (T) and 446.50 (R) IC30A Crystals bin
448.30(T) (18.67916) IC30A Crystals bin
448.95 (r) 48.69445 test freq 16.220 red label tested xtals tray
449.000 (T) IC30A Crystals bin
449.10 (R) and (T) both crystals IC30A Crystals bin
449.20 (T) IC30A Crystals bin
449.400 r 15.659 measured ROCK20 BIN (binned together)
449.400 t 12.484 MEASURED ROCK20 bin (BINNED TOGETHER)
449.99 (R) 48.81250 measured in test osc at 16.256 mhz (MAX/MOXY) pulled from Motorola Moxy in Special Vhf bin color coded orange
45.000 can oscillator in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
45.000 hc6 brown sides 40 to 50 mhz bin
45.000 hc18 15.0 mhz tested in 40 to 45 bin blk top
45.04167 ch70 15.005 mhz tested xtal bin AXR
45.133 color coded blue 15.036 mhz tested ch16 xtal bin AXR
45.27333 mhz
45.3416 mhz UNI new bin crystals assy large size bin 3 Crystals on cca snip X304 x303 and x306
45.3933 mhz 144.88 r in 40 to 55 mhz bin
45.41333 mhz
45.45333 mhz in 40 to 55 mhz bin
45.4933 15.155 mhz est by meas in old 2 mtr rocks hc6 bin
45.5233 mhz
45.62367 UNIDEN 158.265 (R) in 40 to 45 mhz bin
45.75 hc6 15.233 40 to 45 bin
45.750 hc18 kony 15.240 test in in 40 to 45 bin grey body
45.8 mhz 20pf 15.260 mhz freq of oscillation All Electronics wide bin near bar qty abt 4 or 5
450.4375 rx 16.637 WR 454 in 400 to 500 bin wh label
451.1625 t hc6 12.53229 brwn sides in 400 to 500 bin
451.35 r 17.112962 hc25 viol sides 450 - 466 bin
451.37 r 12.2409 hc18 wire leads 450 to 466 bin
451.450 mhz 16.319 mhz test freq blk top in 400 to 500 bin also one 16.316 or so in same bin blk sides
451.475 R 51.3527 MHZ STAMPED 17.105 mhz test freq color coded blk in the 450 to 466 mhz bin
451.6126 rx hc25 16.311 estimated freq black and blue coded 400 to 500 bin
452.775 mhz r 16.359 mhz tested and also 45.0766 stamped value in the 400 to 500 mhz rocks bin also one or two 49.11944 in xtals labelled bin
452.775 rx 16.365 measured color coded red in ROCK20 bin
452.875 mhz r 17.16944 bin 20DEF
453.225 mhz 16.375 mhz test frq in bin USA crystal
454.2 (R) (24.63944) in IC30A crystals bin
454.2 (T) (18.92500 in IC30A crystals bin
454.490 rx HC6 12.210 est by meas JUL bin wh tape
455.000 khz hc6 size doesnt seem to oscillate in my tester now in JIMSXTALS1 bin also one iin XT19B
456.0825 mhz 19.003646 20ABC bin
456.0875 (t) 19.0035 yellow label 689 in bin XYA also one in xtals labelled bin 19.015 label too
456.0875 mhz 16.880 estimated by measurement green top 20ABC bin
456.132 T 19.0057 WR410 small xtal w/wire leads in in 450 to 466 bin black sides
456.462 19.0122 green label 629 in crystals xya bin
456.462 t qty 2 xtal 16.897 and 16.893 mhz tested my oscillator in the 450 to 466mhz bin color coded black also bin MSX
456.4875 t 19.025 mhz test freq color coded green also one color coded orange 450 to 466 mhz bin also bin 20DEF tx teal top
456.512 mhz 16.900 mhz estimated through measurement teal top bin POTT1
456.612 t 17.220 test hc25 red sides in 450 to 466 bin
457.7875 t mhz 19.074479 and 19.0784 mhz estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC yellow tape tag also 20DEF bin
457.787 16.933 450 to 466 bin
458.45 t 16.97963 blk sides hc18 long leads nos 400 to 500 bin
46.166 NDK brand 15.385 test freq color brwn CBDON1 bin
46.175 red KDS 15.393 mhz measured qty 5 in Don Mix bin
46.255 qty 4 tested 15.420 CBDON1 bin yellow color
46.300 hc6 15.420 in 46 to 50 bin maybe more than 1
46.315 15.439 mhz test frq blue bin CBDON1
46.375 qty 4 tested 15.456 voilet color CBDON1 bin
46.415 qty 3 or more NDK grey 15.472 measured freq bin CB DON1 bin
46.475 tested at 15.491 white color qty 6 bin CB DON1
46.5 mhz hc6 qty 8 of them 15.483790 measured freq in 46 to 50 bin also one wh tag in same bin 15.485 measured estimate
46.515 15.5 white xtal wh tag in 46 to 50 bin
4.6700 hc18 4.5 to 5
46.66670 mhz test freq 15.550 mhz hc6 size stored in the 40 to 50 mhz bin also check 46 to 50 mhz bin for one hc6
46.700 hc6 15.552 in 46 to 50 bin
46.750 color coded red 15.572mhz tested ch21 in xtal bin AXR
46.81667 mhz 15.594 mhz tested ch25 in bin AXR
46.8333 mhz 15.6 mhz tested CH26 in bin AXR
46.9 mhz qty a few 15.630 mhz test freq in All Electronics wide bin near bar
460.075 mhz 16.632 mhz test freq in USA xtals bin
460.10 mhz 16.638 mhz test freq in USA crystals bin qty 2 one is MCS-1
460.125 mhz 16.639 mhz test frq in bin USA crystals
460.150 12.7819 hc6 tagged in 450 to 466 bin
460.175 mhz 16.637 mhz test freq color code orange USA xtals bin
460.200 T hc25 12.780 mhz lime grn sides in 450 to 466 bin
460.225 MHZ mru-1 USA crystals bin
460.35 mhz 16.642 mhz test freq USA xtals bin
460.400 mhz USA xtals bin
460.437 r WR454 16.646 mhz test freq color coded red in the 450 to 466 mhz bin
460.450 USA xtals bin
460.55 hc6 12.79305 white tape label in 450 to 466 bin
460.612 49.994 in xtals labelled bin might be moved now
460.612 16.643 wh tape label 450 to 466 bin
460.750 16.644 red sides 450 to 466 bin
460.9125 r 16.660 estimated by test measurement bin 20DEF
462.500 rx qty 1 measured in oscillator 16.332 mhz color coded black 450 to 466 mhz bin
462.500 rx qty 2 measured them in oscillator 16.717mhz 450 to 466 mhz bin
462.50 hc18 long wire leads nos 16.322 test in 400 to 500 bin wh tape
462.500 rx qty 7 measured them in oscillator 16.720 to 16.725mhz 450 to 466 mhz bin
463.4125 r 18.345 hc25 in 400 to 500 bin tagged
463.537 r 15.077 measurement in 400 to 500 bin
465.012 r 21.193mhz test freq in 400 to 500 mhz bin
465.125 mhz stamped 21.191 mhz stamped and tested freq in 400 to 500 mhz bin
465.437 oscillaton freq 17.222 mhz stored in 17mhz bin
465.4375 tx 17.214 bin 2020-a
465.612 51.757 in xtals labelled bin
466.0375 t 25.89097 8.633 test freq wh tag 400 to 500 mhz bin
467.212 t 17.288 test freq hc25 lite blue sides in 400-500 bin
47.3 or 47.330 stamped value tested was 15.769 mhz sotred in the 40 to 45 mhz bin
47.420 mhz 15.800 mhz est by measurement in 15 mhz bin blue color code wh tape
47.5mhz qty a few 15.840 mhz test freq in All Electronics wide bin near bar
47.7500 15.912 mhz oscillation freq stored in 47 to 55 mhz bin
47.7833 mhz oscillation freq tested at 15.920 mhz in xtals z19 bin
47.993 15.992 mhz test freq qty 2 xtals zzz bin
47.99333 15.995 mhz est small rock YY2020 bin
48.000 8.000 double branded lime grn sides in 8 to 8.5 bin
48.000 hc6 15.988 estimate by measure in 46 to 50 bin red sides qty 2
48.14 marked 17.462 tested stored in 40 to 55 mhz bin agn
48.22920 hc6 brown sides 40 to 50 mhz agn bin
48.7500 hc6 red sides hc6 40 to 50 mhz agn bin
48.8666 lime green sides hc6 40 to 50 mhz bin
48.921 16.307 est hc18 labelled in 46 to 50 bin
48.980 16.308 hc6 size red sides 46-50 bin
49.0111 462.5 R 16.342 mhz test freq teal color code in MAY2020 xtals bin may2020 bin has been discontinued
49.0111 mhz 16.324 mhz tested in XTALS picked bin
49.11944 (452.775) R in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
49.215 qty 5 16.400 or 16.405 mhz test freq CB DON1 bin
49.24993 test freq 16.410 estimated test freq in MORESPECIAL crystals bin was with 17.60333 rock in envelope labelled MOXY 152.27
49.315 mhz in bag qty 9 in CRYSTALS 2019 LARGE BIN
49.315 hc18 16.425 test freq yellow NDK wh tag in 46 to 50 bin
49.375 mhz qty 8 tested at 16.456 mhz in the 40 to 50 mhz bin pics folder 14 sept 2019
49.435 qty 2 white and 1 viol colr 16.479 mhz tested in CB DON1 bin
49.475 mhz qty 2 grey 16.490 mhz test freq CB DON1 bin also one in 46 to 50 bin
49.535 white 16.510 mhz test frequency in CB Don1 bin
49.62 HC6 3.101250 orange top in 46 to 50 bin
49.655 mhz 16.540 mhz estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
49.890 t 12.472 47-55 bin wh tag
49.905 mhz 16.627 mhz test red color in 40s bin
49.9513 mhz 16.678 estimate 46 to 50 bin yellow tagged
5.000 hc18 tagged in 5 mhz bin
5.00 MHZ HC49 $1.50 each a bag of about 50 or more 5.0 mhz crystal
5.00 MHZ HC49 $1.50 each a bag of about 50 or more 5.0 mhz crystal
5.000 Bliley ft243 nice xtal 4.5 to 5 mhz bin
5.000 clear see thru hc6 size in 4.5 to 5 bin
5.000 hc 6 size in WGRD bin also one in 5 mhz bin
5.000 ft243 test frq (stamped 7.358) in 5 mhz bin smits falls
5.000 in its own bin about 20 to 30 in qty
5.000 mhz 15.000 hc6 lite blue top in the 5 to 5.5mhz bin
5.0115 stamped 3.4115 R stamped on xtal in 5 to 5 mhz bin
5.04858 ch25 west R6 HC6 green sides HC6AA bin
5.050 mhz hc25 sfxtals2 bin also 2 in 5 to 5.5 bin w/wh tag
5.0688 hc18 long leads viol sides 5 to 5.5 bin
5.077450 qty 2 blue top in the in the 5 to 5.5 mhz bin
5.078 hc6 blue sides 5 to 5.5 bin
5.0965 orange top in 5 to 5.5 mhz bin hc6
