3.2 PEP, PEP relative to average power, PEP relative to the voltage across the load

Transmitter Power and Measurements

This chapter provides a focused examination of transmitter power and measurements, crucial for any amateur radio operator looking to advance their understanding and capabilities. We begin with the foundational concept of Peak-Envelope Power (PEP), exploring its significance in determining the maximum power output of transmissions. Through a progression from basic amplitude measurements to complex calculations of PEP under various conditions, the chapter aims to equip readers with the skills necessary for accurate power assessment and adjustment. It covers essential techniques for measuring voltage across dummy loads, converting peak-to-peak measurements to RMS values, and understanding the impact of these measurements on transmission quality and regulatory compliance. By the end of this chapter, operators will have a solid foundation in managing transmitter power efficiently, ensuring their transmissions are clear, effective, and within legal limits.