RF Power Amplifiers

This chapter delves into the operational principles and design considerations of RF power amplifiers, a critical component in radio communication and transmission systems. Starting with the adjustable PI network in transmitter power amplifiers, the chapter discusses how output tuning controls facilitate efficient power transfer to the antenna, crucial for maximizing signal strength and radiated energy. It explores the significance of different configurations and components in amplifier circuits, such as the role of center-tap return connections in preventing unwanted modulation and the use of specific capacitors and chokes to maintain stability and performance. The chapter also addresses grounded grid amplifier designs, particularly with triode vacuum tubes, examining how various connections like cathode to RF choke and plate to pi-network are established for optimal operation. Understanding these aspects is vital for anyone involved in RF communication, offering insights into how amplifiers function and are tuned to ensure effective signal transmission and reception.

  • A-005-002-001: The output tuning controls on a transmitter power amplifier with an adjustable PI network:

    Output Tuning Controls in Transmitter Power Amplifiers (A-005-002-001)

    Optimizing Power Transfer to Antenna: Question A-005-002-001 explores the function of output tuning controls on a transmitter power amplifier with an adjustable PI network. The correct answer, D. allow efficient transfer of power to the antenna, highlights the role of these controls in optimizing the power transferred from the amplifier to the antenna. This efficient transfer is crucial for maximizing the radiated radio signal strength and minimizing losses. The adjustable PI network in the power amplifier acts as a bridge, ensuring that the maximum amount of power is effectively radiated by the antenna.


    1. Water Flow Through Pipes: Just as valves are adjusted to ensure efficient water flow through a piping system, the output tuning controls optimize power transfer to the antenna.
    2. Tuning a Musical Instrument: Similar to fine-tuning a musical instrument for optimal sound, these controls fine-tune the power transfer for maximum efficiency.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Maximizing Radiated Signal Strength: Key function of output tuning controls.
    2. Efficiency in Power Transfer: Essential for reducing losses and enhancing transmission.
    3. Role of Adjustable PI Network: Acts as a mediator between the amplifier and antenna.
    4. Crucial for Effective Transmission: Vital for ensuring strong and clear radio signals.
    5. Technical Skill in Operation: Requires precise adjustments for optimal performance.

    A-005-002-001: The output tuning controls on a transmitter power amplifier with an adjustable PI network:

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  • A-005-002-002: The purpose of using a center-tap return connection on the secondary of transmitting tube's filament transformer is to:

    Center-Tap Return Connection in Transmitters (A-005-002-002)

    Preventing Modulation by AC Filament Supply: Question A-005-002-002 inquires about the purpose of a center-tap return connection on the secondary of a transmitting tube’s filament transformer. The correct answer, B. prevent modulation of the emitted wave by the alternating current filament supply, points out that this design prevents unwanted modulation of the radio wave due to the AC filament supply. The center-tap return helps balance the filament current, ensuring a stable and unmodulated emission, crucial for maintaining the purity and clarity of the transmitted signal.


    1. Balancing Scale in Measurement: Like a balancing scale ensuring even weight distribution, the center-tap return ensures balanced filament current for stable signal transmission.
    2. Noise Cancellation in Audio Systems: Similar to noise cancellation in headphones, the center-tap return connection helps eliminate unwanted signal variations.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Prevention of Unwanted Modulation: Primary purpose of the center-tap return connection.
    2. Stability in Signal Emission: Ensures a clean and unmodulated radio wave.
    3. Importance in Transmitter Design: A crucial aspect for maintaining signal integrity.
    4. Balancing Filament Current: Reduces signal variation due to AC supply.
    5. Enhancing Transmission Quality: Vital for clear and accurate radio communication.

    A-005-002-002: The purpose of using a centre-tap return connection on the secondary of transmitting tube's filament transformer is to:

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  • A-005-002-003: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the input signal is applied to:

    Grounded Grid Amplifier and Input Signal (A-005-002-003)

    Input Signal Application in Grounded Grid Amplifier: In Question A-005-002-003, the focus is on where the input signal is applied in a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube. The answer, B. the cathode, indicates that in this amplifier configuration, the input signal is applied to the cathode. This setup is effective for amplifying the input signal and is characteristic of grounded grid amplifiers, which are known for their high gain and stable operation. Applying the signal to the cathode allows for efficient signal amplification, making this configuration popular in various RF applications.


    1. Fuel Injection in Engines: Like injecting fuel into an engine for efficient combustion, applying the signal to the cathode efficiently drives the amplification process.
    2. Starting Point in a Relay Race: Similar to a runner starting a relay race, applying the input signal to the cathode initiates the amplification sequence in the amplifier.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Cathode as Input Point: Key characteristic of grounded grid amplifiers.
    2. Efficient Signal Amplification: Ideal for high-gain applications.
    3. Popular in RF Amplification: Widely used in radio frequency systems.
    4. Stable Amplifier Operation: Known for their stability and reliability.
    5. Crucial Design Element: Vital for the effective functioning of grounded grid amplifiers.