5.103 5.453 double stamped wh tape in Z19 BIN
5.106 mhz DC-10 sized crystal stored in SNEL storage area
5.115170 wh tag hc6 size rock (note 5.115 was in demand june 2023) wh tag
5.120 in xtals Z19 bin qty2 also see 5 to 5.5 bin one hc18 long leads
5.141 RX hc6 size in 5 to 5.5 mhz bin
5.1445 mhz hc6 size XX19 bin colr coded red
5.16758 Bliley BIG20 BOX XTALS or more likely BIGB TRAY
5.200200 mhz HC6 49.113 mhz stamped on it as well in 5 mhz bin
5.200300 hc6 yel tape 5 to 5.5 bin
5.201500 hc6 on eico 82522 circuit board snip in bagged xtals box along with associated 5.20300 mhz crystals
5.203 mhz hc6 in 5 mhz bin possibly more than 1
5.20300 HC6 QTY 2 on Eico 82522 circuit board snip in bagged crystals box along with the 5.201500 crystals
5.215 mhz DC-10 size crystal stored in SNEL storage area
5.232 mhz SF xtals2 bin also one hc25 in 5 to 5.5 bin gold sides
5.24288 mhz wire leads 5 to 5.5 mhz bin
5.243 mhz measured and stamped freq color coded green in the 5 to 5.5 mhz bin
5.245 ft243 YY2020 bin
5.250 hc6 qty 5 tmc crystals box in packaged xtals mid size bin in with the qrp rocks on etsy now listed sept 1 23 also see the other little cardboard box in with qrp rocks medium size bin abt 4 or 5 more NOW MIGRATED OVER TO CRYSTALS 2019 LARGE BIN 24NOV23
5.270 ft243 PR Peterson usa in ft243A bin
5.295 spillsbury tindal larger size xtal in MORE BIG rocks blk tray
5.320 hc6 black top in the 5 to 5.5 mhz bin
5.356 hc6 red sider 5 to 5.5 bin
5.41333 hc6 color coded blue xtal bin J 146.94 stamped
5.455 labelled in 5 to 5.5 mhz bin SOLD 15 JUNE2021
5.469 mhz 5 to 5.5 mhz bin
5.482560 silver top hc6 in the in the 5 to 5.5 mhz bin
5.499 hc6 color coded grn measured at 5.5041 in 5 to 5.5 mhz bin i think this one is now sold 24 apr 2023
5.500 mhz
5.5033 mhz hc6 size blue top bin 20ABC
5.51 mhz in xt19b
5.51 XST19B bin
5.513 large metal xtal ft243 mixed bag bin
5.211719 5 mhz bin hc6 hc17
5.5260 mhz in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin
5.5296 several of these in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin one is red w/wire leads
5.3365 hc6 blue sides 5 to 5.5 bin maybe more than one
5.455 hc17 qty 5 tmc crystals box in packaged xtals mid size bin on etsy now listed sept 1 23 also one darkly tarnish in 5 to 5.5 bin
5.5365 Spillsbury tindall vancouver larger xtal in MORE BIG ROCKS BIN
5.545 hc17 qty 2 tmc crystals box in packaged xtals mid size bin on etsy now listed sept 1 23 - NOTE: 5.545 is used in Sonar FS2340 osc (cb)
5.545 hc6 red sides NOW more than 1 -``in cardboard little box in packaged xtals and qrp xtals mid size bin NOW MIGRATED OVER TO CRYSTALS 2019 LARGE BIN
5.5515 mhz estimated by measurement HC6 bin 20DEF
5.5555 mhz in 5.5 to 6 hc6
5.561 mhz Snelgrove Co. LTD DC-10 sized crystal stored in SNEL storage area
5.5665 mhz not sure about this entry
5.5702 mhz labelled hc6 size in 5 mhz bin
5.596 hc6 5.5 to 6 mhz bin red sides
5.59600 tx in 5.5 to 6.0 mhz bin color code red sides
5.596000 hc6 red sides in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin
5.600 stamped value 5.602 mhz tested in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin one has yellow tape label
5.600 viol sides hc18 5.5 to 6 bin
5.604 hc6 lime gren sides 5.5 to 6 bin
5.6045 hc6 in 5.5 to 6 bin
5.6075 FT243 RCA nice qty 7 in 5.5 to 6 bin also another qty 3 ft243 PR in same bin
5.6265 mhz
5.633333 ft243 Crosley Corp branded in BIG B BLK TRAY also one ft243 for BC-733-a or 20pf circuit in more big rocks blk tray Bodnar laBS
5.645-2.7 mhz crystal filter for Atlas Radios - probably Atlas 210x and others XF19 bin in crystals area MODEL 5.645-2.7
5.649 marked 6.11 mhz test freq SUN AIR hc6 in bin MSX
5.649 mhz qty 2 ---- all in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin -see also the larger sized crystals bin also check bin MSX
5.649 QTY 2
5.650 stamped and tested in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin
5.652 T and 5.652 measured hc6 in 5.5 to 6 bin wh tape
5.652 mhz R stamped 6.107 stamped and 6.107 measured hc6 in 5.5 to 6 bin white tape
5.652 QTY 2, FT243 type or HC6 (not sure)
5.6555 mhz XST19B bin
5.664 hc6 5.5 to 6 bin
5.664 mhz
5.664 mhz
5.670 mhz stamped value in 5 mhz bin white tag
5.672450 mhz qty 2 red tops or more in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin
5.677 Bliley 3 hold down screws FT243 one bin pics folder 2018-02-01 tested but doesnt seem to oscillate
5.67777 FT243 AUGROX20
5.680 (R) 6.136 tested stored in 5.5 to 6 mhz bin
5.680 t mhz hc6 5.5 to 6 bin blk sides
5.6950 Johnson Coby Loose spare w/ my Johnson Messenger 223 ch4 tx 27.005 with the cb radio
5.715 color code red in 5.5 to 6 mhz bin
5.740 ft243 in the ft243 small bin
5.755 blue hc18 wire leads CB Don2 bin or Don Mix bin
5.755 mhz 3 wire leads several of these in 5 mhz bin also one 2 wire lead one in 5 mhz bin wh tape
5.760 stamped and tested in the 5.5 to 6 mhz bin
5.765 tested (likely it is a 5.760 mhz crystal) in DON MIX xtal bin color code blue
5.8015 mhz CDBY labelled in xtal bin XX19
5.810 HC6 AUGROX20
5.84888 HC6 green sides BROW bin
5.590 HC6 AUGROX20
5.900 HC6 AUGROX20
5.910 HC6 AUGROX20
5.9904 mhz in 5.5 to 6 mhz bin yellow label
5.955 hc17 blue sides in 5.5 to 6 bin possibly 2 of them also one with yellow tape label in that bin
5.9965 hc6 orange top 5.5 to 6 bin also one with blue sides
50.000 TTL oscillator modules qty 2 in ttl modules bin also see 50 mhz range bin for some
50.000 oscillators 4 lead metal can packs qty 11 in tube in bagged crystals box
50.025 16.664 estimated in 47 to 55 bin
50.028 mhz tagged 16.669 test frq also stamped 160.765 mhz in TESTED xtals tray row b now in 50s vhf bin
50.29444 16.748 test hc18 16 bin
50.365 mhz 16.942 mhz estimated by test measurement red top bin 20DEF
50.573 16.835 tested wh card 50s bin hc25
50.7633 mhz 16.908 measured oscillation freq in the 47-55mhz bin color coded orange
50.9416 MHZ UNI new bin crystals assy large size bin 3 Crystals on cca snip X304 x303 and x306
500.0 kc Gilfillan Bros big crystal about 1.5 by 1.5 x 5/8 inch thick (rough dimensions) larger size crystal bin
505.73 oscillation freq 16.852 filed in bin ABOVE500
51.000 metal can oscillator qty 5 or 6 in 50 mhz range bin
51.083 mhz tested at 17.002 bin XT19B
51.2233 (164.370) in the 40 to 55 mhz bin
51.22833 (164.385)
51.22893 in the 40 to 55mhz bin
52,18750 Motorola tiny xtal in 47 to 55 mhz bin
52.0430 in the 40 to 55mhz bin
52.1783 13.370 kxn-6122 hc25 wh tag in 47-55 bin
52.275 mhz CR52A/u 1972 5955-21-819-3512 TESTED at 17.404 mhz qty 8 hc6 in bag bagged crytstals box
52.3433 in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
52.3433 mhz in the 40 to 55mhz bin
52.72733 (66.170) in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
52.943 17.633 mhz test freq in the 47 to 55mhz bin
52.9433 17.633 measured green label tested crystals tray
53.320 one of the gift bins 17.555 test frq
53.475 sold sept 15_23
53.525, 54.175, 53.975, 53.825, 53.675, 53.875, 54.275,54.94, 53.975 all in mhz in the 40 to 55mhz bin
53.8233 KXN-6122 17.925 mhz test freq XTALS PICKED BIN
53.90339 mhz 17.0960 mhz test freq red top in bin XTALS X20
53.975 MHZ in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
54.275 mhz 18.086 mhz tested in bin MSX sold sept 15_23
54.475 mhz 17.819 tested in bin MSX
54.9400 in the 40 to 50 mhz bin
55.37 mhz or perhaps 155.37 mhz test measured at 16.064 mhz in bin USA crystals
6.00 MHZ HC49 $0.80 see 10.7 mhz heath entry on this list I have many other crystals and some 10.7 6.0 mhz crystal
6.000 about maybe 19 or so wire leads hc18 type in 6 to 6.5 mhz bin
6.000 in 6 to 7 mhz bin color coded purple also one in bin XT19C
6.000 in its own bin qty about a dozen or so
6.000 mhz gold wire leads bin XX19
6.000 mhz long wire leads bin XX19
6.000 mhz WGRD bin
6.000 mhz wire leads Grn color code in bin 20ABC
6.043 hc6 grn sides in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.070 hc6 red sides 6 to 6.5 bin
6.090 hc6 labelled also stamped 146.16 T red sides in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.091666 (tested oscillation) 18.266 stored in 6mhz bin
6.0975 hc6 also stamped 146.34 t orange sides in 6 to 6.5 bin also hc6 brwn sides in 6 to 6.5 bin also one plain hc6 one in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.098 hc6 6 to 6.5 mhz bin or 6.098880 now in Drake 2b bin hc6 green sides qty probably 2
6.100 hc6 labelled also stampd 146.46 tx brown sides in 6 to 6.5 bin also one w/blk sides
6.100 hc6 wh tag 146.46 in jul bin
6.1025 2020a bin hc6
6.104 mhz larger sized crystals bin
