Advanced Components Practice Exam Overview

The Advanced Components Practice Exam is a crucial component of the preparatory path for those aiming to achieve the Advanced Amateur Radio certification, particularly targeting the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Advanced Amateur Radio Exam. This specialized exam draws from a comprehensive pool of questions, encompassing all 12 courses dedicated to the advanced aspects of amateur radio technology and operations. Each attempt at the exam presents a unique set of 25 questions, randomly selected from a total pool of questions that thoroughly cover the following key areas:

  1. Semiconductor Materials and Doping: This section tests the candidate’s understanding of the properties and doping processes of materials like Germanium, Silicon, and Gallium Arsenide to create P-type and N-type semiconductors.
  2. Diodes: Questions focus on various diode types, including point-contact, junction, hot-carrier, and Zener diodes, along with their specific applications in radio communications.
  3. Transistors: This area evaluates knowledge on the operation and application of NPN and PNP transistors in amplification and switching.
  4. Field-Effect Transistors (FETs): Candidates are tested on their understanding of JFETs and MOSFETs, their characteristics, and their roles in radio systems.
  5. Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs): This section assesses the candidate’s grasp of SCRs and their utility in circuit power control.
  6. Amplifiers: Knowledge on the different classes of amplifiers (A, AB, B, C) and their application in radio communications is evaluated.
  7. Amplifier Circuits: The exam differentiates between discrete and integrated circuit amplifiers, focusing on their uses.
  8. Operational Amplifiers: Questions cover the properties and applications of operational amplifiers in amateur radio.
  9. Mixers and Frequency Multipliers: Understanding of the role of mixers and frequency multipliers in signal processing is tested.
  10. Digital Logic Elements: This section checks the candidate’s basic knowledge of digital logic and its applications in radio communications.
  11. Quartz Crystals: The exam explores the properties and applications of quartz crystals, especially in frequency stabilization.
  12. Advanced Filter Circuits: Knowledge of AF and RF filter circuits and their significance in signal processing is assessed.

The dynamic nature of the exam, with its 25 questions randomly selected for each attempt, ensures a comprehensive testing experience, encouraging candidates to achieve a deep and broad understanding of advanced amateur radio components and theories. This approach not only prepares candidates for the certification exam but also enhances their practical knowledge and skills in amateur radio operations.

Well done on finishing the Advanced Components Practice Exam from the QSL Advanced Amateur Radio course. This exam, with its 25 questions pulled from a large pool covering all 12 topics, was a critical step in testing your knowledge in advanced amateur radio components and theories.

Your success in this exam shows you’ve got a strong grasp of key areas like semiconductor materials, diodes, transistors, amplifiers, and more. These are essential for anyone looking to excel in the Advanced Amateur Radio certification and practical amateur radio operations.

Now that you’ve proven your skills in this area, it’s important to move on and complete the rest of the QSL Advanced Amateur Radio course material. This will prepare you fully for the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Advanced Amateur Radio Exam. Keep focused, and use this exam as a stepping stone towards mastering the complete course content.

Keep it up, and good luck with the rest of your studies and the upcoming certification exam!

73 Don VE7DXE


8.1.2 Advanced Components and Circuits Section

Advanced Amateur Radio – Advanced Components Practice Exam


Take the Advanced Components Section Exam offered by’s QSL Courses to test your knowledge on a key area of amateur radio. This Exam features 25 questions randomly generated from a pool of 131 questions which comprise the Advanced Components section of the course.

The Exam is designed to be both informative and flexible, allowing multiple attempts to ensure a deep understanding of the course content. It’s an excellent tool for anyone preparing for their Advanced Amateur Radio certification or looking to refresh their knowledge. Direct links to each QSL Course are provided below making it easy to find more information on topics you’re unsure about.

Take your time and work through each QSL Course as you work your way through the Advanced Amateur Radio course material. This Section Exam and all the other Quizzes from QSL Courses are a great and effective way to prep for the Spectrum management and Telecommunications Advanced Amateur Radio Exam.


Good luck, and enjoy the learning process.

73 Don VE7DXE

2.1. Germanium, silicon, gallium arsenide, doping, P-type, N-type
2.2. diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier, Zener, etc.
2.3. transistors – NPN/PNP
2.4 field effect transistor (FET), JFET, MOSFET
2.5 silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR)
2.6 Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C
2.7 amplifier circuits – discrete and IC
2.8 operational amplifiers, properties, and applications
2.9 Mixers and Frequency Multipliers
2.10 digital logic elements
2.11 quartz crystal – properties and applications
2.12 advanced filter circuits – AF, RF

1 / 50

Category: Transistors – NPN/PNP

A-002-003-008: Which component conducts electricity from a positive emitter to a negative collector when its base is made negative?


2 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-010: Which class of amplifier operates over the full cycle?


3 / 50

Category: Transistors – NPN/PNP

A-002-003-007: The beta of a bipolar transistor is specified for what configurations?



4 / 50

Category: germanium, silicon, gallium arsenide, doping, P-type, N-type (Semiconductors)

A-002-001-002: In what application is gallium-arsenide used as a semiconductor material in preference to germanium or silicon?


5 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-002: Which class of amplifier has the highest linearity and least distortion?



6 / 50

Category: Mixers, frequency multipliers

A-002-009-002: What are the principal frequencies that appear at the output of a mixer circuit?

7 / 50

Category: Quartz crystal – properties and applications

A-002-011-007: Electrically, what does a crystal look like?

8 / 50

Category: Operational amplifiers, properties, and applications

A-002-008-005: What is the input impedance of a theoretically ideal op-amp?