    A-005-002-003: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the input signal is applied to:

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  • A-005-002-004: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the plate is connected to the pi-network through a:

    Plate Connection in Grounded Grid Amplifiers (A-005-002-004)

    Plate-to-Pi-Network Connection in Amplifiers: Question A-005-002-004 explores how the plate is connected in a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube. The correct answer, A. blocking capacitor, indicates that a blocking capacitor is used to connect the plate to the pi-network. This capacitor serves a crucial role by preventing DC voltage on the plate from reaching the pi-network while allowing the radio frequency (RF) signal to pass through. The use of a blocking capacitor is essential for maintaining the proper functioning of the amplifier and ensuring that only the desired RF signal is amplified and transferred to subsequent stages.


    1. Filter in a Water System: Similar to a filter allowing only clean water through while blocking contaminants, the blocking capacitor lets only the RF signal pass while blocking DC.
    2. Security Gate in a Facility: Like a security gate that allows authorized personnel while blocking others, the blocking capacitor selectively allows the RF signal through.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Selective Signal Passage: Allows only RF signals to pass to the pi-network.
    2. Blocks DC Voltage: Prevents DC from the plate from interfering with the network.
    3. Essential for Amplifier Functionality: Key component in grounded grid amplifiers.
    4. Ensures Signal Purity: Maintains the integrity of the RF signal.
    5. Critical in Circuit Design: A fundamental aspect of designing effective RF amplifiers.

    A-005-002-004: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the plate is connected to the pi-network through a:

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  • A-005-002-005: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the plate is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:

    Plate-to-RF Choke Connection in Amplifiers (A-005-002-005)

    High Voltage Connection in RF Amplifiers: Question A-005-002-005 pertains to the connection of the plate in a grounded grid amplifier to an RF choke. The correct response, B. B+ (high voltage), reveals that the other end of the RF choke is connected to the high voltage supply (B+). This configuration is crucial for ensuring that the plate operates under the correct voltage conditions while preventing RF signals from entering the power supply. The RF choke acts as a barrier to RF signals, while allowing DC from the power supply to pass through to the plate, essential for the amplifier’s proper operation.


    1. One-Way Valve in Plumbing: Like a one-way valve that allows water flow in one direction but blocks the reverse, the RF choke allows DC but blocks RF signals.
    2. Traffic Control Barrier: Similar to a barrier that permits only certain vehicles to pass, the RF choke selectively allows DC to the plate while blocking RF.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Connects Plate to High Voltage: Links the amplifier’s plate to the B+ supply.
    2. RF Signal Barrier: Prevents RF from entering the power supply circuit.
    3. Allows DC Passage: Essential for supplying necessary voltage to the plate.
    4. Key in Amplifier Design: Integral for grounded grid amplifier functionality.
    5. Maintains Operating Conditions: Ensures the amplifier works under correct voltage.

    A-005-002-005: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the plate is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:

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  • A-005-002-006: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the cathode is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:

    Cathode-to-RF Choke Connection in Amplifiers (A-005-002-006)

    Bias Connection in Grounded Grid Amplifiers: In Question A-005-002-006, the focus is on the connection of the cathode to an RF choke in a grounded grid amplifier. The answer, C. B- (bias), indicates that the other end of the RF choke is connected to the bias voltage (B-). This setup is vital for establishing the proper operating conditions of the amplifier. The RF choke allows DC bias voltage to reach the cathode while preventing RF signals from affecting the bias circuit. This configuration ensures the stability of the amplifier’s operation and maintains the correct biasing of the vacuum tube.


    1. Filter in an Electrical Circuit: Similar to a filter blocking unwanted frequencies, the RF choke allows bias voltage while blocking RF signals.
    2. Traffic Diverter: Like a diverter that directs vehicles to the correct lane, the RF choke directs the bias voltage to the cathode and prevents RF interference.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Bias Voltage Delivery: Connects the cathode to the bias voltage source.
    2. RF Signal Blocking: Ensures RF signals don’t interfere with biasing.
    3. Stabilizes Amplifier Operation: Crucial for maintaining correct tube operation.
    4. Integral to Circuit Design: A key component in grounded grid amplifiers.
    5. Ensures Proper Tube Biasing: Vital for the effective functioning of the amplifier.