6.105 MHZ HC6 146.52 actually in Drake Crystals bin (perhaps useful for Drake radios)
6.105 mhz hc17u 146.52 in Drake crystals bin (might be useful for Drake) one has brwn sides
6.110 mhz in 6 mhz bin hc6 also ROCK20 BIN also 20DEF bin
6.112 mhz gift2 bin
6.120 mhz 6.575 test freq hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals1 bin note: 455khz difference in the 2 freqs wh tape
6.122 labelled hc6 blk sides 6 to 6.5 bin
6.122 mhz hc6 sized rock tested at 6.130 in bin ROCK20
6.12250 hc17 6 to 6.5 bin maybe more than 1
6.125 mhz gift2 bin also ft243 in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.1276 mhz in bin XT19A
6.129 hc6 6 to 6.5 bin may be more than 1 in stock
6.135 mhz stamped and stamped 5.680R measured 6.135mhz estimate in the 6 to 6.5 mhz bin
6.135 mhz stamped and tested hc6 gold sides in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.144 mhz qty 5 from All Elecs Corp binned in ALLELECs bin
6.145 mhz hc6 teal blue color code
6.147 hc6 wh tape 6 to 6.5 bin
6.14733 hc6 wh tape 6 to 6.5 bin
6.14888 hc6 wh tape 6 to 6.5 bin
6.150 hc6 wh tape 6 to 6.5 bin
6.154 hc6 wh tape 6 to 6.5 bin also maybe 6.15444
6.16375 mhz xtals usa
6.166 red hc17u also stamped 7147159 in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.176 mhz in the 6 to 7 mhz bin
6.1944 hc6 vio sides 6 to 6.5 bin
6.19658 qty 14 hc6 size in 6 Rocks bin
6.199 hc6 in special holder assembly in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.200583 hc6 size qty 4 in 6 rocks bin
6.210 hc6 also stamped 121.5 brwn sides also one w/red top in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.23222 tested 121.9 marked ft243 size stored in 6 mhz bin
6.248888 hc6 qty 4 in 6 mhz bin all have red sides
6.300 Navy Type 3 hold down screws 6.302 mhz tested FT243 one bin pics folder 2018-02-01
6.304583 mhz stamped value hc6 20DEF bin black dot
6.317 different sort of xtal x8 for 50.56 6 mhz bin grey color larger size
6.325 mhz hc6 in 6ish bin (6 mhz bin)
6.340 ft243 in 6 bin
6.350 mhz ft243 LARGE20 BIN
6.35444 mhz bin xt19a
6.3586 mhz in RR2020 bin blue top moved to 6 mhz bin
6.364583 YY2020 HC6 green
6.3766 mhz bin XT19A
6.380 CR-1A/AR BLK larger size xtal in BIGb black tray
6.398 icom wire lead pull in small icom rocks bin tagged
6.400 ft243 ch299 in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.408 153.83 tx hc17u in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.410 hc6 blue sides in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.424 mhz oscillations on 19.258 as well in 6 mhz bin
6.4438 6.4404 xtal box j hc6 likely
6.455 wire leads blue color top bin 20ABC
6.470 hc6 violet qty 2 in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.484 metal xtal larger than hc25 in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.486250 black heatshrink on xtal hc6 bin JUL
6.49625 hc17 gold sides in one of the 6s bins
6.498 hc6 brown in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.500 tagged and labelled hc6 in 6 to 6.5 bin
6.500 tagged and labelled mini xtal in 6 to 6.5 bin digikey packaging nos
6.518 hc6 actual measured at 2.758 mhz in 2 to 3 bin wh tape
6.550 hc6 about 40 as a guess in own bin or bins smits falls
6.552 mhz larger crystals bin
6.5536 wh tag hc16 bin 2020-a one hc18 in 6.5 to 7 bin blu sides
6.580 hc6 qty 5 white lables in 6.5 to 7 bin
6.59500 mhz (stamped as MIXER) blue sides hc6 6.5 to 7 bin
6.650 hc6 about 30 or so of their own bin or perhaps bins smits falls
6.6660 hc6 blue sides in 6 bin
6.666250 mhz hc6 159.99 in 6 to 7 bin lime green sides
6.672500 hc6 wh tape in 6.5 to 7 bin
6.697 mhz tested 160.665 mhz stamped value hc6 size bin XT19a
6.7056 and possibly a 6.705525 color coded blue in TESTED XTALS TRAY ROW B med size bin
6.716875 mhz in bin xt19a also one color code red hc6 61.205 "cn"in 6 mhz bin
6.722 hc6 orange sides in 6.5 to 7 bin
6.725mhz hc6 20ABC BIN also one in 6.5 to 7 bin hc6 wh tag tape
6.7400 ch2 xtpg1 also ft243 in 6.5 to 7 bin
6.742 ch2 cbhc6 bin grn top hc6 see channel 2 bin cb crystals area hc6
6.745 ch3 in channel 3 bin hac also see xtpg1 for entry
6.750 ch4 xtpg1 hc6 grn 6.5 to 7 bin at least 3 of them one hc6 viol as well same bin one blk hc6 as well also one plain hc6
6.756250 mhz qty 2 -sold aug 21_23 hc6 black dot bin 20DEF is paired with the 30.830 mhz rocks
6.769 ch9 hc6 now w/wh label in 6 to 7 bin
6.768 hc6 red and blk marks ch10 in 6 to 7 bin now w/wh label
6.775 126.7 in 6.5 to 7 bin blue hc6
6.782 ch15 brwn grn top cbhc6 bin (not sure abt this xtal and this bin cbhc6 might be empty now)
6.7825 hc6 qty 4 ALSO BRANDED 162.78 SOLD TO HAM VA3SC 22MAR2023
6.78333 mhz stamped value is 122.1 t in xt19b
6.7866 in pl bag in Wayne box hc18
6.7888 hc 6 wh label in 6.5 to 7 bin also one plain hc6 one
6.820 ft243 signal corps for BC-1209 in close to 40 mtrs bin
6.840 ft243 Link Radio good condx qty 4 in close to 40 mtr bin also one ft243 precise dev co. in close to 40 meter bin
6.890 hc6 6.5 to 7 bin blue sides
6.802 hc6 tested ch20 marked in 6 to 7 bin now w/wh label
6.8389 mhz ft242 PR Quartz crystal bin WGRD
6.858 red sides hc6 in 6.5 to 7 bin
6.906667 mhz Channel 36 S.C. Co FEB 1944, 3 hold down screws FT243 one bin 6.903 mhz tested pics folder 2018-02-01
6.925mhz in 6 to 7 mhz bin SOLD 20JUNE_19
6.975 ft243 in near 40 mtrs bin also maybe try mixed bag bin - not sure if it still exists
6.988750 hc6 167.730 viol sides 6.5 to 7 bin
6.990 nymph hc25 possibly for ten tec argosy in xbr bin
60.03160 12.006 in 12mhz bin brown top hc25u shorter pins now yellow tape label
61.250 grey kony hc18 20.396 in 55 to 80 bin wh tag
67.25 kony hc18 22.386 mhz estimated in 55 to 80 bin
68.84 mhz 19.604 mhz estimated by measurement black top 20ABC bin
7.000 hc6 size in bin 7 orange
7.000 in 40 ham bin also ROCK20 BIN
7.007MHZ, 7.8025
7.010 hc6 in 7 to 7.150 mhz bin
7.010 mhz crystal Texas Crystals brand (vintage) in 7 mhz bin
7.010 mhz large crystals qty 2 Bendix in More Big crystals black tray or more big rocks bin
7.011 also 7.011875 in 7 MHz bin see also 7 overtones bin - these are smaller size than hc6
7.020 mhz Ceramic Resonator qty 1 in Ceramic resonators bin
7.020625 hc6 7 mhz bin labelled FT243
7.020625 hc6 tested good in 7 mhz bin tagged
7.0225 hc6 grn sides in 7 to 7.150 mhz bin
7.030 7.040 7.055 7.112 7.118 AND OTHERS QRP Crystals HC49 tall can $3.50 each Canadian $ new stk March 2018
7.030 ft243 Texas Crystals 40HAM bin
7.037 mhz hc6 grn sides 7 to 7.150 bin
7.037 mhz larger sized crystal 7 mhz bin
7.040 mhz hc6 size tested at 7038.888 in 7 mhz bin also one with yellow tape label hc6
7.04875 ft243 in 7 mhz bin tagged
7.04875 hc6 tested good in 7 mhz bin tagged moved to 7 ORANGE BIN also qty3 yel tape in 7 to 7.150 bin note: these are all 169.17 mhz overtone xtals
7.049 hc6 169.7 in 7 to 7.5 bin yellow tape
7.050 nymph also stamped (48028 this looks like a Ten Tec nr perhaps) in 7 orange bin
7.050 169.20 hc6 and one ft243 in 7 to 7.150 bin
7.055 hc6 black sides in 7.0 to 7.150 mhz bin
7.057 JAN xtal nice fort myers probably an ft243 rock: likely in bin JAY but could have been shifted over to one of the 7 mhz bins
7.060 mhz hc6 blue sides qty 2 in 7.0 to 7.5 bin smits falls flea finds
7.061 mhz hc6 white tape lable in 7 to 7.150 bin 169.50
7.0625 mhz hc6 169.50 in 7 overtones bin probably 3 w/wh labels tested in drake 2nt tx works fine wh label
7.065 test freq 169.59 white tagged in 7 to 7.150 bin
7.067 ft243 Peterson PR in CW xtals bin (not need to find and locate this one) might actually be in JAY bin
7.067 ft243 C-W Crystals nice label 21.201 as well 7 to 7.150 bin
7.073478 hc17 162.69 also marked in 7 to 7.150 bin red sides
7.083 mhz in 7 mhz bin
7.100 maybe dud ft243 mixed bag bin
7.100 mhz (on SB34 crystal osc board SBE old rig) HC6 size rock
7.100 mhz 40 mtr ham band color coded blk in 40HAM bin
7.106 ft243 40 ham bin
7.107333 hc17u in the 40cw bin
7.110 hc18 wire leads abt 10 of them nos in 7 to 7.150 bin
7.118 ft243 in 40 cw bin
7.119 mhz stamped also 5.4690 smaller size than hc6 labelled in bin 7.0 to 7.150 sold aug2022
7.120 mhz HC6 bin 40HAM
7.12333 hc6 42.74 7 phone bin yellow tape label
7.130 hc6 red sides 40HAM bin
7.135 hc6 bin 40ham
7.135 mhz ROUND crystal almost 1 inch dia and abt 3/8 in. thk BLILEY type B5 serial nr 13191 in LARGER CRYSTALS BIN * doesnt test good
7.135625 GE hc6 171.255 t 7 overtones bin
7.137916 171.310 t metal xtal larger than hc25 in 40 mtr cw bin
7.138 hc6 40cw bin
7.139 171.310 t different type of xtal bigger than hc25u in 40cw bin
7.1450 hc6 qty 2 violet sides in 7 to 7.150 bin
