The Final Exam is the culmination of the Advanced Amateur Radio course, designed to test your comprehensive understanding and skills across all the essential areas covered in the course, including:

1 Advanced Theory
2 Advanced Components and Circuits
3 Measurements
4 Power Supplies
5 transmitters, neutralisations
6 Receivers
7 Feedlines – Matching and Antenna Systems

By integrating knowledge from these varied but interconnected topics, the exam assesses your readiness to tackle the practical and theoretical challenges of advanced amateur radio, aligning with the requirements for the Spectrum Management Advanced Amateur Radio License.

Essential for those aiming for the Spectrum Management Advanced Amateur Radio License, this exam evaluates your proficiency in everything from basic electronics to the complexities of antenna systems, ensuring a thorough preparation for both the certification exam and practical operation.


8.1.8 Final Exam

Advanced Amateur Radio – Final Exam

This exam consolidates your knowledge across critical topics, including electronics theory, operating practices, measurements, and antenna systems, among others, preparing you for the Spectrum Management Advanced Amateur Radio License. It’s your opportunity to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the field, crucial for advancing in amateur radio.

1 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-007: Which of the following classes of amplifier would provide the highest efficiency in the output stage of a CW, RTTY, or FM transmitter?



2 / 50

Category: Radiation resistance, antenna efficiency, beamwidths

A-007-008-001: What is meant by the radiation resistance of an antenna?

3 / 50

Category: Single, double-conversion superheterodyne architectures

A-006-001-004: In a communications receiver, a crystal filter would be located in the:

4 / 50

Category: Intermediate Knowledge

What is the purpose of a “choke” in RF circuits?

5 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-010: If a Zener diode rated at 10 V and 50 watts was operated at maximum dissipation rating it would conduct ____ amperes:




6 / 50

Category: Detection, audio, automatic gain controls

A-006-004-001: What audio shaping network is added at an FM receiver to restore proportionally attenuated lower audio frequencies?

7 / 50

Category: Advanced filter circuits – AF, RF

A-002-012-006: On VHF and above, 1/4 wavelength coaxial cavities are used to give protection from high-level signals. For a frequency of approximately 50 MHz, the diameter of such a device would be about 10 cm (4 in). What would be its approximate length?

8 / 50

Category: AM, single sideband, linearity, two-tone tests

A-005-004-005: The peak power output of a single-sideband transmitter, when being tested by a two-tone generator is:

9 / 50

Category: Ground and elevation effects, vertical radiation (take off) angles

A-007-007-008: Greater distance can be covered with multiple-hop transmissions by decreasing the:

10 / 50

Category: Filter circuits, bleeder resistor functions

A-004-002-007: In a power supply, series chokes will:

11 / 50

Category: Field effect transistor (FET), JFET, MOSFET

A-002-004-002: What is a depletion-mode FET?


12 / 50

Category: Signal processing – AF, IF, and RFs

A-005-007-003: Which of the following functions is not included in a typical digital signal processor?

13 / 50

Category: Advanced filter circuits – AF, RF

A-002-012-007: A device which helps with receiver overload and spurious responses at VHF, UHF and above may be installed in the receiver front end. It is called a:

14 / 50

Category: Mixers, frequency multipliers

A-002-009-002: What are the principal frequencies that appear at the output of a mixer circuit?

15 / 50

Category: Antenna tuner/transmatch, impedance matching circuits

A-007-001-008: How does a network transform one impedance to another?

16 / 50

Category: Linear and switching voltage regulator circuits

A-004-003-002: What is one characteristic of a switching voltage regulator?

17 / 50

Category: Amplifiers – Classes A, AB, B, and C

A-002-006-002: Which class of amplifier has the highest linearity and least distortion?



18 / 50

Category: Single, double-conversion superheterodyne architectures

A-006-001-011: The advantage of a double conversion receiver over a single conversion receiver is that it:

19 / 50

Category: Field effect transistor (FET), JFET, MOSFET

A-002-004-010: Hole conduction in a p-channel depletion type MOSFET is associated with:


20 / 50

Category: Series-resonance

A-001-003-011: What is the value of capacitance (C) in a series R-L-C circuit, if the circuit resonant frequency is 14.25 MHz and L is 2.84 microhenrys?

21 / 50

Category: Diodes – point-contact, junction, hot-carrier and Zener

A-002-002-004: What limits the maximum forward current in a junction diode?


22 / 50

Category: PEP, PEP relative to average power, PEP relative to the voltage across the load

A-003-002-003: Peak-Envelope Power (PEP) for SSB transmission is:

23 / 50

Category: Waveguide, microstrip lines

A-007-009-004: For rectangular waveguide to transfer energy, the cross-section should be at least:

24 / 50

Category: Electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, skin effect

A-001-002-008 In what direction is the magnetic field oriented about a conductor in relation to the direction of electron flow?