    A-005-002-006: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the cathode is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:

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  • A-005-002-007: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the secondary winding of a transformer is connected directly to the vacuum tube. This transformer provides:

    Transformer’s Secondary Winding in Amplifiers (A-005-002-007)

    Filament Voltage Provision in Vacuum Tube Amplifiers: Question A-005-002-007 examines the purpose of a transformer’s secondary winding connected directly to a vacuum tube in a grounded grid amplifier. The correct answer, A. filament voltage, highlights the transformer’s role in providing the necessary filament voltage. This voltage heats the tube’s filament, enabling electron emission, which is fundamental to the tube’s amplification process. The filament voltage must be carefully controlled to ensure the tube operates efficiently and reliably, making the transformer an essential component in vacuum tube amplifiers.


    1. Heating Element in an Appliance: Like a heating element in an oven or kettle, the transformer provides the necessary heat (voltage) to the filament for operation.
    2. Ignition in an Engine: Similar to an ignition system starting an engine, the transformer’s filament voltage initiates the electron emission process in the tube.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Provides Filament Voltage: Essential for heating the tube’s filament.
    2. Initiates Electron Emission: Key to starting the amplification process.
    3. Crucial for Tube Efficiency: Ensures the tube operates effectively.
    4. Fundamental Component in Tube Amplifiers: Integral to vacuum tube amplifier design.
    5. Reliability and Performance: Vital for the longevity and effectiveness of the amplifier.

    A-005-002-007: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the secondary winding of a transformer is connected directly to the vacuum tube. This transformer provides:

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  • A-005-002-008: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, what would be the approximate B+ voltage required for an output of 400 watts at 400 mA with approximately 50 percent efficiency?

    B+ Voltage Requirement for Amplifier Output (A-005-002-008)

    Calculating High Voltage for Output Power: Question A-005-002-008 queries about the approximate B+ voltage needed in a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube to achieve a specific output power with a certain efficiency. The correct answer, C. 2000 volts, underscores the need for a high B+ voltage to attain 400 watts of output at 400 mA with about 50% efficiency. This calculation takes into account the amplifier’s power requirements and efficiency, highlighting the significance of selecting the right voltage level for optimal performance. Proper B+ voltage ensures the amplifier can deliver the desired power output while maintaining efficiency and tube integrity.


    1. Fuel Requirement in a Car Engine: Just as a car engine requires a specific amount of fuel to produce a certain power output, the amplifier needs an appropriate B+ voltage for desired performance.
    2. Energy Input in a Heating System: Similar to how a heating system needs a specific energy input to achieve a desired heat output, the amplifier requires a certain voltage for the needed power.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. High Voltage for Desired Output: 2000 volts needed for 400 watts output at 400 mA.
    2. Efficiency Consideration: Takes into account the amplifier’s efficiency.
    3. Power Calculation Importance: Essential for optimal amplifier operation.
    4. Impact on Tube Performance: Affects the vacuum tube’s functioning and longevity.
    5. Key in Amplifier Design: Vital for determining the power supply requirements.

    A-005-002-008: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, what would be the approximate B+ voltage required for an output of 400 watts at 400 mA with approximately 50 percent efficiency?

    Your score is

  • A-005-002-009: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, each side of the filament is connected to a capacitor whose other end is connected to ground. These are:

    Filament By-Pass Capacitors in Amplifiers (A-005-002-009)

    Role of By-Pass Capacitors in Amplifier Filaments: In Question A-005-002-009, the function of capacitors connected to each side of the filament in a grounded grid amplifier is examined. The correct answer, B. by-pass capacitors, indicates their role in stabilizing the filament supply. These capacitors filter out unwanted fluctuations or noise in the filament voltage, ensuring smooth operation of the vacuum tube. The by-pass capacitors are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the filament supply, which is critical for the consistent performance of the amplifier.


    1. Stabilizers in a Power Supply: Like stabilizers that smooth out voltage fluctuations, by-pass capacitors ensure a steady filament supply.
    2. Shock Absorbers in Vehicles: Similar to shock absorbers smoothing out bumps on the road, these capacitors filter out voltage variations for stable tube operation.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Filtering and Stabilizing Role: By-pass capacitors smooth the filament voltage.
    2. Ensures Smooth Tube Operation: Prevents fluctuations from affecting the tube.
    3. Crucial for Amplifier Reliability: Essential for consistent amplifier performance.
    4. Component in Vacuum Tube Amplifiers: Integral part of tube amplifier circuitry.
    5. Enhances Overall Efficiency: Contributes to the effectiveness of the amplification process.

    A-005-002-009: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, each side of the filament is connected to a capacitor whose other end is connected to ground. These are:

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  • A-005-002-010: After you have opened a VHF power amplifier to make internal tuning adjustments, what should you do before you turn the amplifier on?

    Safety Precautions for VHF Power Amplifiers (A-005-002-010)

    Ensuring Amplifier Safety After Adjustments: Question A-005-002-010 concerns the necessary steps to take before turning on a VHF power amplifier after making internal adjustments. The correct response, B. Be certain all amplifier shielding is fastened in place, emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all shielding is properly secured. This precaution is vital for preventing electromagnetic interference and ensuring the safe and effective operation of the amplifier. Proper shielding maintains the integrity of the amplifier and the surrounding equipment, making it a crucial step in the maintenance and adjustment process.