9 / 50

Category: Advanced filter circuits – AF, RF

A-002-012-002: What are the distinguishing features of a Butterworth filter?

10 / 50

Category: Amplifier circuits – discrete and IC

A-002-007-006: In the common emitter amplifier, when the input and output signals are compared:

11 / 50

Category: Transistors – NPN/PNP

A-002-003-011: Beta of a bipolar transistor is equal to:





12 / 50

Category: Advanced filter circuits – AF, RF

A-002-012-008: Where you require bandwidth at VHF and higher frequencies about equal to a television channel, a good choice of filter is the:

13 / 50

Category: Silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR)

A-002-005-011: Which of the following is a PNPN device?

14 / 50

Category: Quartz crystal – properties and applications

A-002-011-005: A quartz crystal filter is superior to an LC filter for narrow bandpass applications because of the:

15 / 50

Category: Digital logic elements

A-002-010-001: What is a NAND gate?

16 / 50

Category: germanium, silicon, gallium arsenide, doping, P-type, N-type (Semiconductors)

A-002-001-006: What are the majority charge carriers in N-type semiconductor material?



17 / 50

Category: Digital logic elements

A-002-010-003: What is a NOR gate?

18 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-001: What is the principal characteristic of a Zener diode?


19 / 50

Category: Advanced filter circuits – AF, RF

A-002-012-003: Which filter type is described as having ripple in the passband and a sharp cutoff?

20 / 50

Category: Transistors – NPN/PNP

A-002-003-002: What is the beta of a bipolar transistor?



21 / 50

Category: Field effect transistor (FET), JFET, MOSFET

A-002-004-004: Why are special precautions necessary in handling FET and CMOS devices?


22 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-006: Which of the following classes of amplifier provides the highest efficiency?


23 / 50

Category: Digital logic elements

A-002-010-010: What type of digital logic is also known as a latch?

24 / 50

Category: Transistors – NPN/PNP

A-002-003-004: What is the alpha of a bipolar transistor in common base configuration?



25 / 50

Category: Operational amplifiers, properties, and applications

A-002-008-003: What determines the gain of a closed-loop op-amp circuit?

26 / 50

Category: germanium, silicon, gallium arsenide, doping, P-type, N-type (Semiconductors)

A-002-001-004: What type of semiconductor material contains more free electrons than pure germanium or silicon crystals?


27 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-006: Structurally what are the two main categories of semiconductor diodes?


28 / 50

Category: Mixers, frequency multipliers

A-002-009-007: In a frequency multiplier circuit, an inductance (L1) and a variable capacitor (C2) are connected in series between VCC+ and ground. The collector of a transistor is connected to a tap on L1. A fixed capacitor (C3) is connected between the VCC+ side of L1 and ground. The purpose of C3 is to:

29 / 50

Category: Quartz crystal – properties and applications

A-002-011-009: Which of the following properties does not apply to a crystal when used in an oscillator circuit?

30 / 50

Category: Silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR)

A-002-005-004: Under what operating condition does a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) exhibit electrical characteristics similar to a forward-biased silicon rectifier?



31 / 50

Category: Silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR)

A-002-005-007: The silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) is a member of which family?



32 / 50

Category: Operational amplifiers, properties, and applications

A-002-008-006: What is the output impedance of a theoretically ideal op-amp?

33 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-004-008: Electron conduction in an n-channel depletion type MOSFET is associated with:



34 / 50

Category: Operational amplifiers, properties, and applications

A-002-008-004: What is meant by the term op-amp offset voltage?

35 / 50

Category: Quartz crystal – properties and applications

A-002-011-010: Crystal oscillators, filters and microphones depend upon which principle?

36 / 50

Category: Quartz crystal – properties and applications

A-002-011-001: What is a crystal lattice filter?

37 / 50

Category: Mixers, frequency multipliers

A-002-009-010: In a frequency multiplier circuit, an inductance (L1) and a variable capacitor (C2) are connected in series between VCC+ and ground. The collector of a transistor is connected to a tap on L1. A fixed capacitor (C3) is connected between the VCC+ side of L1 and ground. C3 is a:

38 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-007: What is a common use for point contact diodes?


39 / 50

Category: Operational amplifiers, properties, and applications

A-002-008-009: What is an inverting op-amp circuit?

40 / 50

Category: Silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR)

A-002-005-009: Which of the following devices has anode, cathode, and gate?



41 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-010: If a Zener diode rated at 10 V and 50 watts was operated at maximum dissipation rating it would conduct ____ amperes:




42 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-008: What is one common use for PIN diodes?



43 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-011: The power-handling capability of most Zener diodes is rated at 25 degrees C or approximately room temperature. If the temperature is increased the power handling capability is:




44 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-001: For what portion of a signal cycle does a Class A amplifier operate?



45 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-003: What is a common use for the hot-carrier (Schottky) diode?



46 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-005: For what portion of a signal cycle does a Class C amplifier operate?


47 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-009: Which class of amplifier has the poorest linearity and the most distortion?



48 / 50

Category: Field effect transistor (FET), JFET, MOSFET

A-002-004-003: Why do many MOSFET devices have built-in gate protective Zener diodes?


49 / 50

Category: Mixers, frequency multipliers

A-002-009-006: In a frequency multiplier circuit, an inductance (L1) and a variable capacitor (C2) are connected in series between VCC+ and ground. The collector of a transistor is connected to a tap on L1. The purpose of the variable capacitor is to:

50 / 50

Category: Amplifier circuits – discrete and IC

A-002-007-010: The FET amplifier common drain circuit is similar to which of the following bipolar transistor amplifier circuits?

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