7.150 color coded red in 40 ham bin another one in the bin as well likely
7.153750 hc6 in wh tape in 7 phone bin
7.156 mhz measured 7 mhz bin
7.156.500 21.444 171.750 wh label in 7 overtones bin hc17u
7.15909 hc18 in 7 phone bin purple top
7.165 mhz qty 2 HC6 one has orange top one has black sides BULOVA bin 7 orange
7.167 measured ft243 marked 6.3733 taken apart pics taken 16sept_21 back says 21.510 (old label on back)
7.169 21.5 stamped on top 7 phone bin hc18 long leads yel tape label
7.168 hc18 wh label short wire leads 7 phone bin
7.171 tested ft243 this one i ground was meant for cw but i ground too much in 40 meter phone bin or now the FT243 HAM PHONE bin one other one has white tape label
7.172 mhz Texas Crystals FT243 in 40HAM bin
7.176 mhz smaller than hc6 size lime green color in 7.150 to 7.3 bin
7.180 172.32 t hc6 7 overtone bin
7.182 hc6 blue sides in 7.15 to 7.3 bin qty2
7.185 ft243 PR Peterson likely in bin JAY but could have been shifted over to one of the 7 mhz bins 7mhz phone bin for sure 29 july 2023 now new bin ft243 phone bin
7.192 mhz measured black similar size to FT243 bin 40HAM
7.192500 hc6 yellow tape label 40 mtr phone bin
7.200 hc6 7 phone bin & one hc18 wire leads in 7 phone bin gold top and gold sides
7.2066 hc6 43.24 in 7 phone bin yellow tape label
7.200 mhz hc6 about 30 or so in a bag in bagged xtals box
7.210 large xtal Marconi 3/4 in. pin spacing Big Ham Rocks bin
7.210 mhz hc6 bin 40HAM
7.218 mhz hc6 qty 2 hc6 red sides bin 7 orange
7.225 MHZ HC6 BIN 40HAM
7.225 mhz stamped value ft243 7.187 tested freq in 40 phone bin yellow tape label
7.230 MHZ HC6 BIN 40HAM
7.239545 hc17 in 40 phone bin
7.244 MHZ HC6 BIN 40HAM
7.250 hc6 40 phone bin
7.255 MHZ HC6 BIN 40HAM
7.265 mhz hc6 bin 7.150 to 7.3 violet sides
7.270 MHZ hc6 bin 40 ham
7.276 mhz hc6 (21.8) in 40HAM bin
7.1277 hc6 yel tape lable in 40 ham bin
7.248260 hc17 in 40 phone bin
7.254 ft243 PR xtals in 40 ham bin
7.258333 hc6 in 40 ham bin wh label
7.282 MHZ QTY 3 ORANGE sides hc6 BULOVA bin 7 orange
7.290 hc17U 167.67 blue sides in 40 meter phone xtals bin
7.306 mhz qty 2 blue sides hc6 bin 7 ORANGE
7.310 mhz Marconi large crystals measured at 7.301 my oscillator pics 2019-11-21 big blk tray 1 (for crystals)
7.325 mhz xt19a also could chk xt19b
7.3728 mhz wire leads pull from ft270rh 2 mtr rig in LORE5 bin along with some other ft270rh parts i pulled
7.330 mhz hc6 qty 3 7 mhz bin
7.3435mhz UNI hc25 in 7.3ish bin
7.340 mhz in 7mhz bin
7.345 mhz stamped freq 7 Orange bin
7.350 hc6 size qty 2 in bin 7 orange also 7 mhz bin one hc6 with red sides in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.3585 hc25 FUJI in 7.3ish bin more than 1
7.3615 hc25 FUJI in 7.3ish bin more than 1
7.3685 hc25 FUJI in 7.3ish bin more than 1
7.3715 hc25 FUJI in 7.3ish bin more than 1
7.3728 hc18 ndk in 7.3 ish bin also qty 20 in DIGIKEY BAG IN PAT SHOE BOX SEPT2023 NOS
7.3785 hc25 FUJI in 7.3ish bin likely more than 1
7.3815 hc25 FUJI in 7.3ish bin maybe more than 1
7.385mhz at least one of these hc6 size inthe 7 mhz bin
7.385mhz,7.4625, 7.5025, 7.7975, 7.955 mhz
7.389130 hc17 blk sides in 7 to 7.5 bin 169.95
7.3985 hc25 FUJI in 7.3ish bin more than 1
7.400 hc6 blue sides 7.3 to 7.5 bin
7.4015 fuji grey hc25 in 7.3 to 7.5 bin
7.410 hc6 blue sides 7.3 to 7.5 bin
7.415 hc6 blue sides 7.3 to 7.5 bin also one hc25 grey fuji in 7.3 to 7.5 bin
7.425 hc6 size 7 orange bin
7.450 in 7 mhz bin also one in 7 orange bin (this one color coded blk HC6 size) also bin 20ABC
7.461 hc6 black top bin 7 orange
7.464 tested 7.4625 stamped in 7mhz bin
7.4725 mhz HKS labelled 7 mhz bin
7.4825 color coded green HKS gift2 bin
7.490 hc6 size bin 7 orange also 2 in 7 mhz bin one hc6 also two with blk sides
7.4999 hc6 size in 7 mhz bin
7.500 hc6 size bin 7 ornage (might be sold now oct2018 noted)
7.500 NYmph part nr 48028 crystals picked bin (might be sold oct2018 note)
7.500 mhz hc6 cr18u types some in little boxes dated 1962 total of maybe 25 or so smits falls flea june 2023 5955-21-818-0254 in bagged xtalx box
7.500 ft243 in ddy243 bin
7.5025 HKJ xtal bin AXR
7.515 hc6 7.5 to 8 bin blue sides
7.516 and/or 7. 516666in 7 orange bin
7.520 ft243 7 mhz bin or 7.5 to 8 bin mite be more than 1 scientific radio products brand
7.525 hc6 blk sides in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.525 ft243 7.5 to 8 bin
7.530 hc6 in 7 mhz bin or 7.5 to 8 mhz bin
7.550 hc6 size in 7 orange bin color coded red
7.558333 hc6 red sides 7.5 -8 mhz bin
7.560 hc6 7.5 to 8 bin red sides also 2 w/ grn sides also one hc6 w/wire leads & 1 hc6 w/wh label
7.585 ft243 mixed bag bin now in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.590 hc6 lime grn sides 7.5 to 8 bin
7.600 hc6 vio sides 7.5 to 8 bin also 1 plain one hc6 also one w/blue sides
7.605 mhz in 7 mhz bin
7.610 hc6 wh sides in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.614 mhz qty 2 blue top bin 7 orange one sold july1023 one remaining has yel tape label 7or bin
7.650 hc6 blue sides in 7.5 to 8 bin also one ft243 in ft243a bin
7.680 mhz crystal in the IC22S radio
7.680 mhz hc6 wh tag 7.5 to 8 bin
7.682 mhz hc6 blue sides qty 2 bin 7 orange
7.705 hc6 lime grn sides in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.720 hc6 orange top qty 2 in bin 7 orange
7.738 mhz hc6 qty 2 blue top bin 7 orange see also 7 mhz bin for one
7.750 stamped 7.749 measured in 7 orange bin qty 2 both sold july 1023
7.755 in 7 mhz bin
7.75833 stamped in 7 Orange bin
7.760 ft243 USA xtals bin
7.775 stamped value 7.774 measured 7 orange bin
7.776 tagged qty 2 in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.7766 stamped value 7.781 mhz tested 7 orange bin w/label
7.800 mhz fx-7800c crystal filter in Wayne box
7.815 hc18 in 7.5 to 8
7.7975 crystal is in demand for Uniden/Washington - have to check my manual records sold one feb 2019
7.7975 June 10th 2021- x2021 bin qty2 also with one damaged pin bin 20ABC
7.9766 ft243 143.58 could be ground up to 8 mhz region in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.98277 hc6 blk sides in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.7985 from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation HKS CBROX bin also more than one hc25 FUJI in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.798 hc25 yellow tape in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.998 MHZ qty about 20 or so in PAT SHOE BOX NOS items K2 RS232 IO OPTION on bag
7.8015 hc25 FUJI in 7.5 to 8 bin more than 1
7.8025 hks 7.803 test freq one sold 5 dec2023 to usa
7.810 hc6 wh tag 7.5 to 8 bin
7.838 hc6 blue top qty 2 bin 7 orange
7.850 stamped 7.848 measured in 7 orange bin or hc6 in 7 mhz bin possibly grn color code
7.890 WIRE LEADS Stetron blk top bin 7 ORANGE also look for one with green sides hc6 bin 7 orange also qty 8 or so in TNT bin
7.900 mhz stamped and tested at above this slightly markeed 4504.5 K-W heath HC6 size in Special Xtals bin
7.905 hc6 in 7.5 to 8
7.910 hc6 7.5 to 8 bin
7.925 mhz stamped HC6 w/white label binned in 7 ORANGE BIN
7.945 in 7 mhz bin
7.950 MHZ color coded red in TESTED XTALS TRAY ROW B
7.950 ft243 in 7.5 to 8 bin
7.9660 mhz CDBY-H long wire leads NOS rocks qty 13 in sealed bag moved to 7.5 to 8 mhz xtals from in Crystals 2019 large bin check both bins to be sure
7.993 16pf Tim blue top 7 mhz bin
72.350 on the blk pl holder 12.057 test hc25 55 to 80 bin
72.47050 14.487 166.335r xtals zzz bin
72.6663 14.510 wh tag in 55 to 80 bin qty 2
78.000 hc18 long leads 15.583 test freq blue sides 53 to 80 bin
78.990 15.790 extpg2
79.185 15.833 tested bin 2020-A
79.185,78.185,79.400 mhz
8.00 mhz (tested 8.002 mhz) part nr 766-006 (could also (perhaps) work 24mhz in 8 mhz bin also 1 red color one in 8mhz bin
8.000 mhz in Z19 xtals bin HC18 LONG LEADS
8.000mhz in right on bin also qty 5 see also 8 mhz bin also GIFT2 bin
8.000 hc18 tagged wire leads 8 to 8.5 bin some new ones DALE-20 from pat eur qty 6
8.000 hc6 lime green sides in 8 to 8.5 bin also one hc6 lime grn sides dbl branded 48.0 and 8.000
8.002 hc6 red sides 8 to 8.5 bin
8.012 24.006 hc6 24 bin
8.0014 mhz tested good xt19b bin ft243
8.0025 mhz HC6 XSEL bin
8.007 mhz measured in the FT243 bin (also labelled 144.350) also see 8 mhz bin for one similar 8.003 perhaps estimated
8.010mhz hc25 16.020 stamped value in 8 to 8.1 bin wh tag
8.014 ft243 Texas Crystals gud shape in 8 to 8.1 bin sept 19 23 from Pat
8.014 hc6 brwn sides 8 to 8.5 bin
8.020 mhz ft221 board red top
8.032 hc6 red code in 8 to 8.050 mhz bin
8.040 ft243 USA xtals bin also one hc25 in 8 to 8.1 bin yellow tape