25 / 50

Category: Operational amplifiers, properties, and applications

A-002-008-009: What is an inverting op-amp circuit?

26 / 50

Category: Antenna tuner/transmatch, impedance matching circuits

A-007-001-002: For an antenna tuner of the “Series” type, which of the following statements is false?

27 / 50

Category: Filter circuits, bleeder resistor functions

A-004-002-001: Filter chokes are rated according to:

28 / 50

Category: Transformer and rectifier circuits, voltage doubler circuit, PIPs

A-004-001-004: A full-wave bridge rectifier circuit makes use of both halves of the AC cycle, but unlike the full-wave centre-tap rectifier circuit it does not require:

29 / 50

Category: Dip meters, signal generator

A-003-003-009: Which two instruments are needed to measure FM receiver sensitivity for a 12 dB SINAD ratio (signal + noise + distortion over noise + distortion)?

30 / 50

Category: Performance limitations – instability, image, spurious, etc.s

A-006-005-007: Intermodulation interference is produced by:

31 / 50

Category: AM, single sideband, linearity, two-tone tests

A-005-004-001: What type of signal does a balanced modulator produce?

32 / 50

Category: Losses in real antenna systems, effective radiated powers

A-007-006-005: A transmitter has an output power of 200 watts. The coaxial and connector losses are 3 dB in total, and the antenna gain is 9 dBd. What is the approximate Effective Radiated Power of this system?

33 / 50

Category: Transformer and rectifier circuits, voltage doubler circuit, PIPs

A-004-001-009: What are the two major ratings that must not be exceeded for silicon-diode rectifiers used in power-supply circuits?

34 / 50

Category: Transmitters, neutralisations

A-005-003-004: An advantage of keying the buffer stage in a transmitter is that:

this is a hint

35 / 50

Category: Time Constant – Capacitance and Inductance

A-001-001-001: What is the meaning of the term “time constant” in an RL circuit?


36 / 50

Category: Linear and switching voltage regulator circuits

A-004-003-003: What device is typically used as a stable reference voltage in a linear voltage regulator?

37 / 50

Category: Mixers, frequency multipliers

A-002-009-009: In a circuit where the components are tuned to resonate at a higher frequency than applied, the circuit is most likely a:

38 / 50

Category: RF, IF amplifiers, selectivity

A-006-003-008: The noise generated in a receiver of good design originates in the:

39 / 50

Category: Time Constant – Capacitance and Inductance

A-001-001-006: After two time constants, the capacitor in an RC circuit is charged to what percentage of the supply voltage?


40 / 50

Category: Oscillator circuits, phase-locked loop (PLL)s

A-005-001-003: How is positive feedback coupled to the input in a Pierce oscillator?

41 / 50

Category: Digital logic elements

A-002-010-006: What is an EXCLUSIVE NOR gate?

42 / 50

Category: AC – peak, peak-to-peak, average, RMS

A-003-001-010: What is the peak-to-peak voltage of a sine wave that has an RMS voltage of 120 volts?

43 / 50

Category: Intermediate Knowledge

Which component is often used to stabilize the voltage in a circuit?

44 / 50

Category: Losses in real antenna systems, effective radiated powers

A-007-006-003: What is the Effective Radiated Power of an amateur transmitter, if the transmitter output power is 200 watts, the transmission line loss is 5 watts, and the antenna power gain is 3 dBd?

45 / 50

Category: Antenna feed arrangements – tee, gamma, stubs

A-007-003-011: A Yagi antenna uses a gamma match. The variable capacitor connects to the:

46 / 50

Category: Regulated power supplies Transmitters, Modulation, and Processing

A-004-004-004: The regulation of long-term changes in the load resistance of a power supply is called:

47 / 50

Category: Advanced Antenna Design

What is the primary radiation pattern of a vertical antenna over perfectly conducting ground?

48 / 50

Category: Single, double-conversion superheterodyne architectures

A-006-001-009: A single conversion receiver with a 9 MHz IF has a local oscillator operating at 16 MHz. The frequency it is tuned to is:

49 / 50

Category: Velocity factor, the effect of line terminated in non-characteristic impedances

A-007-002-010: The reciprocal of the square root of the dielectric constant of the material used to separate the conductors in a transmission line gives the ____________ of the line:

50 / 50

Category: Transmitters, neutralisations

A-005-003-005: As a power amplifier is tuned, what reading on its grid current meter indicates the best neutralization?

Your score is

The average score is 93%


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