    1. Safety Checks in Machinery: Similar to performing safety checks before starting industrial machinery, ensuring amplifier shielding is secure prevents hazards.
    2. Sealing a Pressure Cooker: Like sealing a pressure cooker before use, fastening the amplifier shielding ensures safe and proper operation.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Importance of Secure Shielding: Crucial for preventing interference and ensuring safety.
    2. Post-Adjustment Precaution: Necessary step after making internal tuning adjustments.
    3. Safety and Performance: Affects both the safety and effectiveness of the amplifier.
    4. Electromagnetic Interference Prevention: Essential for maintaining signal integrity.
    5. Routine in Amplifier Maintenance: Part of standard procedure in handling VHF amplifiers.

    A-005-002-010: After you have opened a VHF power amplifier to make internal tuning adjustments, what should you do before you turn the amplifier on?

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  • A-005-002-011: Harmonics produced in an early stage of a transmitter may be reduced in a later stage by:

    Harmonic Reduction in Transmitter Stages (A-005-002-011)

    Tackling Harmonics in Early Transmitter Stages: The focus of Question A-005-002-011 is on reducing harmonics generated in the early stages of a transmitter. The correct answer, C. tuned circuit coupling between stages, highlights the use of tuned circuits to filter and remove unwanted harmonic frequencies. This technique is effective in ensuring a cleaner and more efficient transmission, as it selectively allows desired frequencies to pass while blocking or attenuating harmonics. The use of tuned circuit coupling is a strategic approach to enhancing the overall quality of the transmitted signal.


    1. Filter in a Sound System: Like a sound system filter that only allows certain frequencies to pass, tuned circuits selectively block harmonics for cleaner transmission.
    2. Sorting Mechanism in Recycling: Similar to a sorting system in recycling that separates materials, tuned circuit coupling isolates and reduces unwanted frequencies.

    Question Summary and Key Takeaways:

    1. Selective Frequency Transmission: Tuned circuits filter out unwanted harmonics.
    2. Enhances Signal Clarity: Improves the quality of the transmitted signal.
    3. Effective in Early Stages: Used to tackle harmonics before they propagate.
    4. Key in Transmitter Design: Essential for efficient and clean radio transmission.
    5. Technical Approach to Signal Purity: Demonstrates a strategic method in signal processing.

    A-005-002-011: Harmonics produced in an early stage of a transmitter may be reduced in a later stage by:

    Your score is

Insights into RF Power Amplifiers

In this chapter, we navigated the complex world of RF power amplifiers, uncovering the nuances of their design and functionality. Key topics included the optimization of power transfer to antennas using output tuning controls in transmitter power amplifiers and the role of center-tap return connections in preventing AC-induced modulation. We also explored the grounded grid amplifier design, where input signals are applied to the cathode and connections such as the plate to the pi-network and the plate to the RF choke are crucial for efficient operation. The significance of proper biasing, the use of blocking and by-pass capacitors, and the importance of maintaining safety and shielding in VHF amplifiers were also discussed. Additionally, the chapter covered strategies for reducing harmonics and the necessity of tuned circuit coupling for clean transmission. This exploration not only enhances our understanding of RF power amplifiers but also emphasizes their critical role in radio communication systems, highlighting the importance of precision and careful design in ensuring effective and reliable signal amplification.

5.2 RF power amplifiers

Welcome to the Chapter Quiz!

Remember, each question is an opportunity to apply the QSL method and solidify your understanding of each topic. Take your time, think it through, and enjoy the challenge.

You need a score of 70% to pass the Quiz, but why not take a bit more time to review the course content and ‘shoot’ for 100%. Simply review the material again and re-take this Quiz.

Best of luck!

73 Don VE7DXE


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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-001: The output tuning controls on a transmitter power amplifier with an adjustable PI network:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-002: The purpose of using a centre-tap return connection on the secondary of transmitting tube’s filament transformer is to:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-003: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the input signal is applied to:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-004: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the plate is connected to the pi-network through a:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-005: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the plate is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-006: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the cathode is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-007: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the secondary winding of a transformer is connected directly to the vacuum tube. This transformer provides:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-008: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, what would be the approximate B+ voltage required for an output of 400 watts at 400 mA with approximately 50 percent efficiency?

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-009: In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, each side of the filament is connected to a capacitor whose other end is connected to ground. These are:

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-010: After you have opened a VHF power amplifier to make internal tuning adjustments, what should you do before you turn the amplifier on?

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Category: RF power amplifiers

A-005-002-011: Harmonics produced in an early stage of a transmitter may be reduced in a later stage by:

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