8.041875 brown code hc6 in 8 to 8.050 bin
8.049 measured 24.13000 marked freq in the 24 mhz bin color coded orange
8.050 ft243 MON Watt Elec in 8 to 8.1 bin sept 2023
8.052 mhz tested frq has 24.13 stamped stored in 20 to 25 mhz bin
8.060 hc6 8 to 8.5 bin
8.06200 xtal bin J hc6
8.0640 mhz hc18 a 7 or 8 or more bags of 100ea sealed items M-Tron nos in crystals bagged box
8.0680 Bomar in 8 blue xtal bin
8.075 ft243 in 8 to 8.1 bin
8.075 hc6 size a bag of about qty 40 in bagged xtals box gifted to me fm smits falls 2023
8.083 hc25 wh label in 8 to 8.5 bin
8.09166 (8BLUEBIN) note: the 8 blue bin all are HC6U size and marked blue marker
8.1033 calculated 24.310 stamped value in 24 mhz bin 8.098 test freq grn sides hc6 in
8.09833 (8BLUEBIN)
8.100 (8 BLUE BIN AND ALSO CHECK 8 MHZ BIN) one in 8mhz bin pics 23may_19 listed on ebay
8.100 hc6 qty 2 blue code in 8.1 to 8.149 bin
8.103 hc6 wh tag in 8 to 8.5 bin
8.10375 mhz xtal bin J hc6
8.108 ft243 wh tape label in 8 to 8.2 bin
8.110 hc25u ft221 board
8.115 hc25 wh tag in 8.1 to 8.2 bin possiblly might work in ft221
8.120 hc25u ft221 board (for 147.120)
8.129 mhz measured in XX19 bin labelled
8.138 mhz measured 24.43 mhz stamped hc6 in 8 in 8.1 to 8.149 bin
8.140 mhz 8.144 mhz test freq labelled in 8 blue bin
8.150 (8BLUEBIN) also one xtal box J color coded blue moved to 8.150 to 8.2 bin also an ft243
8.15333 8.150 tew XCB bin grn top XTPG2
8.153846 hc6 8 blue bin
8.15384 (8BLUEBIN)
8.1590 hc25 uni HUMB bin
8.15571 mhz in 8 mhz bin
8.155714 mhz DC-16 ft243 in 8 mhz bin
8.15647 mhz hc6 xtal bin J
8.159 stamped 8.162 measured grey plastic covering in 8 mhz bin
8.160 ft243 146.88 in 8.1 to 8.2 bin
8.160 hc6 in the 8s large bin
8.175 ft243 for BC-1335 bliley in 8.15 to 8.2 bin
8.176923 YY2020 bin HC6
8.1825mhz in 8 mhz bin
8.1828 mhz in 8 mhz bin
8.183.9 147.31 ft243 in 8.1 to 8.2 bin
8.183889 Gonset FT243 in 8.150 to 8.2 bin
8.190 larger size xtal in MORE BIG ROCKS BLK TRAY
8.192 hc18 wire leads nos in 8.1 to 8.2 bin red top qty 2
8.19285 mhz hc6 crystal bin J
8.19286 (8BLUEBIN)
8.200 (8BLUEBIN)~
8.200 cr-1a/AR QTY 2 LARGER XTALS in More Big Rocks bin
8.205 mhz hc6 xtal bin J
8.20625 UNI grey color xtals bin X20
8.20769 (8BLUEBIN)
8.200 hc6 blue 8.2 to 8.249 bin
8.200 hc25u ft221 board (for 146.700)
8.20714 viol sides in 8 to 8.5 bin
8.2090 UNI grey color hc25 in HUMB bin
8.210 ft243 in 8.2 to 8.249 bin
8.220 at least 2 hc6 in 8.2 to 8.249 bin some orange
8.240741 hc6 qty 8 in bagged crystals box
8.241.5 18.945 MHZ tested freq in bin AXR
8.24615 (8BLUEBIN) QTY 2
8.258333 in large 8's bin hc6
8.259 mhz grey covering gift 1 bin ALSO one in HUMB bin 8.2590 MHZ
8.260 hc25u ft221 board
8.2692 (8BLUEBIN)
8.269231 hc6 red 8 mhz bin
8.275 (8BLUEBIN)
8.2846 in 8 mhz bin
8.2848 (8BLUEBIN)
8.296 mhz hc6 crystal bin J
8.300 mhz in 8mhz bin also 1 hc6 in 8.3 to 8.4 bin
8.30847 hc6 vio sides also stamped 144.144 in 8.3 to 8.4 bin
8.3090 HC25 UNI in HUMB bin grey
8.3167 in ft243a bin
8.332352 JK JAMES knight crystal in good condx in More Big Rocks tray
8.33945 Biley large rock in BIG20 box of crystals moved to MOREBIGROCKS black tray
8.350 ft243 mixed bag bin
8.3590 uni hc25 HUMB bin
8.375 labelled ft243 in 8.3 to 8.4 bin also another one same bin no labels
8.377 ft243 Yellow Texas crystals label in 8 to 8.5 bin
8.380 hc6 lite blue sides in 8 to 8.5 bin (8BLUEBIN)
8.438462 121.7 hc6 teal sides in 8 to 8.5 bin
8.4 mhz mid size metal rock in 8.3 to 8.4 bin
8.400 ft243 Texas crystals in 8.4 to 8.5 bin also one ft243 Ross mfg in same bin
8.407 TEST HC25 25. IN 8.4 to 8.5 bin wh tag
8.4076 (8BLUEBIN)
8.4090 gray uni hc25 HUMB BIN
8.410 hc6 with 3 separate leads (might be a crystal filter) qty abt 16 or so Snelgrove 8.4 to 8.5 mhz bin
8.410 hc6 qty 2 white tape 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.418 ft243 yel label in 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.4210 mhz qty of 8 long leads nos rocks in large bin 8s
8.425 ft243 in 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.438462 hc6 size in the large bin 8s
8.423077 hc6 lite blue sides in 8.4 to 8.450 bin
8.430 hc6 lime grn sides in 8.4 to 8.450 bin
8.440 hc25u ft221 board
8.445 hc25 or label in 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.450 mhz ft243 one marked 50.700 mhz in 8.4 to 8.5 bin may be more than 1 also one hc6
8.455 mhz qty 3 hc6 sized rock binned in Jimsxtals bins also one w/blue sides in 8.4 to 8.5 bin also at least 1 in 8's large bin also check 8mhz small bin ALSO XTALSONCCA BIN also 8 large bin
8.455 mhz 3 leads hc25 in 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.455 on a small cca in crystal assy large bin
8.458 ft241 in 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.469 a bit larger than ft243 qty 3 screws on top in MORE BIG ROCKS black tray
8.476 hc6 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.47846 red sides hc6 8.0 to 8.5 bin
8.48800 hc6 in 8 to 8.5 bin brwn sides qty 2
8.500 mhz qty 2 xtal bin J hc6 also 1 hc6 blk sides in 8.5 to 8.550 bin also 1 hc6 vio sides see also 8 large bin for 1
8.500 mhz hc25u ft221 board & 1 in 8.5 to 8.550 bin yel tape
8.500 a bit larger than ft243 2 screws on top MORE BIG ROCKS black tray
8.52520 118.100 hc6 red sides 8.5 to 8.550
8.550 ft243 8.4 to 8.5 bin
8.518 hc6 lite blue sides in 8.5 to 8.550 bin & 1 with grn sides too
8.522778 hc6 xtal bin J moved to 8.5 to 8.555 bin
8.539 161.8 hc6 8.5 to 8.555 bin yellow tape
8.54277 xtpg1
8.54615 mhz bin WGRD mid size bin (from wolf grove ham donation)
8.547272 mhz qty abt 25 in envelopes nos 5955-21-803-5984 hc6 size in bagged crystals box 1957 dates
8.500 hc6 8.5 to 8.555 viol colorone also blk sides
8.550 mhz (channel 385 (ft243 with 3 screws in the holder) in 8 mhz xtal bin;8.8625 mhz as well
8.553 161.65 hc6 labelled in 8.551 to 8.6 bin
8.5600 mhz FT221 pulled rock les smith in 8 mhz bin and labelled also see 8.551 to 8.6 bin also look in ft221 for one
8.580 mhz HC6 in 8s large bin (carboard bin in crystals area) see also 8.551 to 8.6 bin possibly sold
8.588 mhz measured - I cannot read the stamped freq in the vhf band somewhere xx19 crystals bin
8.61250 hc6 in 8.6 to 8.65 bin blue sides
8.6275 hc6 red sides in 8.6 to 8.65 bin
8.6436 grey hc18 short leads kds 8.6 to 8.65 bin
8.650 hc6 146.40 in 8.6 to 8.65 bin
8.650 ft243 in more big rocks blk tray possibly more than 1
8.724 ch23r xtpg1
8.7437 hc25u now w/wh tag in 8 to 9 bin sgc
8.746 FT243 AUGROX20
8.750 color marked blue in 8BLUE bin maybe more than 1 rock see 8.7 to 8.8 bin for 2
8.760 Marconi large xtal in More Big Rocks black tray
8.778 mhz tested and 157.89 stamped value in 8mhz bin
8.7864 in 7 mhz bin
8.8 mhz (for 147.600 )TS-700 currently on ebay April2018 in special crystals bin
8.8315 blue Z19 xtal bin was sold to a fellow for his HW9 - additional demand came in mid sept 2022
8.850 EST BY meas 26.550 ch 4r in 27 bin green oxide on one side ?bin?
8.852 measured hc6 style in 8 mhz bin
8.861 test R7 hc25 in 8.6 to 8.7 bin
8.867 mhz color blk hc6 also stamped 147.000 r in tested crystals bin row B
8.869 mhz tested hc18 a bag of about 18xtals in bagged xtals box
8.691250 hc6 147.060 r in 8.65 to 8.7 bin
8.870 mhz est by meas ch9r blk/blue top in xbr crystals bin
8.8775mhz 8.8 to 8.9 bin
8.8775mhz, 8.364mhz, 8.9135 mhz, 8.2481mhz, 8.68375 (146.94 rx); 8.364 mhz;8.9305mhz, all in 8mhz bin
8.892 mhz est by measurement blue xtal in XBR xtals bin
8.895 mhz est by measurement ch15 red/grn top in xbr bin
8.908 in 8 mhz crystals bin possibly two of these xtals
8.909 mhz estimated by measurement ch18 grn code XBR crystals bin
8.9135 hc6 size color coded blk in 8 mhz bin
8.918 mhz 8.922 mhz test freq in 8 Large bin
8.922 mhz estimated by measurement- no markings blue sides bin HC6AA
8.925 EST BY MEASUREMENT orange xtal in XBR xtals bin
8.9258 mhz estimated by measurement in bin 20ABC
8.930 MHZ and 9.085 ch22 pair in sm plastic case in ZCB1 bin no other markings on these and i think they are ch22 pair
8.935 hc25 wh label in 8.9 to 9 bin
8.928 estimated by measurement bronze code hc6AA bin
8.928 test freq hc25 in 8.9 to 9 bin white tape
8.970 8.9675 wire leads bin 20ABC
8.986 labelled LSB label on the rock now in het osc bin blue top was part of a grouping Z19 bin sold to wayne jan_2022
8.9883 labelled and CW red top hc18 in het osc bin was Z19 bin was sold to wayne jan_2022 (i got it back!!)
8.989 mhz marked USB labelled now in het osc bin red top hc18 was in bin Z19 xtals bin see others in this grouping sold to wayne jan_2022 (i got it back)
8.998 hc6 ch4 t ch4 bin 26.994?
8.99875 hc6 wire leads with a trimmer cap attached npo 5-25pf & sask bin
8.998312 mhz (model nr.) crytal filter NS Niederman Sherold INC. comes with 8.998 mhz hc6 crystal in XF ham bin Q-209-2 ser nr 163
8.9985 mhz hc6 8.95 to 9 bin (possibly 2 in stock)
8.999 mhz 26.975 mhz hc6 labelled in 8.95 to 9 bin
8.9M20 3 terminal crystal/crystal filter labelled in xtals Z19 part of a grouping sold to wayne jan_2022
86.185 39.310 tested freq 17.228 crystals bin 2020-A
87.185 mhz stamped 17.422 measured test freq in the 80 to 90 mhz bin
89.400,81.400,87.185, 83.185,80.400,85.400,86.000,80.185
9.000 MHZ HC49 regular size - I have about 30 in stock price $4.00 each US dollars and shipping can be done by low cost letter mail 9.000 mhz crystals
9.000 mhz 9.004 mhz tested in 9 mhz bin HC6 size
9.000 MHZ HC49 regular size I have about 30 in stock $4.00 US dollars each and lower cost letter mail option CRYSTAL 9.000
9.000 on the TS430S parts board (junker radio)
9.00125 HC6 sie SASK medium size bin
9.004 mhz measured tested XF903 blue top 9mhz bin
9.005 ch9t xtpg1 27.015
9.006 OR PERHAPS 9.007 estimated by measurement black hc18 no markings in 9 mhz bin white tag
9.009375 hc6 blue sides 9 to 9.5 bin one has yellow tape
9.01500 hc6 white tape label 9 to 9.5 bin
9.0115 mhz ICOM IC720 -- one now in 9 mhz bin with wh tape label also small brd IC720box also from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CBROX bin 1 sold 25feb2023
9.01315 from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CBROX bin
9.016875 hc6 blue sides in 9 mhz bin
9.0215 from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CB rox bin
9.0216 hc6 lite blue sides 9 to 9.5 bin
9.022 estimated freq by meas. ch9t copper top in xbr crystals bin
9.024mhz labelled in GIFT1 bin
9.025 hc25 ch9T CTS Knights in 9 to 9.5 bin white label
9.0315 hc25 cbrox bin
9.039 estimated by measurement hc25 yellow tag 14T 9 mhz bin
9.040 27.115 27 mhz xtal bin red label qty 2 (hvy oxidized) also another one Johnson boxed in Boxed xtals bin/drwr also hc25 w/wh tape in 9 to 9.5 bin
9.042 44 boxed johnson 13T possibly in more xtals or boxed xtals bin and one other in packaged crystals bin (small johnson box)
9.045 mhz estimated by meas W14T green xtal bin XBR crystals
9.0515 hc25 wh tag in 9 mhz bin also from SBE CB18 (sidebander 3) donation CB ROX bin
9.05833 hc6 with fat pins in 9 mhz bin
9.060 estimated by measurement red top bin XBR crystals
9.072 mhz estimated by measurement red/blue XBR crystals bin
9.072058 hc6 brown sides 9to9.5 bin
9.072 test freq vio sides in 9 to 9.5 bin
9.074 hc6 test freq 9.074 purple top in 9 to 9.5 bin
9.0775 hc6 9 to 9.5 bin possibly 2
9.081 hc25 wh tape in 9 to 9.5 bin
9.096 163.650 col code blk 100's vhf bin
9.100 hc6 blue sides 9 to 9.5 bin now moved over to Drake bins
9.015 hc6 red sides 9 to 9.5 bin
9.105 HC6 IN 9 to 9.5 bin red sides
9.116 (9.114 stamped) HC6 9 mhz bin
9.185 hc6 9 to 9.5 bin brown sides qty 2
9.200 hc6 grn sides R 30.100 M Motorola in 9 to 9.5 bin -one hc6 blu sides in 9 to 9.5 bin
9.216 hc18 blue sides M-Tron in 9 to 9.5 bin
9.223 hc25 yel tape 9 to 9.5 bin
9.2395 Bulova HC6 red top JUL BIN
9.240900 HC6 Bulova HC6 bin JUL
9.247 162.0133 stamped in 9 mhz bin color coded black
9.353 test estimate frequency mhz 152-15 in xtal box J
9.435 hc6 viol and blk sides it is a 28.318 perhaps in 9 to 9.5 rocks
9.450 mhz hc6 size in 9mhz bin one with purple sides hc6
9.520 mhz in RR2020 bin 1/2 inch lg wire leads and clear plastic sleeve on xtal also one 9.5 to 10 bin
9.520 mhz 80mtrs ft101 in ft101 bin hc25
9.528 28.590 154.95 hc6 tagged in 9.5 to 10 bin
9.534900 hc6 green top 9 mhz bin also one w/blue sides in same bin
9.542 ch3r xtpg1 28.635
9.5450 HC25 HUMB BIN
9.555 HC25 HUMB BIN
9.5650 scp hc25 HUMB BIN
9.569444 hc6 lime green sides in 9.5 to 10 bin
9.585 HC25 HUMB BIN
9.585 mhz note: TESTS AT 13.555 mhz hc6 sized rock wh label binned in Jimsxtals1 bin - there was a fellow interested for drake spr-4 but the test freq not the same as the stamped freq
9.600 hc18 wire leads 9.5 to 10 mhz bin
9.600 hc18 long wire leads qty 6 in Wayne box nos june16_23 possibly good for DRake
9.620 estimated by meas 8.805 stamped value HC6 JUL bin see also 28.875 entry
9.679375 hc6 black sides in 9mhz bin
9.7203125 black sides hc6 in 9 mhz bin
9.7500 hc6 9.5 to 10 bin red sides
9.760 mhz estimated by measurement also double stamped 29.25506 and 29.740 hc25 blue top in 9.5 to 10 mhz bin
9.791876 HC6 blue top JUL bin
9.8304 MHZ wire leads HC49 about 40 or so in its own bin
9.84831 mhz in 9 mhz bin brwn top
9.875 HC6 9 mhz bin color code blue
9.920 hc25 tew grn top in 9.5 to 10 bin
9.944 mhz qty 2 in round socket in Crystals 2019 large bin
9.955 mhz color coded blk hc6 size in 9 mhz bin (i think!)
9.957 29.885 30.340 hc6 white tag in 9.5 to 10 bin
90.0 mhz modules qty 90 in two antistatic tubes nos in crystals bagged box
90.325 hc16 qty 4 18.052 porm measured were in envelope marked erie samples 970768-1 in 90 to 100 bin grn sides
92.9686 18.568 yellow tag 90 to 100 bin
93.3250 hc18 18.639 measured estimate brown env in crystals 2019 large bin qty 2
95.000 18.973 hc6 wh tag in 90 - 100 bin
95.500 mhz in the Microwave Modules transverter of ve3urs 28 to 432 mhz (might be modified for 50 mhz input) ASSEMBLIES 2020 BOX
96.000 mhz in the Microwave Modules transverter of ve3urs 28 to 432 mhz (might be modified for 50 mhz input) ASSEMBLIES 2020 BOX
983 Kc
CH22A freq unknown.. many more to be listed as time goes on CRYSTALS: CB CRYSTAL BIN1 to 2 mhz bin: 1.782, 1.600, 1.994, 1953.2, 1.000 mhz (qty 7 of these),1.600,1.172,1.5907, 2.000
CH22A mhz continued (a nr. of these), 1.96280,
CRYSTAL 10.7 MHZ 404-562 part nr on the box stored in the 10 mhz crystals box 404-562 10.7 mhz crystal
CRYSTAL 10.7 Mhz a few of these in stock 10.7 mhz
CRYSTAL 18.27500 MHZ marked 404.315 on xtal in bin marked 2.3 Mhz CRYSTAL 18.27500 MHZ
CRYSTAL MODULES: 20 MHZ MIL SPEC M55310/14-B09A QTY 15 Mcoy in W bin $1 each 20Mhz Crystal modules (likely TTL)
CRYSTAL OVEN HUG 945550-1 115V Crystal oven 4.5 in by 1.5 inch rough dimensions 8 pin K00000056 in fall2019 box
CRYSTALS HEATHKIT (again): 2306.700kc and 2303.300kc on a slide switch (a pulled part from a Heath SSB monoband rig) see special crystals bin CRYSTALS, HEATHKIT
CRYSTALS HEATHKIT: 3393.6 KC QTY 2, 3395.4 kc QTY 2, 3393.5 KC, 3395.050 KC, 3393 UNKNOWN 404-329 HEATH NR, 3392.800 KC, 404-329
CRYSTALS I have a list on paper 26.610, 26.650 and about 30 others going up to 28.895 -- 10 and 11 meter xtals
CRYSTALS SPECIAL: 10.7OO KC 3 lead terminals used pull in SPECIAL CRYSTALS BIN
CRYSTALS TEN TEC ARGOSY -- SEE MY CRYSTALS LIST for details I have about 5 or 6 maybe more ie part nr 48032 (14.490MHZ) see special crysals bin for one also 48010 TESTED $8.00 each used tested CRYSTALS FOR TEN TEC
CRYSTALS, SURPLUS (MHZ) 1.861 in with 160mtr xtals, Crystals more to come
FT101 YAESU TRANSCEIVER CRYSTALS -- I have a number of them. in order for me to look them up... will be tested $8 each
FT301 Yaesu Transceiver crystals bin as follows: 41.500, 13.9985 (see also the 13mhz bin for 13.9985, 43.500, one marked 27.5 to 28mhz band, and possibly others if I go pull one or two from FT301 XTALS CONTINUED old FT301 scrap radios will be tested $8.00 tested FT301 Crystals
in bin VHF (near 2mtr) 149R500(46.2666), 132R650(60.975)
In the 1 to 2 mhz bin: 1.782, 1.600, 1.994, 1.9532, 1.000 mhz (qty 7 of these),1.600,1.172,1.5907, 2.000 mhz(a nr. of these), 1.96280,1.8432, 1.86160.
CRYSTALS - raw Carborudum, iron pyrite, steel gelena and others Kraft Velveeta box in 2023 drawer across from bench crystals for crystal radio catswisker ect
KENWOOD TR7200G crystal 146.16 (T) 146.34 (T) 145.03 (T) and others in the TR7200G radio
TENTEC ARGOSY PARTS - I HAVE THE following crystals for the Argosy 48032 14.490mhz, 13.990mhz, 11.000mhz, 48010 crystal (frequency not marked or measured), 14.990 mhz, 6.990mhz, 7.500 mhz EACH CRYSTAL $8 TESTED PULLED - ARGOSY CRYSTALS
VHF bin (near 2mtr) 149R500(46.2666), 132R650(60.975)
Weather Channel 1 (RWX-1) tested at 16.864mhz in xtal bin AXR
Weather Channel 2 (RWX-2) 16.839 tested in Xtal Bin AXR
XF-32A SSB filter for FT101 not tested yet - had some oxide on it bin XF HAM XF-32A
XF-90C cf 8.9993 Yaesu in Crystal Filters bin

Non Crystal Inventory

Item Description
YSK-857 Yaesu Separation kit for ft-857 in NEW NOS DRWR across from the workbench
x51-1060-10 small circuit board Kenwood in the filters bins
UTC SMALL TRANSFORMERS black cylindrical part nrs like d1-t200 and others in UTC bin
upd2114c-1 qty 1 lo9
UPC2002 NEC JAPAN mtg on hs might be a pull in earl1 bin
UPC1263C might be ecg1409 in box bob af chip
ULN2003N qty 4 dips in earl1 bin ve3ksr hpc201 on env.
ua7912kc vr 12v neg to3 LORE8 qty 2
ua723cl nos metal can multilead LORE3
ua78gkc 4 term volt reg to3 LORE8
trc-24c tested dec2021 seems to work ok has 11 xtals in it c799 final (if i still have this rig)
TR-03 I.R. TO-5 CASE - I seem to be getting bad readings on my tester and need to make more measurements on these 2 earl2 bin
TR17 NTE160 PNP Ge sm metal can LOREics bin
Toko S7AG-A033HM - 455 KHz Tank Circuit qty 10 lore7 bin nos Consisting of a fixed 1365 pF capacitor and 53 turns to make the 65-95 uH variable inductor see kits and parts com
TMO-4-1 RF TRANSFORMER module mini ciruits one primary one sec testable data sheet on file BIN LORE1
tmm314apl-1 about 8 in LO9 chips
TL082 DUAL OP AMP XREF NTE858M dip all electronics bag qty 5in LO Aug2022
tda4190 nte1633 dip in eie(2) bin tv sound ch.
TA8677N used pull japan eie(2) bin
TA7644BP Japan dip used pull in eie(2) bin
TA7612AP NTE1519 10 step led driver circuit for linear scale earl1bin (from earl1 shoebox)
STK0035N used pulls not tested yet qty 2 PA modules AF in bin STK0035N
SRD-12VDC-SL-C 10AMP mini power relay for appliances qty 3 in earl2 bin
SNJ5493AJ Earl1a bin
SN79273N DIPS QTY 3 in lore ics
SN7474aN---Texas Inst.---Dual "D" type Flip-Flop---2 piece from EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange label
SN7405J in eie(2) bin - note tested good with my ic tester 13 oct 2023
SLF-D12 NTKK JAPAN qty 4 in Ceramic Filters bin
SK-3020 SK3020 in bag 2023 NOS shoe box
SK-3004 SK3004 in bag 2023 NOS shoe box
SHF0289 SHF-0289 QTY 5 surf mt in case .05 to 6 ghz 1w GaAs hfete IGGY SMALL BIN (MID SIZE BIN)
SFU455a xref to 272-1302 radio shack blister pack of 2 in LORE NOV22 BIG DRWR also ORANGE 3 lead ceramic filter MILT5 bin SFU455A
sdy455 dialer chip G1 in brown envelope earl1shoebox now moved to earl1 bin could find no specific info on line search
SBL-1 eby1 bin
SBF-2 MFJ SSB filter - note: modified item that is good as a small project case in DEC 13 2022 box
S152 ARMACO 2 pole 5 postn rotary sw new in package single wafer switch in active plus shoe box
RS-7105 NTE123AP npn glob toop LOREICS BIN
RNC60H1472BS 14.7 kilohm .1pct tol in REZBOX1
RLR32C5100GP 5905-00-451-4118 sample nos package in LORE NOV22 box
rj500cp103 probably Vernitron pot small metal and plastic 10kilohm small round in LOICs bin
RF SAMPLER assy c/o SO239 PL259 and a bnc at bottom stored in dec132022 box needs to be tested flea market pssble
RF1736H 8 pin metal modules qty 3 eie box
R3585 7 RCA TO66 NO CROSS REFs found on line in R3585 7 RCA LORE2 bin
PT3190D nos unused in earl1 bin for etsy oct16-23
PT3190b PT3190C PT3190d qty 2 1970 dates - on a vhf amp module in LORE nov22 plastic box big
PRO-38 HANDHELD SCANNER REALISTIC no audio but other functions seem ok - fix up - in with vhf hh rigs box
PN2222 about 20 in bag PAT shoebox
NDSU10 possibly ECG171 npn to202 transistors qty 4 used pulls in bag in LORENOV2022 large pl drwr bin
NC3FX female 3 pin xlr connector nos in orig bag nos in the big plastic drawer LORENOV22
NATIONAL SA8958 SLUG tuned coil
n connector pins in GOOD PINS bin
N75Q 2 lead transistor like device could be a variable cap diode LORE6 bin qty 3
N1BCO BALUN hf for lightning bolt quad nos in the big plastic drawer LORENOV22
mz-24hg-c dip relay in relay w bin
Murata CFU455e Ceramic filters bin about 20 or so
MRF433 NO NTE NR RF PARTS BAG nos2023 shoebox
mpsa55 lore3
mps5172 lore2
mpf102 lore6 old pull
MJE210 NTE185 (PNP) Audio Power Amp, SW TO126 lore ics
MJ4035 NTE249 si npn DARLINGTON i in bag sealed bag LORENOV2022 LARGE PL DRWR BIN
MC145152P pll Freq synthesizer in LOICs bin qty 9
MC14528 4528 C/MOS timers chips in esd safe foam EARLONE SHOEBOX QTY 3
MC14051B AND MC14051BCP in lore8 bin
MC10125P NO NTE NR MC10125P Quad MECL to TTL Transistor DIP16
MC10124L (cerdips qty 3) and MC10124P (qty 2) ETSY LISTING JULY 2022 see EIE(2) bin
MC7824CP in original Motorola blister pack 1973 dated TO127 case similar to NTE972 in EIE bag/box
MC7808CP QTY2 OLD original motorola blister packs eie box
MC6840PD, MC6840P ea qty 1 MC6850PD qty 2 MC6850P - eie box and listed on etsy 12 oct 2023
mc1741cp 741 chips 8 lead gold 1973 vintage qty 4 EIE bin(2)
mc1733cp chip lore6
MC1669L QTY 3 cerdips eie(2) bin
MC1590g RF IF AMP QTY 2 METAL CANS eie box (keep for my radio fixing)
MC1488L NTE75188 ic Diode Transistor Logic (DTL) Quad Line Driver lore8 qty 2
MC1010P 7414 Motorola ECL Nor gates etsy dec4-22 in LORE5 bin 4 chips
MBR1045 EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labeL
MB5318N QTY 6 in its own bin orange tag on bin
MAX7427CPA+ qty2 genuine in supplier box in pat shoebox
MAR-4 NOS Minicircuits qty 4 in PAT SHOEBOX
MAN6680 7 SEG LEDS and some other MAN ones LORE6
M-9475 NTE102 EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labe
M57726 pulled rf output module in LORE5 bin along with some other ft270rh parts i pulled including 2 xtals
m9570 nte123ap npn transistor motorola lore6
m9476 to1 no nte on line bin lore4
m9475 nte102 to1 qty2 bin lore4
M904-12 and M726 (361-1) in same bin w/both part nrs as label possible etsy try no data nte search
LM3914N 10 SEGment bar graph driver
LM1304N NTE718 FM multiplexer demux box bob 2 or 3 --SOLD ETSY 12SEPT2023
LM393N QTY 4 LORE8 NTE943, NTE943M, & NTE943SM Integrated Circuit Low Power, Low Offset, Dual Voltage Comparator
LM350KSTEEL in lo9 nos to3
lm350k 3a vr to3 LORE8
lm317 small low powr abt 8 in lore6 & 2 TO3 one in earl1 bin
LIGHT Activated Circuit (kit in plastic bag) in Dec 2022 box
lamps, mini incandescent 12v 35ma w/9 inch flexible leads BLIND BULBS
LA7952 9 PIN SIP USED PULL eie(2) bin
la6541-x jvc ic in nos packaging in LORE6 BIN - SMALL surface mount style
KP565RY5 dip chips pics jul13_23 for etsy qty 14 in LORE9 BIN
KM4164A-15 QTY 20 HOLD TO TEST in future in lore7 bin also one MN4164P
Kits and parts bin RF amp kit uses 2n5109
KITS and Parts bin qty 10 2sc5706 transistors
kits and parts bin 5 watt cw amp board and maybe some parts
KD5526 1 NOS 9 USED TESTED GOOD xsistorx eie box listed on etsy
IRTR57-C silicon transistor to-66 in DEC13 2022 BOX
HVPR10-1 NTE548 12KV 50A BIG DIODE meant for microwave oven LORE7
HVPR10-1 8314 NTE548 TAIWAN GI 649B740 high power diode Silicon High Voltage Rectifier in dec2022 box in a bag w/the relays
HA1-2405-5 QTY 2 gold chips stored in holders eie box
GPD462 Avantek NOS but had to clean them up because of storeage foam deterioration qty 2 in EIE box
GI 754 nte5814 6A 400v diodes qty 5 in LORE3
GENERAL RADIO COMPANY TYPE 971 pot - i have a data sheet - needs testing LORE1 BIN
GE-18 NTE128 i think in Active plus shoe box GE blister pack
GE-1 PNP Ge xref to NTE100 or ECG100 new in blister pack has master xref on back in LORE9 bin
ft270rh front panel parts incl a potentiometer and others in LORE5 bin along with some other ft270rh parts i pulled including 2 xtals
FR153 1500v 1/2amp diodes qty 2 or 3 in LORE3
for Industrial/Microwave Ove
FK804-12 dc (12v) PWM dc motor control in with kits and end items bin is FK804-12 Future kit
F9368DC 9368DC 7 seg led driver chips qty 14 OLD OBSOLETE *need to build cir to test in Earl1A bin see Earlone shoe box for env. w/datasheeets
f25a lore6
ES20 NTE123 METAL CAN BLISTER PACK in Active plus shoebox
ES8 NTE 160 Ge PNP RF/IF MIXER AMP transistor in Active plus shoebox
EN3906 nte159 PNP gen purp qty 12 glob tops in earl1bin gold leads
ELECTRONIC FLASHER for signal lights in LORENOV2022
ED-3 NTE112 SMALL signal schottky diode in Active plus shoebox
ECG1278 5.8 W audio pwr amp sil equiv to TA7222 types or SK3726 in ACTIVEplus shoe box
ECG950 in box NTE950 7812 type 12v small 100 ma in PAT SHOE BOX
ECG772A NTE772A replaces MFC8020A class b audio driver Active plus shoe box
ECG396 NTE396 2N3440 is similar in Active plus shoe box
ECG384 nte384 similar to 2n3766 in active plus shoe box
ECG181 NTE181 TO3 Si high power npn audio transistor in LORE8 bin
ECG154 NTE154 8 NOS bags in Activeplus shoe box SIMilar to 2n3114
ECG123 NTE123 TO-39 version qty 2 in Active Plus shoe box
ECG121 NTE121 in bag in Active Plus shoebox
ECG109 NTE109 5 pack in Pat Shoebox
ECG102 NTE102 qty 4 nos bags in ACTIVE PLUS shoebox
ECG84 NTE84 PNP Si dual transistor in Active plus shoebox
DTUL94651 QTY 3 in LOREICs bin
DTG-110 NTE104 Ge PNP audio to3 Delco Green lettering nice in LORE6 bin
double diode TO220 w/nice mounting system
DM8830N supposedly- no part number on this drawer full of chips
DG201ACJ LOREIcs bin
D2058 NTE377 EARL1 BIN
D1765 NTE261 lore8
D526 TO220 bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labe
CRYSTALS - raw Carborudum, iron pyrite, steel gelena and others Kraft Velveeta box in 2023 drawer across from bench crystals for crystal radio catswisker ect
cp643 n channel fet datasheet on cpu stored earl1 bin
CP140 POWER FETS n channel RF devices qty 14 data sheet on cpu qty 4 on etsy jan14-2023 in metal drawers for fets
CL44BJ0501a1P2 5 UF CAPACTORS unique style in LORE nov 22 box
ck1123m raytheon raysistor BIN LORE1
CGE54 (MAYBE) cant read full pn LORE3 bin
cg900651L1315 resistors gold leads 12.7k ohm about 12 qty and RLR07C1272 12.7KOHM abt 3 in LORERRR BIN
cg2-1000L currently 4 on etsy jan 2023 in LORE7 bin
CD4066 14066 278-2466 radio shack blister pack quad analog sw in earlone shoebox
CD4030CN in Addison plastic bags qty 2 in DEC13 2022 BOX
cd4011ae loreics bin
CBROX BIN Knobs Cobra Sound tracker: also an214q also c1306
CA3046 RCA QTY 4 DIPS NTE912 bin ck rqd also 2 in Earl1A bin nos General Purpose Transistor Array (Three Isolated Transistors and One Differentially Connected Transistor Pair)
CA3015 RCA MET CAN QTY 4 EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labe
c4927 2sc4927 NTE2636 NPN Horz defln blind river stuff NOS2023shoebox
C4834 TO220 EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labeL
c2166 2sc2166 nte235 rf to220 transistor 2 to 3 watts in LORE6 bin
c2073 to220 nte375 LORE6
c2026y to220 not sure about nte cross might be a pull from a cb BIN LORE1
C1377 SOLD JUNE 12_2023 TO220 PULL from CB in good condx 2sc1377CBrox bin tested works fine leads abt 1/2 in lg xref to nte236
c1306 nte235 rf transistor to220 NEC in LOre6
c460 sm xsistr in lore6
c458c nte289 npn af xsistor in lore7
C106B1 NTE5455 4A SENS GATE TO202 EIE in bin LORE2 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labe
C106B1 EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labe
BUZ11 NTE2389 n ch mosfet in earl1 bin
BH4R4 GE 4 LEAD BRIDGE RECT canadian made round about 1 in h .4 in dia roughly BIN LORE1
bfr93a qty 2 nos in NOS2023shoebox 3 lead surf mtg
BFG135 qty 10 npn 7 ghz wideband transistor (sells for around 50 cents to $1 each) in IGGY SMALL BIN
bf960 12 of these nos in black pouch in Wayne box
BC237A NPN NTE123 but watch pinouts qty 8 earl1 bin
bag of double female bnc conectors (good for flea market giveawaY nos in the big plastic drawer LORENOV22
B1185 nte 2674 pnp to220 in lore6 bin
AZ830-2C-48DE Zettler 48VDC 5.76 KOhm 2A DPDT THT Polarized DIP Relay W relays bin about 10 or so
AZ830-2C-48DE DPDT ZETTLER RELAYS sm blk case about 10 in mid size W bin 48VDC 5.76 KOhm 2A DPDT THT Polarized DIP Relay
ATLAS 210X relay nos 14v substitute relay LORE5 bin
AN5250 DIPS with sm. heatsink on one end eie(2) bin qty 2
AN214q sip audio likely used pull LORE6
AD592AN qty 8 on etsy jan 13 2023 Analog Devices AD592AN Precision IC Temperature Transducer original devices 1984 dated items LORE7 BIN
ac126 hfe 76 in lore6 bin
AC123 TFK similar to NTE102A PNP Ge rectangular
a6a-10r switch used pulls qty 8 in LORE8 bin
27E152 27E126 27E163 plug in relay sockets in Meters for sale box (for Etsy) done around 5 nov 2022
70200002 q10 q11 antenna cca small surf mt transistors bag of maybe 106 in bag LORENOV2022 LARGE PL DRWR BIN
1495412 or 14-954-12 TO202 LORE2 BIN also I have a whole bin dedicated to data nte ect across from fishing tackle room
75492 MC790 MC724 MC7892 from CB pulls bin LORE6
48194 SPEC 48194 OHMITE series A rheostat measured resistance possibly .5 ohm (not sure) in LORE NOV22 box
041256c-15 qty 2 chips
40820 and 40822 LORE6 BIN DG MOSFET PULL and nos not tested yet
14308 NTE964 to220 8v voltage reg in LO9 BIN w/tag from CB ROADTALKER 40 CB
7815 to220 lore3
7812 to220 lore1 bin
7812 lore3
7806 BIN LORE4
7496 chips qty3 BIN LORE1
7483 lore6
7433 N7433A Signetics in eie(2) bin
7408 lore4
7404 qty3 eie2bin
7402 types ttl about 10 or so in the ttl bin 740*
5082-2800 qty 4 eie box
4700 uf electrolytic 35v snap in radial leads TSW CE low esr good japan caps abt 15 in dec 13 2022 box in bag
3342/15c 5962-00-588-9593 Burr Brown module black about 2 inches by 1.25 in. and about 5/8 in h multilead EIE box qty1
3307/12C 5962-00-452-0975 BURR BROWN 7 LEADS LISTED ON ETSY EIE BOX
1000pf qty 5 with ARCO doumentation 500wv mica square in bag in Active plus shoe box
980MB8 no nte nr 7410 3 lead transistor large plastic case lore6 bin
831a-1 qty 2 dip relays w relay bin
805-12 transistor lore6 bin
725hc f725hc metal can lore2 bin
601-06 nte121 ge pnp DELCO GM Orange lettering TO3 Nice LORE6
417-235 heath part nr nte159 pnp gen purp xsistor BIN LORE1
390uf 200v NIPPON Chemicon snap in circuit brd mtg caps qty abt 20 in m/m box MORE CAPS ESR spot tested and they seem good
276-1050 no nte nr Bilateral Trigger Diac (bidirectional tyristor) in active plus shoebox
276-069 SUBMINI led indicator lamp nos pack panel mtg fixture nos in the big plastic drawer LORENOV22
275-248 spdt 10a pc board mt OUDH-SS-1120 QTY 2 IN LORE BOX DEC132022
275-213 12vdc spdt dip relay archer nos in the big plastic drawer LORENOV22
275-206 Radio Shack relay in blister pack 12vdc Plug in relay with socket NOS in NOV22 LORE box
273-102 RF choke 100 uh in LORE6 bin
74s112n qty 4 dual jk ff ttl eie box old original fairchild blister packs
74ls367BIN LORE4
73-005 MIDLAND handheld - works but battery dead in Dec13 2022 box
60HF20R LARGE STUD MT DIODE METAL bin LORE2 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labe
56d55-1 tex inst chip no nte nr in eie(2) bin
50R1A60 xref to NTE5568 SCR 80AMP 600v 1na1 mm box
48-83654H01 marked on each diode 54H01 with M Motorola no nte cross found abt 10 or so in Motorola little bag in LORE Nov22 box
40hf60r similar to NTE5994 (polarity) 40A 600v DO5 case metal w/original boxes qty 3 and mtg nut ect in 1NA1 mm box
33z5 GE in LORE9 bin wh tag
30D2 IR nte125 1amp 1000v LORE3
22pf surface mt bag of qty 103 in big plastic drawer LORENOV22
16-55 115pf rectangular ceramic trimmer in Earl1bin
15uh ceramic slug tuned red core abt 1/4 in dia in LO9 bin
014-248 Motorola 5961-00-088-1614 qty 5 in LORE3 note: no data on this item or nte cros tested as an NPN transistor metal case
12au7a BIN LORE1 qty2
10 ohm 2watt nos in pack NTE flameproof resistor in LORE NOV22 box
10k or 11k pot 1/8 in shaft and knob lore1
3Kohm 3,000 ohms 25 watt Ohmite Dividohm in box ceramic w/hole and 2 mtg holders and orig box in package prts dwr across fm bench
2.5 TO 6 PF PIHER ceramic trimmer caps IN dwr across from bench (2023) etsy 28nov23 abt maybe 50 or so
2sc2166 c2166 nte235 rf final to220 from blind riv not rf tested yet in bin LORE6 possibly 2 of these one tests 2.6
2sc2078 NTE235 qty 4 RF transistors TO220 from Pat eur RF transistors bin
2sb861 nte 398 taiwan 2016 pnp vert tv horiz transistor to220 wh label in earl2 bin
2sb172 LORE3 bin
2n6558 to202 NTE171 qty 3 Silicon NPN TransistorAudio/Video A LORE2 BIN
2N5682 NTE324 FT30MHZ QTY 2 EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labeL
2N5680 quantity 2 EIE box
2n5638 nch jfet all electronics bag qty 5in LO Aug2022
2N5458 nte 457 n channel jfet - in stock about 40 from tayda in metal bins same as 2N5457
2n5449 nte123 lore8
2n5449 nte123a in lore6
2n5322 NTE16004 (PNP) lore6
2N5179 KOREA STAMPED ON TOP QTY 20 Pat Shoebox
2N5109 TYPE NTE278 2 bags of ECG278 in ACTIVE PLUS shoebox
2N4441 EIE box qty 6 motorola
2n4427 BIN LORE1
2n4403 nte159 lore7 also 3 in earl1 bin
2n4391 nte466 planned for etsy qty 3 eie box
2N4238 nte324 qty 2 lower hfe readings in box bob note: 8 sold on etsy 3nov2022
2N4037 NTE129 PNP in EIE box
2N3906 NTE159 PNP gen purp in earl1bin
2n3904 lore3 AND LORE6 multiples
2n3904 2n2222 BIN LORE4 2n3906 too
2n3789 xref to NTE219 pnp to3 med speed switch/power on a small cca in eie box (not an eie item)
2n3771 to3 LORE8
2n3771 qty 10 new from malaysia ebay nov2 2023 in dec 13 2022 box also see box bob
2N3640 NTE159 pnp gen purp glob top xsistor LORICs bin
2n3055 to3 LORE8 several also 2 in eie box bagged w/hs compound and mtg hardware
2n3053 lore3 qty 2
2n3053 BIN LORE1 & lore5
2N2528 ge pnp nte127 original old packages Motorola in eie box
2N2222 LORE6 BIN
2n2102 rca 6544 LORE3
2n1893 NTE128 2 old transistor in LORE8 bin
2N1540 NTE121 Ge PNP AF output Lore2 bin
2n1306 nte101 in lore6
2n1305 276-2007 pnp ge xsistr archer blister pack nos also qty 3 sm. boxes in NOS 2023 shoebox (etsy) dec 18 2023
2N582 RAY NTE100 (PNP) Germanium Complementary Transistors Oscillator, Mixer for AM Radio,Medium Speed Switch LOREICS
2n393 nte126 in lore6 pnp ge
2n383 xref nte102 qty 2 pat eur shoebox
2N274 LORE6
1N5461C QTY 2 in original Motorola pl bags eie box
1N5349 QTY 2 EIE in bin LORE1 (leftovers) started 5jul2022 orange labeL
1n4937 qty4 nte552 600v 1a rect diodes fast recovery in LORE8 BIN
1n4384 itt about 30 or so in its own bin - etsy aug 2022- nte5804 3amp 400v rectifier
1n4152 lore6
1n4001 pack of diodes nos nos in the big plastic drawer LORENOV22
1N3828A NTE137A ZD METAL 6.1V 1W LORE1
1n3314r xref to nte5257a 15v 50w metal stud mtg nos part in zenerdiodes high pwr bin
1N3211r NTE5947 15A 300v DO5 case metal in 1NA1 mm box wh tape label
1n3064 xref to nte519 (same as 1n914) 20 in EIE bag in eie box
1n3007b NTE5222A zener diode 110v 10A metal stud earl1 bin
1n2970b nte5181a 6.8v zd 10w metal lore6 possibly more than 1
1n1593a nte5186a 10v 10w metal zener lore6
1N1358RA M/M BOX 1NA1
1n645 nte116 earl1a bin qty 2
1N252 1NA1 M/M BOX

Netty Electronics